In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

93. Date

93. Date

"Thanks". All of them thanked him but Emma didn't look very intrigued with what King did.     

"King, come here". Emma motioned him with her hand and King moved towards to hear what she wanted to wanted to ask.     

"What is it?" King stepped and asked with confusion. 'What is there to discuss now?'     

"Just". Emma said this and immediately moved in for the kiss. King first thought of just dodging but then allowed it.     

It wasn't like he was losing anything out of it. So it was all good. He just let her kiss and kissed back as well.     

"Hahaha, got you". Emma was immediately happy and laughed when her sneak attack succeeded.     

"Yeah". King nodded and then led the four out of the mansion and into the car with him.     

He had already made a reservation at a High end restaurant and he was going to take the date there today.     

Even in these War times, the lifestyle of the top rich hasn't really been affected much. It's only the general populace that suffers usually.     

The large Consortiums and the rich usually get a lot of privileges and make more money during war times by selling everywhere.     

They don't make a difference between enemy and allies. They just want to sell their products and commodities.     

Ford had also done the same during World War and no one was able to say shit. They just upped their money and left content.     

"What kind of Hotel is it?" Freyja was in full anticipation of the night and asked agin and again.     

"You will know after we get there". King smiled and gave a cryptic answer.     

"Hmph, always with your mysteries". Freyja harrumphed dissatisfiedly and turned her head away.     

"King, can you give me some wine please?" Elaine didn't act like Freyja because she knew that they will get there eventually anyway.     

She just sat beside King while leaning her head on his shoulder and asked him to pass her a glass of wine.     

"Alright". King nodded his head and passed a glass of red wine over to her.     

"Anybody else?" He looked at the other three and asked.     

"I want some please". Emma and Diane said at the same time and got a glass of wine as well.     

Freyja on the other hand just inflated her cheeks and kept sitting there with a pout. She had no plans to talk at the moment.     

"Come here, my Goldfish". King couldn't bare the cute look and took Freyja into his arms.     

Then he touched her inflated cheek with his fingers from both side and gently pressed to make the air go out of her mouth.     

"Stop it". Freyja laughed and lightly slapped King's hand. There was a wide smile on her face. She loves these antics of his.     

"All better now right. It is a surprise. So how can I just spoil it before we even get there". King gently hooked her waist with his arms and spoke in her ear.     

"Mhmm". Freyja hummed and nodded with a red face. Then she got up from his lap and sat down in her seat again.     

Emma looked at this with an envious look but didn't let it show on her face. She might be vying for King's power but there are additional motives after spending so long with him.     

She has also gotten used to his presence being around her and it brings her a sense of security that her family couldn't give her.     

Her family was more of a stranger to her than the strangers themselves. They only had benefits on their minds and they could do anything for it.     

So the past couple of years together with King and the four girls including Hela has provided her the warmth of a family.     

She has a residence that she can call a home and return back to. There are lovely children in the institute that she occasionally teaches and has also made some valuable friends.     

Previously, she was always restrained on who to make friends with and how to be a proper lady and lead a life by your husband.     

These values were brainwashing and always made her feel like a bird trapped in a cage but now she has started to work and she has a lot of freedom.     

She can make friends on her own. Go shopping together and have fun together with them. Everything is basically on the right track for her now.     

While Emma was lost in thought. King also noticed her expression and sighed that he should give her a chance sooner then the Vehicle arrived at their destination.     

It was a Hotel built close to the New York harbour leading to the Statue of Liberty. It had an amazing night view of the city on one side and the harbour on the other.     

The top floor of the Hotel was actually a 360 rotating deck restaurant that would slowly rotate and you can enjoy the whole view of New York from here.     

This was one of the King Industry Hotels and the revenue generated from this Hotel wasn't small either.     

All the food used here is fresh and sourced from the very best foods in the world. This Hotel is the epitome of Luxury in this era.     

"Wow". Elaine was seeing this the first time. They may have helped in the King industries but they didn't know everything that happened in the company.     

All four of them were quite fascinated by the Hotel in front of them. The three girls have seen the beauty of Alfeheim and other realms but this Hotel also has the view of its own.     

Emma on the other hand has had her own fare share of High end luxury hotels but this is also her first time seeing something like this.     

They were extremely expectant and excited to see it. King also didn't dawdle and took the four of the to the top floor.     

"A lovely Candle light dinner. Arranged by yours truly". King opened the door to the restaurant and showed them the ground full of rose petals in various designs and a table lit in the dim hall with candles. The scene was extremely romantic and moving.     

"Beautiful." The girls admired and lightly treaded the ground to reach the table in fear of messing up the rose petals.     

King just shook his head and sat down on the round table so that all four of them were facing him.     

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