In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

75. The Phoenix(R-18)

75. The Phoenix(R-18)

(A/N: I can't really think of a way for the Allpowerful Cosmic entities to love King. So his relationship with them will start as more of a transaction before evolving.)     

"Yeah, I thought about calling you before you decide to pay me a visit". King nodded his head calmly and said.     

"Hehe, you are very interesting. Others don't even dare to breathe loudly when they face me". The Phoenix chuckled and started walking towards King again.     

"I don't need to be afraid. If you wanted to do something then it would've happened already". King shrugged his shoulders and replied.     

"Even then your composure surprises me when even Bor was very humble and nearly bent his waist ninety degrees to show his respect". Phoenix looked into his eyes and spoke with while chuckling.     

"He didn't have the support of two cosmic entities behind him. Plus you are not your real body right now". King shrugged again and looked at her with a smile that spoke multiple things.     

"I like that". Pheonix smiled and stopped right in front of King.     

"So what now?" King asked and looked straight into her eyes.     

"Now we do what Death did with you". Phoenix didn't care about live and all those things. She needed a perfect host and the being in front of her didn't seem to be a bad one.     

She circled his neck with her arms and planted her lips on King's then she started to slowly infuse part of her power into King's body.     

King closed his eyes along with her and just immersed himself into the kiss as well. He could care less about love and all that.     

He was giving her a host body and she was going to give him power. Feelings can be bred in the long term. There is no need to refuse the food in front of you for something like feelings.     

They had a very tacit understanding in this aspect and didn't say anything to each other. No need for useless chatter.     

After a while of Kissing, King let go of her first and Phoenix had already planted a seed of her power in his body.     

"I already gave you a seed of my powers. Now we need to help it germinate". She smiled and said but her eyes were speaking something else.     

"Let's do it at a more scenic place". King took her hand and teleported together with Lopt to his own realm.     

He was still considering renaming the Realm to something else other than Avalon. Babylon seemed like a good choice as well.     

As soon as they stepped into the realm. The Realm gave a shining light as if to welcome its master and even animals stopped what they were doing to look up at the sky.     

"So this is your realm. Quite beautiful I have to say". Phoenix looked around at the surroundings and commented sincerely.     

Moat realms are just based around single elements or some bizarre things that look strange and not all that good.     

This realm is quite the amalgamation of things and it looks good as well. With its vibrant nature and vast amount of peaceful lands.     

"Thanks for the compliment but we should focus on something else". King thanked her and then very naturally circled her waist with his arm.     

Phoenix smiled and didn't say anything. They slowly looked at each other and started to set things off with a steamy kiss.     

King put one hand behind her head and one hand on her waits while kissing her soft and plump lips vigorously.     

His hands started to get naughty and mischievous as he started to fondle her boobs and tease her pussy with his hands.     

"Wait". Phoenix separated herself from him and her body glowed intensely for a while. After it finished, the Phoenix looked the same as before hut with just a bit more power naturally coming out of her.     

"Now I am truly here with my real body". The Phoenix smiled and continued the fun with King.     

King didn't voice any complaints and conjured a bed made of tree branches and leaves for the two of them.     

This realm is fully under King's control and he can do whatever he wants here. He can know anything and do anything here.     

Phoenix didn't resist and let King lay her down on the bed. She was acting like a defenceless lamb in front of him.     

King wasn't welcome either and he ripped the tight suit on her body. He got his mouth closer and started to lick her nipples lightly.     

"Mmn~, more rough". Phoenix caught the back of his head and pushed it against her boobs fiercely while moaning.     

King kept on teasing her nipples and even started to tease her with the other hand. He ripped a hole in her suit and used his fingers to tease her more and more.     

He continued insisting on it for a while and Phoenix orgasmed with his fingers and mouth only. She was left limp from the pleasure.     

"Hehe, the fun thing starts now". King laughed and aligned his dick to Phoenix's snatch.     

Then he pushed in and pushed his dick all the way to the base of her pussy. His tip touched the entrance of womb directly.     

"Mmn, be rough, Fuck me Harder". Phoenix moaned when King started to slowly pump his hips back and forth into her pussy.     

She was feeling amazing from his dick. It was the best and coupled with his natural charm. It was a fatal killer for her.     

She was moaning like anything because pf the pleasure acting in her pussy and going all the way to her spine.     

"Yess, fuck, harder". Phoenix's voice was incoherent and she was enjoying every moment of sex between the two of them.     

She had lowered her power to King's level when they started having sex to fully enjoy it rather than just be a statue without emotions.     

The two of them had sex for a long time inside King's realm and even with time dilation. It took them a total of ten days outside and twenty inside the realm to finish the session.     

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