In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

88. Rescue

88. Rescue

King nodded his head with a smile and just stopped talking with them. He was lost in his own thoughts about some things.     

'Over the years, I have done some really ridiculous things. I took the mutant ability of Seleena and every mutant ability I could get my hands on. I even took the ability from Rouge after the help of Lopt.     

My strength is at a ridiculous level and I can easily contend against any Celestial Entity. My powers just keep on increasing with only a touch after getting Rogue's X-gene'. King thought about all this laughed in his mind.     

'I even made Death, Phoenix Force, Yggdrasil and Infinity leave a part of their powers in my Realm. They literally became designated areas for those four.     

Plus, Mom and the girls also have a part of their powers in the Realm. They are literally additional Gods of my realm'. King was feeling a bit melancholic as he travelled in the Heli.     

They soon arrived at their destination while he was lost in his thoughts about the previous years and how much power he had gained.     

"Alright boys, get'em". Howard yelled and King snapped out of his thoughts. He looked down and saw the vast jungle below him.     

"Steve, let's go". He looked over and saw Steve already standing at the door and ready to jump at any moment.     

Peggy gave him one pat on the back and Steve jumped down immediately from her encouragement.     

He put the shield in front of him and his descent slowed down a little due to the air resistance which helped him stabilise quickly.     

King also jumped down and he was quickly at Steve's level of descent. He motioned with his hand and Steve put the shield away to descend at a faster rate.     

King and Steve didn't even use a Parachute when they descended from the Helicopter. King took the impact naturally and Steve bared the impact with his shield in front.     

"That might have created a loud noise". Steve stood up from his place and said while looking at the two craters on the ground.     

"We are ten Kilometres away from the base. They won't be able to hear shit". King said and shrugged his shoulders.     

"Now stop dawdling here and move". King looked serious and started sprinting towards the base as fast as he can.     

Steve also didn't continue to speak nonsense and just followed after King obediently and ran as fast as he can.     

In about twenty minutes, they crossed the distance at their full sprint. King was keeping his pace at Steve's level.     

"Here we are". King motioned these words with his hands and pointed at the base in front of him.     

"You go and save your friend and I will look at some clues and other things". He motioned some instructions with his hands and both of them sneaked out after nodding at each other.     

King got behind two of the patrolling soldiers and heard their talk to each other.     

"Hey, Leader is about to execute those Americans". Soldier A said to Soldier B.     

"I don't know why they kept them alive till now in the first place". Soldier B also nodded his head and commented back.     

"Probably want to deter the rest". Soldier A commented and then got back to patrolling seriously.     

King knocked the two out first and then killed them before wearing the clothes of one of them over his combat suit as a means to get in.     

He saw a small truck going inside the facility and latched onto the bottom of the truck. He was trying to enjoy his time as a spy.     

He was having a lot of fun doing all this at the strength of a Super Soldier equal to Captain America.     

The truck was fully inspected and they even illuminated the bottom of the truck but King quickly moved to the side and passed the inspection to get inside the base.     

'Now to find Red Skull and still let him go afterwards'. King joked in his mind and started sneaking around inside the base.     

'Oh treasure room'. King rubbed his hands when he saw the word armoury written on top of the gate.     

King quickly passed through the gate and saw the huge armoury with multitudes of different laser weapons in them.     

'Quite the advanced tech for an era that doesn't even have Mobile Phones'. King commented in his mind and started to rig these laser weapons with tiny explosives from his dimensional storage.     

'A big surprise to Hitler huh'. He smirked in his mind and left after he rigged at least a good hundred weapons.     

'Oh shit'. Suddenly his danger senses flared a he saw a red flame pillar blasting through the wall towards hi right.     

"I knew something wasn't right". A soldier came through the wall with a glowing red hand. There were flames dancing on the hand wildly.     

"So you Mutants are helping the Nazis?" King saw the glowing red hand of the soldier and knew what was going on.     

"We are promised equality and higher status with no persecution if we work with them. Why should we not help them?" The Mutant said passionately and his hand glowed brighter by the second.     

"Fair point I guess. From your perspective it is a good thing but the Jews that are being killed just like Mutants out there. You have no sympathy for them?" King dodged another fire pillar and asked the soldier.     

"I only know that I want my rights. I have no sympathy for them". The soldier answered back and again fired another beam of Fire.     

"Since you have chosen your path then you have also understood the consequences". King dodged another blast and narrowed between the two of them immediately.     

He grabbed the handle of a sword behind his back and unsheathed the sword extremely fast. The sword slashed down and cut the mutant in two pieces.     

There was horror and unwillingness on the Mutant's face. He looked like he wanted to say more but didn't get the chance.     

'Need to get away from here fast'. King sneaked away from the place and not even a couple seconds later. There were dense footsteps rushing towards that place.     

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