The System: Civilian Shinobi

[A Goodbye and a Promise!]

[A Goodbye and a Promise!]


"Team 10, Ino Yamanaka, Chouji Akamichi and Shikamaru Nara"     

A scream of horror woke me up as I saw Ino bang her head against the desk and Chouji and Shikamaru exchanging a quite high-fi.     

'So, the legendary Ino-Shika-Cho formation is back together again. Although the chemistry between the current clan heirs is not similar to that of the original Ino-Shika-Cho, in time they can be formidable. What about our team though, at least I got Shino. Him, Chouji, and Shikamaru are the only guys I can honestly tolerate at this point for a longer period of time.'     

I looked at Hinata and she looked disappointed by the team selection. 'I guess that was a given...Forget about her for now, I hope our Jounin-sensei isn't favorable towards clan children because it takes too much SP to learn skills from the system. I want to save those points for bloodlines. Just because of one bloodline I managed to gain so much, wonder what would happen if I am able to gain multiple bloodlines...'     

------------Somewhere in the newly formed Sound village------------     

Orochimaru was working on some experiments when he suddenly shivered…     

'Hmmm, looks like I have some competition...'     

------------Class A-1------------     

'Okay, that felt wrong...anyway I need a lot of training to advance from a chunin to a I need to train my elemental affinity. I have been using fire jutsu's for 4 years now but they still felt a little off...' I went through my skills tab as Iruka Sensei sorted everyone into new teams.     

"Okay everyone, you can leave for lunch but be here at 2 P.M to be introduced to your Jounin sensei's..."     

I stood up and walked towards the gate, 'I know Hinata will go follow Naruto and Shino probably will go back home. It is still 8:15 A.M. I need to go back to my spot and get some training in...'     


As I was walking out of the academy a sudden shout stopped me. I looked back to see Hinata and Shino coming towards me.     

'Huh! Hinata looks kinda cute in that overgrown lavender hoodie...'     


"Hyuga-san!", "Aburame-san" I bow my head a little politely to both of them and they mimicked my bow.     

I raised an eyebrow at Hinata as she was the one who stopped me from going out just now...She seemed to be hesitating a bit before finally coming to a conclusion and saying, "Shou-san, as we are a team now I think we should spend some time together and get to know each other better in order to cooperate easily during missions...We could perhaps have lunch together?"     

'Don't react excitedly, she is the fucking Hyuga heiress, you don't stand a chance.'     

"Well, it would only be fair if you call me Tobi instead of my surname, you are the Hyuga heiress, you don't need to show courtesy to a commoner. The same goes for you Aburame-san" I nodded at them.     

"Then you can call me Hinata too!"     

"You can refer to me as Shino"     

I nod at them politely and finally relax a little before saying, "I wanted to ask the same of both of you but didn't know how to approach the topic. Anyway, Lunchtime is still a little bit away at the moment, how about a spar?"     

"Sure Tobi-san"     

I nod at them and headed in the direction of my spot as both Hinata and Shino followed me.     

------------Somewhere in the Training ground 2------------     

I dashed through some bushes before finally arriving back to the hidden spot in the training ground 2. I notice a familiar figure standing aside leaning against a tree. I leave my two teammates behind and ran towards Hayate-Sensei.     

"Hayate-Sensei! Good Morning!" I smile as I arrive before him. He stopped leaning against the tree and came stood up.     

"Morning Tobi-chan!" I puff my cheeks at his familiar greeting before saying, "Wanna spar!" His eyes dimmed a little and he coughed a little... I quickly went through the seals for mystical palms and placed my hands on his chest as green healing chakra increased his cell's self-healing ability. I concentrated on healing his discomfort as Hinata and Shino arrived in the clearing.     

Hayate-Sensei stopped coughing and I stopped healing his chest after a little while as the green chakra flickered and died down.     

'Damn it...I can barely hold it for 15 seconds before I lose concentration. I need to buy more medical knowledge, bloodlines can wait...'     

"You can take it a little easy my prodigy..." I look up to see Hayate-Sensei smiling a little.     

'The bags under his eyes are a little less pronounced than before so I guess it is helping a little...'     

"Hai Sensei!" I beam at him as he ruffled my hair.     

"Regarding calling me sensei and the spar, I'm sorry we can't do that anymore."     



Perhaps looking at the emotions on my face he sensed something and continued, "You have a new sensei starting today, so I can't interfere with your training anymore..."     

"Hai!" I nod and tried to ignore talk more but I choked up so I stood there looking down.     

Hayate-Sensei placed a hand on my shoulder as I looked up in his eyes, "You were a wonderful student, and I tried to take you as an apprentice, but I realized that you need a team to support you reach the greatness you are destined to achieve. Plus Konoha needs you, so as fellow shinobi's of Leaf I hope we can one day defend it together… Grow well Little-leaf!"     

He ruffled my hair once again before started walking away leaving me staring at his back. Coming back to my senses I bowed at 90 degrees before saying, "It's a promise, Hayate-Sensei. Remember your words to me, you better not lose my sword to anyone else...Arigatou!!" I stayed with my head bowed until I could feel Hayate-Sensei's sword leave my senses. Speaking of things I could sense I look towards the two people hidden in the trees…     

[Kurenai Yuhi]     

[Yugao Uzuki]     

'...She's here again, but who is the other one?'     

I ignore both of them and look at Hinata and Shino, both of them are looking at me a little embarrassed to have witnessed a private moment. I rub my eyes a little before sighing and sitting down beneath the same tree that Sensei just vacated.     

'...Arigatou Sensei.'     


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