In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

72. Artefact

72. Artefact

"You have successfully mastered Sorcery and as per our ritual. We will let you choose an artefact from the treasury as your own". Agamotto stroked his beard and said with a kind smile.     

"Sure". King nodded his head and he was looking forward to the kind of Artefact that he could get.     

Agamotto didn't say anything else and just started walking towards the treasury of the Sanctuary and King followed behind him.     

They came to the treasury and Agamotto waved his hand to remove the restrictions on it. King and him both entered the treasury.     

King followed silently behind and waited for an artefact to respond to him. He needed to feel a connection.     

They went deeper and deeper into the treasury but King was still not feeling a connection to an artefact yet.     

"Don't worry, we will look somewhere else if you can't find it here". Agamotto tried to console him when he saw that there was no connection yet.     

King nodded his head in understanding but then he started to feel a little something trying to approach him mentally.     

He immediately focused on it and started walking all the way deep into the treasury before he saw an earring in a glass cabinet.     

The earring was golden in colour and looked like a work of art with exquisite carvings on it. King could faintly what these carvings meant.     

"Oh the Earring of Mind". Agamotto stroked his beard while looking at the earring with a smile.     

"What does it do?". King was intrigued and asked but didn't take his eyes away from the earring.     

"It can give you Telepathic and Telekinetic powers". Agamotto answered simply without explaining too much. He will know the rest himself anyway.     

"That sounds good". King nodded his head and started to remove the glass cabinet with sorcery to allow access.     

The glass cabinet dissolved like water and the earring came in front of him while floating in the air automatically.     

King touched the earring and it shone brightly before recognising him as the owner and laying silently on his palm.     

He didn't talk any nonsense and put the earring on his ear without delay. As soon as he put the earring on, he felt a section of mind get unlocked.     

He could process information even faster and he had a feeling that he could use telepathy and telekinesis like he always had them.     

'Truly fascinating'. King smiled and rubbed his chin while fiddling with the earring with one hand.     

"Since you got your Artefact then you a re full fledged master in Sorcery". Agamotto congratulated him as soon as he got the earring on his ear.     

"Thanks". King nodded his head and thanked him before walking away from the cabinet.     

'Let me go to the mirror Dimension to test its power'. King couldn't wait to test the power of the earring.     

He slipped out of the treasury and immediately slipped into the mirror dimension. He doesn't need Lopt's help to get into Mirror Dimension now.     

'I always wanted to do this'. King levitated high into the air and looked at the entire Kamar Taj through the Mirror Dimension.     

'Malubulul(Almighty Push)'. He yelled in his mind with Pain's voice and an invisible force spread around him which devastated the whole Kamar Taj into Debris.     

'The power of Telekinesis is a bit more powerful than my physical strength. Probably because of being the champion of Yggdrasil since Wisdom is a part of the mind'. King mused while looking at the surrounding devastation.     

He felt that he didn't even use fifty percent of his power behind this destruction and it was still quite powerful.     

'Telekinesis is more versatile than Physical strength since Physical punches can only attack singularly but it can attack multiple or in a wide range'. King felt the changes after he got Telekinesis. He could control things on a more minuscule level if he wanted to.     

'Let me just give it a try'. King focused on a piece of stone debris and picked it up with Telekinesis before pulling it towards himself.     

Then he used telepathy in conjunction with Telekinesis to bore into the molecular structure of the stone.     

'Can I affect the molecular structure of this thing?' He just had this thought in mind and wanted to try doing it but he couldn't even reach the molecules inside     

He was trying his best to do it but it was proving quite difficult like there was some kind of barrier in front of him or his strength was not enough to do it.     

'I need to get stronger to be able to interfere with the molecules of anything'. King sighed and threw the piece of stone away from his hand.     

Then he slowly floated down and exited the Mirror Dimension like nothing ever happened. It will repair itself like before without any trace of interference.     

'This thing is truly miraculous'. King couldn't held sighing at the mirror Dimension's convenience of use.     

It is just the perfect place to use for assassinations and espionage. If you get in there then basically not many people can keep you.     

Only those well versed in sorcery and people who are able to enter the mirror Dimension can do anything to you.     

"Very impressive power indeed". Agamotto spoke while stroking his long white beard like always.     

"Just been meaning to ask you something". King turned to look at him stroking his beard and couldn't help his curiosity. So he decided to ask.     

"What is it?" Agamotto stopped stroking his beard and asked.     

"Are you chinese cultivator because I just see you stroking your long beard all the time". King pointed at him and asked.     

Agamotto's hand that was about to go back to his beard stopped halfway through and he looked he just had constipation.     

"Don compare me with those imbeciles. They don't even know how to enjoy themselves. Always sitting on their rocks and meditating". Agamotto waved his hand in an annoyed manner and turned away to go back to his room.     

King's words just gave him quite the shock right now and his mood was clearly worse than before. He was extremely down right now.     

'So there are Chinese cultivators here'. King's focus was on something else and he didn't care about Agamotto's thoughts at all.     

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