The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

New Clan Leader

New Clan Leader

It has been five days since the funeral, the clansmen had fully mourned their deaths and the village was back to normal.     

During those five days, Kentaro has been staying besides Tetsuo's pillar. He was thinking about what he could have done to avoid his death.     

Unfortunately, people have those thoughts when the bad event has already happened.     

"Father, I have everything under control. You can rest without worries."     

"Kentaro, the Elders demand your presence to the white building." Wanda was sent by the Elders.     

Kentaro stood up and placed his hand on the pillar, he took a big breath and turned towards Wanda.     

"Let's go." the two of them walked side by side to the white building.     

When they entered, the Elders were sitting on their stone chairs. Other clansmen were also there, they were more experienced ones.     

"Kentaro, sit down next to your seniors."     

Kentaro nodded to the Elder's words and sat down among the others.     

"We have discussed about the future of the clan, we have come to a conclusion. You are the most eligible to become the next clan leader."     

Everyone looked at Kentaro to see his reaction. They were soon disappointed to see his neutral expression.     

"Elders, Seniors, I am in no way eligible to become clan leader! At least, not with my current power."     

They were all surprised by his answer. Normally, nobody dares to refuse this honor.     

"During those five days I have thought about a lot of things. I have the firm decision of leaving for one whole year."     

"What are you talking about, Kentaro?" the Elders were confused, why would he leave when he was the most needed?     

"I suggest that Wanda becomes clan leader for the year to come. When I come back, if you wish, I can assume his position."     

The Elders did not know what to say, they had really not expected this. The room was silent for a couple of seconds.     

"If Kentaro suggests it, then, he must have good reasons. I can be clan leader for one year, I see no problem with that."     

If Wanda was okay with this, the Elders did not see any problem with that.     

"Very well, Wanda, you will become the next clan leader. Until Kentaro comes back, you shall be our sword, our shield and our voice."     

Like this, the meeting ended. Everyone left the room with the exception of the Elders.     

Kentaro had the intention to return beside Tetsuo's pillar. Wanda ran next to him.     

"what do you plan to do?"     

"I plan to take revenge and strengthen the clan. I have to go explore the world and see what it has to offer."     

"How do you plan to strengthen the clan while being away?" asked Wanda in confusion.     

"Strengthening the clan does not necessarily mean to have more men, more jutsu or more money. It also means to have more allies."     

Hearing this, Wanda finally understood. Kentaro was planning to become stronger himself and gather allies.     

"Anyways, I have to go." Kentaro tapped on Wanda's shoulder and walked the opposite way.     

He had planned to go to Tetsuo's pillar, but he changed his mind.     

He walked until he arrived at the medical building of the village. It was not big nor was it little.     

Kentaro entered and asked for directions to one of the nearby woman. She was Himari, she played with Kentaro when they were little.     

"Hey Himari, can you tell me where Habiki is?"     

Himari was busy writing something and she did as if she had heard nothing. Kentaro tapped on her shoulder with his finger.     

"Can't you see that I'm bus- oh, it's you Kentaro." Himari had not seen him for the past four years.     

"Yes. Where is Habiki?" Kentaro had no time to waste, he wanted to see if everything was going well with Habiki and go.     

"Follow me." Himari led him in the stone corridors, they stopped in front of room 888.     

Kentaro knocked and entered, he saw Habiki lying on the bed like a dead man. Aruno was sitting on stone stool next to the bed.     

"Aruno, long time no see." Kentaro patted his shoulder and looked at Habiki.     

"He's in a bad state, look how bad he looks. Right eye, gone. Left arm, gone. I knew that I should've come."     

Aruno was feeling guilty of what had happened to Habiki. Had he been there, maybe that he could have done something for his older brother.     

"Do not feel guilty, Aruno. His eye, I will find a way to give him a new one. As for his arm, he will have to adapt unless I find something."     

Aruno started shedding some tears, Kentaro patted his head showing him his compathy.     

"Kentaro, promise me that you will take revenge for my brother."     

"I will....I promise you Aruno, I will kill the one who has done this." Kentaro left the room after that.     

He returned back home and the atmosphere was sad. Hatsu was playing with Fumiko, who didn't look too well.     

Yuka was sitting outside in the yard on a little chair and looking at the sky.     

Kentaro went upstairs, he walked inside of his parent's room. Kentaro opened Tetsuo's closet.     

All his clothes were there, the armors too. Kentaro took one who had not the clan's crest on it.     

It was a purple kimono decorated with white flowers. He also placed a second Kimono inside of a cloth bag.     

Kentaro walked downstairs and went to Yuka. Kentaro was one meter away from her, but it seemed like as if she didn't see him.     

"Mother, I will be leaving."     

Yuka turned her, she had a shocked expression on her face. She stood up and grabbed Kentaro's arms.     

"Leave!? No! If you leave, you might die, son. I don't want to lose you like I lost your three brothers and your...your father!"     

Kentaro tried to calm her down while hugging her. It pained him to see her in this state, but he had to leave.     

"It will only be for one year and then I'll be back, alright."     

Yuka began getting agitated and started screaming and saying all kinds of things.     

From inside, Fumiko and Hatsu saw the scene. Fumiko closed her eyes and turned around, Hatsu went outside.     

"Hatsu, grab mother for me. I have to go." Hatsu hesitated for a second.     

She grabbed Yuka and tried to calm her down by caressing her hair and telling her that everything would be alright.     

Kentaro left the house and walked outside of the village, he looked back at it before leaving.     

"I'll be back in one year."     

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