In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

56. Preparations

56. Preparations

It has been a month since they made all the preparations to face the upcoming war from the other realms.     

King was still looking at the battle deployments around the realm and the other Generals and commanders were also making the arrangements.     

'I feel that Asgardians will land on the plains near the enchanted forest'. King felt inexplicably like he had a premonition.     

He didn't dare to neglect his hunch because his hunch is always correct. So he turned to look at the generals there.     

"Our army will be stationed in this area with more concentration. This will be more heavily guarded". King looked at the generals and gave an order.     

"Why Your Highness?" The General was a bit bewildered and asked.     

"I had a premonition that our enemies will land in these plains. So we need to be ready to welcome them at any time.     

Also pass down an order. If any soldier leaves their battle positions or the camp for any reason. If they do not hold my seal then they are to be executed on the spot and that includes you as well general ". King gave a ruthless order and looked at General solemnly.     

"Right away Your Highness". The General saluted and got out of the tent to give the orders and directions.     

They were going to march the army near the plains and garrison there before the enemy lands near them as well.     

'There are invisible forts and battle arrangements already near the plains and how can I allow the spies to inform Asgard like this?' King smiled sinisterly in his mind and sat down on the head seat majestically.     

Soon, all the preparations were done and the army was ready to march forward. Asgard is till in a heated battle with Jotunheim and doesn't have the time to invade Alfheim.     

'They probably don't want two great realms to be their enemies at the same time'. King pondered and marched with the rest of the army.     

He was sitting on Lopt while marching with the army because laying down on Chastiefol doesn't leave a good impression on your subordinates.     

Lopt looks like a majestic wolf rather than a dog with its heavy fur covering the body. It's extremely majestic and has a lot of power in every step.     

The rest of the army was being towed in massive carriages that were being pulled by winged cats. These are the steeds of Alfheim. They don't use horses but these guys because they are better than Horses in power and ability plus they can fly.     

"We will be there in about an hour's time Your Higness". The General came to King's side and reported.     

"Okay, lead the troops through this path". King nodded his head and showed him the path on the map.     

"As you order". The General saluted and immediately conveyed the orders to the rest of the army on the spot.     

All of them were led through the path and came to the plains. It was all flat grasslands with nothing else in sight.     

All the soldiers looked bewildered at their leaders' decisions because this wasn't the best place to garrison troops.     

"All the troops will move a hundred metres in front and enter the fort". King called and the voice was heard in everyone's ears.     

All of them looked even more bewildered and looked for the fortress on these wide plains. They suddenly felt that their Crown Prince might have gone crazy.     

But they didn't dare to voice their opinions and moved a hundred metres forward like instructed and were blown away by the discovery of the fort being there.     

There was a massive fort here that could easily hold more than ten thousand troops here. The Fort also looked extremely new like it was just built recently.     

"Everyone in and I will turn on the enchantments. If any of you exit the fort without permission then death will be your only ending". King didn't speak nonsense and urged all the soldiers to go in.     

Before war, you had to be strict with these kind of things because this fort was built to ambush the army that would land on Alfheim.     

It wasn't here to just allow it to be leaked to the enemy then there would be no point in building it here in the first place.     

With this Fort and the multiple Magic cannons sitting on the walls. If enemy invades then they can wipe out more than half of the enemy before they are aware of anything or even get close to the fort.     

"General, come to the war room". King entered the Fort and immediately ordered the generals before they had the time to survey the fort.     

The enchantments were already up. So the Soldiers cannot leave the fort without permission. This way leakage will be blocked ruthlessly.     

King decided to hold the strategic meeting immediately as this kind of thing should be done as soon as possible.     

They entered the war room and King laid out a map on the table and waited for everyone to get to their positions.     

"This is the plain that we are station on. The army can land anywhere around these parts of the plain. We need to deploy troops on the fortress to keep a lookout for these.     

They have telescopes to survey the area. So it should be fine as the pre-warning preparation. Now we need to prepare some plans for the enemy invasion". King finished speaking in one breath and then waited for others to make suggestions as well.     

"My Lord, we also need to deploy some scouts around the surroundings". One of the generals voiced his concerns.     

"No, this has risk of leakage and these are vast plains. We can spot the enemy easily". King ruthlessly shot down the idea. Some things cannot be done.     

"Your Highness, what about the food reserves if we have to wait for long here?" Another General stood up to voice his concerns.     

"No big deal, there is enough dry food to last us for about 2 years then we can ask for supplies from the castle". King waved his hand and dismissed the worries.     

The generals frowned at the mention of dry food. They have always enjoyed lavish foods. It is hard for them to swallow these kind of things.     

King didn't bother to make them feel better about it since this was facts. So it was better that they understood it beforehand.     

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