In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

60. Rage

60. Rage

Hela's face turned sad and angry at the same time. She went forward to look at her Mother's body closely.     

"Who did this?" Her eyes were spitting flames and she looked at the Royal Knights icily while commanding.     

"We caught the unique methods of Dark Elves and even some clues point the same". The Royal Knight answered truthfully and showed her the things.     

"So they do not mean to relent at all". Hela didn't wait for anyone and immediately rushed towards Bifrost. She was going to bathe the entire realm of Svartalfheim in blood with her own two hands.     

Her anger as the peak of its height. She was so angry that she couldn't even think straight right now.     

On the other hand in Svartalfheim,     

"How is the task?" Malekith asked a minister kneeling in front of him.     

"The task has been fulfilled sire and Angrboda is dead". The minister answered immediately in respect.     

"Good, this will show the Asgardians that we Dark Elves are not something that they can trample at will". Malekith clenched his fists and looked extremely satisfied with his actions.     

"They may have made us surrender on the surface but we will make sure to let the darkness rule the nine realms". The Minister also followed suit and started cheering.     

"That's right, darkness shall swallow the nine realms". Melekith nodded his head with a cruel smile on his face.     

In their meeting between each other, Hela had descended onto the realm of Svartalfheim by herself and she was currently killing an entire village of dark Elves ferociously with no mercy.     

She was going on a complete murderous rampage to just kill every single Dark Elf. She wanted revenge for her mother's death.     

Meanwhile, Odin had also heard about everything from the Royal Knight and was heading towards Angrboda's quarters.     

He was deeply remorseful and sad because of her death and it was crushing his heart but he had to show a strong appearance in front of his subjects.     

"I will have Hela visit the Dark Elves and ask for an explanation for this". Odin looked at the body of his wife and he wanted nothing more than to rip Malekith to shreds.     

"Go order Hela to come here". He looked at a Royal Knight and ordered immediately.     

"Your Majesty, Her Highness has already descended on Svartalfheim". The Royal Knight saluted and reported the matter.     

"Huh?" Odin was a bit confused and closed his eyes to find Hela and see what she is doing.     

He saw the vision of Hela being bathed in flames and slaughtering countless villagers one by one with a cruel smile on her face.     

'What have I done?' Odin finally realised his mistake when he saw Hela's cruel smile and how she was slaughtering the unrelated peasants ferociously.     

'I have created a cruel slaughterer'. This was the only thought Odin had when he saw this. He couldn't help feeling even more sorrow.     

For his own ambition, he turned his own daughter into a cruel slaughterer that didn't feel any remorse at the death of he innocents.     

'This cannot go on'. Odin clenched his fists and decided to take action.     

"Send the Valkyries to Svartalfheim and stop Hela at all costs". Odin ordered and headed towards his throne room.     

King's involvement had changed the course of history already. Svartalfheim should've been bathed in blood and even Alfheim should've faced a massacre but it did not happen.     

Asgard's distraction gave Malekith the chance to assassinate Angrboda in advance and Odin also got over his high horses when he saw the defeat that his army faced in Alfheim.     

They had literally faced a twenty percent loss in numbers and even his wife was implicated in the war with her very life.     

His daughter had turned into a tool for slaughter and this was all on his hands. He finally felt the consequences of his actions.     

He slaughtered countless giants and nearly made the other giants extinct in his pursuit for hegemony over the other realms.     

Other might have thought that he got what he wanted but only now he knew that he actually just became tyrant rather than a protector or a good monarch.     

'Hela, Forgive me for this. I know I might never get your forgiveness'. Odin sighed and then firmed up his resolve to contain or even kill Hela if it is needed.     

Hela had already slaughtered her way to a city and had ravaged at least twenty villages by the time Valkyries even got a chance to appear in Svartalfheim.     

On the other hand in Alfheim.     

King was currently celebrating their victory with the rest of the soldiers in the fort and the respect for King as their future Lord and the current Crown prince has grown exponentially.     

"Your Highness, I offer this salute in your honour". One of the General lifted his glass and uttered a loud cheer for everyone to follow.     

No one dared to neglect the cheer since it was in King's name and lifted their glasses to down the glasses of alcohol in one go.     

They made merry and the whole venue was in joy. The message was conveyed back to the capital and the whole capital was cheeri g for King on his victory.     

"He really is impressive". Aelsa also smiled joyously when she saw her child receiving praise from everyone.     

"Mom, I want to go to King". Elaine barged into the throne room and threw a tantrum.     

She hasn't seen him in three years and now she misses him dearly. She just can't wait to go and plunge into his arms.     

"Okay, let me take you there. I want to meet him as well". Aelsa nodded her head and opened a portal for the two of them to go.     

'Hmm'. Suddenly Aelsa perceived some anomaly in Svartalfheim. She was being sent an emergency signal by one of the spies there.     

She decided to take a look and saw armies marching towards a certain location. When she saw Hela slaughtering people there. She was quite shocked by the discovery.     

'I need to tell King about this'. Aelsa quickly passed through the portal with Elaine and came to where King was.     

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