In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

99. Conclusion

99. Conclusion

Jean also perceived two people approaching towards them and felt their power with her senses. Feeling their power, she got in front of King like a protective shield.     

"What are you doing?" King looked at her behaviour with a teasing smile and asked.     

"Protecting you?" Jean asked a bit puzzled. It was like a conditional reflex and the most natural thing for her to do.     

"I appreciate the effort but no need they are friends". King patted her head and Jean just closed her eyes like a puppy. Only a tail needed to be behind and you would see it wagging furiously.     

Scott on the side was looking at this interaction with a scowl on his face. He had actually developed a Crush on Jean when she saved them along with a Stockholm Syndrome when she also gave them a good amount of shock.     

The two incoming people landed near them. Charles was flying on the jet that X-men use and Erik was just flying by himself.     

"Hey guys". Charles greeted while being on a wheelchair and he was being pushed forward by another guy.     

The guy pushing Charles out of the jet was Gambit and there were a couple more people behind them. They were all part of X-Men.     

This guys is actually not bad. He is able to manipulate Kinetic energy to some extent but he is not all that strong either.     

"So what did you do with those other guys?" King looked at them and asked.     

"Killed". Erik landed lightly on the ground and said it like the most common thing in the world.     

"We neutralised him and he is under my care". Charles smiled lightly and said something that only he knew the full depths of.     

Of course, King also knew by what he meant in having that guy under his care but he didn't care. He was never a saviour.     

"Okay, good job. Now, we have some fellows here and ask them with whom they want to go?" King pointed at the mutant children and others from all range of age standing there.     

"I'll go first". Erik said and walked forward towards them.     

"Do you want revenge agains the guys that did this to you and want to stand above these Humans as you deserve? Then join me and we will make Mutants the rulers of this world". Erik didn't talk nonsense and said where it hit home.     

You could clearly see that the children on the opposite didn't understand much or care much because they were more afraid than anything but the older Mutants were moved.     

They were actually more intensely experimented on than the children and the hatred inside them was endless.     

They couldn't wait to tear those guys some new holes and finally take their revenge. So more than half of the older Mutants joined Erik readily.     

Then the rest continued and King mostly took the children away to provide them a safe learning environment away from all the fighting.     

Logan went together with Charles like in the movies. They all waited there for their own rides to arrive.     

"So Charles, did you smash?" King got close to Charles and asked while looking at the blue skinned mystique.     

"No". Charles flinched as soon as he heard the question but kept his face straight.     

"Pussy". King said in a heavy voice and smiled at the blue madonna.     

Mystique also didn't shy away and nodded back at King with a small smile. They were considered acquaintances at least.     

"Alright, we are off". King smiled and looked at the approaching jumbo jet. It was big enough to hold at least two hundred people and it could land anywhere.     

As soon as the jet came around. King took the children and some older Mutants in before the jet flew off without wait.     

As soon as they were sitting down. King found that he seemed to be back to his young days again in the seat.     

Because Jean was clinging to his arm happily with a smile and refused to let go like she found the rarest diamond in the world.     

"Jean". King called softly and the rest of the words died down in his throat when he looked at that sweet smile on her face.     

"Hmm?" Jean turned her head to look at King and asked with a happy hum.     

"Nothing, let's watch a movie". King diverted the topic naturally and lamented at his own fate and pheromones that naturally come out of him.     

Plus the part of Phoenix Force inside also doesn't help with Jean's case since it makes him look like the rarest delicacy in the world in her eyes.     

Like this, they spent the time in the plane and they arrived at the institute campus without any setbacks in the middle.     

King handed the kids and the others over to some staff and also told Jean to take care of the matter. Then he went towards the dorms.     

'I should get back to work now as well'. King felt the need to return back to the company and came to his dorm.     

"Hey stop that". Some cheerful voices were coming from inside the room and King entered the room curiously.     

"What are you guys doing?" He looked at the cotton and feather along with Memory foam that was spread around the whole dorm.     

There was Freja, Elaine, Diane, Hela, Emma, Death, Yggdrasil and even Phoenix in the room enjoying themselves with pillows up in the air.     

Hela's and Freja's faces had a slight smile while the smiles on Elaine, Diane, Emma, Death and Phoenix's face were widest and Yggdrasil's face was stoic.     

But she was still using the pillow and King caught her red handed here. Her Pillow was even in the air and she was preparing to smash it down.     

"We thought to let Emma be acquainted with everyone and called Death and the others". Diane answered the question as soon they processed that thought.     

"Hmm, so you are telling me that beings who could literally disintegrate the whole universe with one slip up were having a pillow fight?" King looked at them with a raised eyebrow while questioning.     

"Yeah." Diane replied and lowered her head with other like she did something wrong.     

"I say why the heck not. Take this". King suddenly jumped in and threw a pillow straight to Emma's face that sent her flying back.     

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