In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

85. Decisions and talks

85. Decisions and talks

"Let's have a pleasant talk after this boring meeting". Howard walked over to King without caring about the guys here and said.     

"Sure, I wouldn't mind going now". King smiled and also replied back. Both of them could care less about what the politicians think.     

"The contract is decided to be shared by both companies. Sixty percent of the deal will be given to King industries". A General announced and some of the Senators scowled when they heard this.     

"Alright then, allow me to take my leave. The rest will be handled by my secretary". King stood up from his chair and decided to have that meeting with Howard now.     

Diane could handle this perfectly by herself. Elaine was also there. So he had no worries about them messing up on this.     

Elaine played a big part in getting more shares of the contract for King's company. So all of it went very smoothly.     

Howard didn't really care much about it and followed along with King to go out of the pentagon together.     

"There is a good Cafe nearby. Let's go there and talk". Howard invited and got in the car ahead of King.     

King left the keys to his car to Diane. So he boarded the car with Howard and went towards the cafe together.     

"Are you interested in working together?" Howard looked really interested and asked with a pleasant smile.     

"What is the target of cooperation?" King was also interested and asked.     

"I am trying to analyse this new element and energy reactor but I a little stuck. Maybe another brain could help better". Howard didn't hide it and said straightforwardly.     

"Intriguing, show me some schematics". King relaxed back in the chair and said with a lot of interest. He knew what he was talking about but he couldn't say that outright.     

"Here, I was carrying it with me today. Since you were coming as well". Howard took out some papers from briefcase beside him and showed the papers to King.     

King took the papers and started to look through all the workings of the element that Howard was trying to invent.     

"You have left the key information out". King gave the papers back to Howard and said with a smile.     

"You can never be too sure. If you work with me then I can show you the key information as well". Howard shrugged without changing his face and said plainly.     

"I can understand that. Why not, we can work on it". King nodded his head in understanding and said with a pleasant smile.     

"Happy cooperation". Howard stood up and shook hands with King.     

King also stood up to shake hands with him first and then both of them sat down again to talk about some things elated to the element.     

"I call it Paladium. It can generate massive amounts of energy with very little amount and I want to make it a clean energy source". Howard said and also gave the key information to King.     

King took the key information and skimmed through the whole thing quickly. It was like a scan rather than a read for him.     

"The prospects of the element are really good. I think I can see the problem a bit". King pointed it out for him and started to tel him the different problems associated with the element.     

The element should take longer to be made but it will done sooner if King stepped into the play and it might even get used in the World War.     

"We both live in New York. So I can visit your manor to sort this out". King stood up from his chair after discussing some things with Howard and decided to say goodbye when he received a call from Diane.     

"Man, you need to give me one of those as well". Howard saw the phone in King's hand and demanded straightforwardly.     

"I can but you don't get to steal the tech". King nodded his head and decided to just gift Howard some of these with some enchantments of course.     

"Fantastic". Howard also nodded and got up from the chair to go.     

"Your phones will arrive after get back to your mansion and no more than five". After King dropped these words. He walked out of the cafe.     

A roaring engine sound came from across the street and King saw his white sports car parked there with Diane in the Driver's seat.     

'God save me. Chastiefol be ready to get into Guardian form'. King prayed and even let Chastiefol float around him.     

"King, get in the car". Diane quickly urged him impatiently and opened the side door.     

King gulped his saliva and gave her a wry smile before trotting over to the car like an innocent boy that couldn't harm a fly.     

"Let's go". Diane cheered happily and slammed the accelerator with her foot.     

The car flashed out like a missile launched from a launching pad. The car took the worst turns and threw King around inside like a headless chicken.     

They were going at nearly the speed of Sound with how powerful the car itself is. This car was stored in the Washington Mansion.     

So that King had a Vehicle whenever he goes to Washington or New York. Since he comes here regularly due to work.     

The car drove like an F1 without stops and King felt like he was in a ride of his life. Even Roller are way more mild and tame than this ride.     

They finally reached the Airport after King had a full meal of Diane's driving. He quickly exited the car and started vomiting while holding the car door.     

"My god, you need to stop driving". King said sincerely with absolute fear in his eyes.     

"Why, I like driving. It's really fun". Diane was totally and happily skipped over to the Airport.     

"Fun for you but torture for others". King said under his breath and also followed behind her while shaking his head.     

He keeps his power locked away with an enchanted bracelet to enjoy his time normally or he will be too powerful when he doesn't even need to.     

Takes the fun out of life when you can do everything with a move of your hand. He just likes to keep it simple and fun.     

His power unlocks when he needs it selectively or entirely without even a need to think. He just has to use to kind of use but it is not passive.     

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