The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

Mū's Analysis

Mū's Analysis

The alliance's army was marching to the valley of ice. They had heard the countless explosions.     

The black smoke was high in the air and visible to them from far away.     

They all knew that Kentaro and Mū had succeeded, the enemy was weakened before the battle even began.     

Fighting spirit, confidence, courage, all of them were increased. Yukon was extremely happy, he had not misjudged Kentaro and Mū.     

The four hundred shinobi marched faster, with more energy. One hundred meters further, Kentaro and Mū were approaching.     

"Look, there they are! Our heros!" one of the Shinobi exclaimed.     

Yukon hurriedly walked towards them and hugged the both of them.     

"Kentaro, Mū! I don't know how I can express my gratitude for your help. Seeing the scale of destruction you two caused in the valley of ice, a lot of those BASTARDS must have died."     

Kentaro didn't want to return to the valley of ice, he had weakened the Kazahana enough. Yukon didn't expect them to participate in battle, so this was enough.     

"Yukon, we will leave everything to you now. After you have killed their clan leader, ask to the clans of the alliance if they wish to join my clan."     

Yukon knew that those two were powerful, but he didn't know there exact identity. Hearing about a clan made him intrigued.     

"Kentaro, may I ask what clan you are speaking of?"     

"The Fujimoto clan. Some people of the land of snow have already traveled to my clan. They must have already arrived."     

Yukon knew about the Fujimoto clan, it was the strongest clan in the land of earth. He had also heard about the shinobi with the straw hat.     

"I will make sure to tell it to the clans of the alliance after our victory. May you travel safely." Yukon shook their hands and returned to the army.     

Many of them waved at Kentaro and Mū, showing them their gratitude.     

"What is our next destination? Are we far from the land of lightning?" Mū wanted to know and quickly.     

Kentaro did not answer directly, he opened the map and checked the next destination.     

According to the anime, where they next had to go was the land of sound, on the map it was called as the land of rice paddies.     

"Our next destination is the land of rice paddies. I don't think that we'll stay there very long, because it is a small and rather peaceful country."     

This arranged Mū, he was tired of fighting wherever they went. He needed a good rest after having stayed here for the past weeks.     

"Follow me, Mū." Kentaro began running and was followed by the flying Mū.     

The border was thirty kilometers further. They could parcours this distance in one hour, if they did not stop to rest.     

The more they advanced, the more the wheater was getting warmer. The snow was getting scarce and for the first time in weaks, their was some sunlight.     

Kentaro removed the big fur top he was wearing, leaving him topless. He felt free, he could feel the unknown energy around him getting bigger.     

The land of the rice paddies had large fields and many trees, nature was abundant there.     

This was not the case with the land of snow, it was cold and herbs, flowers, even some animals could not survive under that harsh environment.     

"Hey, mummy! We're getting closer to the border. I'm impatient to leave this country and never come back!"     

Mū could sense that something was off with Kentaro. How he shouted for nothing, he even ran faster than earlier.     

'Don't tell me that he's going to lose control and go crazy." Mū kept a close eye on Kentaro.     

Five minutes later, the two of them had officially entered into the land of the rice paddies.     

Kentaro stopped running, lifted his two arms high in the air and shouted like a madman.     

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Kentaro opened his eyes widely and kneeled on the ground.     

He then took the greatest breath of air he ever took in his entire life.     

Only after a few seconds did he realize what he was doing, Kentaro was extremely confused about his actions.     

"Mū....what the hell is wrong with me?" his serious and worried tone showed his concern about the situation.     

Mū walked next to him and placed his hand on the head of the kneeling Kentaro.     

"You're fucking crazy, that's why you're acting like that, hahaha!" Kentaro's sad expression only grew bigger.     

"Bastard, it's...not funny." Mū stopped laughing when he saw how down Kentaro was.     

"I have thought about your situation back in the valley of ice. The land of waterfalls, the land of the rice paddies, lands rich with nature."     

When he heard this, Kentaro's brain immediately made a connection with one of the characters in naruto, Jugo.     

"My analysis tells me that you sort of get crazy in places where there is lots of nature. You are a very interesting case, I've never heard of someone who had that."     

Kentaro was shocked to hear this, everything made sense in his head now. That's why he turned into a beast.     

'The Yuri family fed me foods who contained natural energy....i guess." the Yuri family was a mystery when Kentaro thought about them.     

"I get it! If I learn how to control the natural energy that my body absorbs, I will return back to my previous appearance and everything will go back to normal."     

"Natural energy?" Mū had never heard of it.     

"Shut your ass up, Mū! Can't you see that I'm celebrating right now?" Kentaro knew that he had to become a sage.     

Kentaro stood up and carried Mū like a baby, he was more than determined to quickly recruit the Chinoike clan and find a way to learn sage mode.     

"Mū, let's not waste any time." Kentaro began running fast, so fast that he left a trail behind him.     

The pigeons began cooing and followed the running Kentaro. They saw him as a moving tree with all the natural energy he contained.     

Kentaro ran through all the country in one day. The duo had entered into the land of of hot water.     

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