The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

Fujimoto clan vs Senju Clan(2)

Fujimoto clan vs Senju Clan(2)

'His longsword looks very heavy.'     

Hashirama charged at Kentaro and slashed vertically. Kentaro placed his katana horizontaly to stop the longsword.     


The katana broke, the longsword lost some of its momentum but struck Kentaro in the right shoulder.     

The cut was deep, blood was constantly flowing out. Kentaro jumped back before Hashirama could do something else.     

While he jumped back, mud from the mud field entered the deep cut at a fast pace.     

The mud stopped the bleeding and served as temporary solution for the deep cut.     

'Mud Style: Mud Prison!'     

The mud around Hashirama created a sphere, trapping him inside. He tried to cut the sphere from the inside, but was unsuccessful.     

The mud then tried to enter Hashirama's nose and mouth. Kentaro's intention was to obstruct his airways.     

Hashirama placed his hand on his mouth and nose, protecting it from the mud.     

'I have to get out quickly before he tries something else'     

Wood came out of the ground and entered the mud sphere, they went around Hashirama and created a wooden shpere around im.     

Hashirama motioned his hand and from the wooden sphere poked a sharp wooden piece. It pierced the mud sphere with sheer power.     

The sharp piece of wood made a hole large enough for Hashirama to escape, the wooden sphere ejected him outside.     

Hashirama landed on the mud and stood back up almost immediately. What welcomed him outside was Kentaro's charge.     

Kentaro punched and kicked Hashirama in different spots, he made sure to attack in an irregular pattern.     

This made his attacks less readable, Hashirama struggled to block his attacks. In this period of time, he was not as good in taijutsu.     

With one punch of his right hand, Hashirama was sent sliding twenty meters away.     

'Mud Style: Mud Shuriken Jutsu!'     

One hundred mud shuriken were instantly created from the mud field. They immediately went for Hashirama's life.     

"Wood Style: Tree Wall Barrier!"     

Seeing this many mud shuriken coming towards him, Hashirama created a wall of trees. He knew that those mud shuriken were not inoffensive.     

The shuriken were stopped by the wall of trees. When they hardened, they pierced the trees and then melted to release the lava inside.     

Kentaro clapped his hands and hands of mud grabbed Hashirama from the back. They tried to pull him inside to God knows where.     

Hashirama was completely pulled down, Kentaro knew what was happening beneath the mud. He saw the drowning Hashirama.     

Suddenly, Kentaro was kicked on the head. He was sent flying tens of meters away.     

He stood up to see the strong gaze of Hashirama.     

'A wood clone!'     

Hashirama charged at Kentaro and slashed with his longsword, Kentaro's great agility allowed him to dodge the longsword many times.     

But this one horizontal slash manged to slice his throat. Hashirama didn't rejoice for victory, he noticed that something was wrong.     

When the longsword slashed Kentaro's throat, it was not blood that came out but mud. The throat reconnected, Kentaro looked at Hashirama and gave him a little smile.     

Kentaro kicked him in the face and grabbed the longsword faster than Hashirama could react.     

Hashirama wasn't fazed by that and continued fighting. From one of the trees he created a wooden sword.     

In appearance, it didn't look strong enough to resist the hits of the longsword, but Kentaro was soon surprised by the contrary.     

The longsword couldn't cut through the wooden sword, Kentaro threw the longsword far away while launching a spinning back kick that struck Hashirama right on the chest.     

The longsword landed on the far away battlefield and entered the mud.     

A foot placed itself where the sword had fallen and entered the mud just few seconds ago.     

Tobirama was fighting against Tetsuo and Habiki, their battle was hardeous.     

'Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu'     

The water dragon went forth, the speed was so high that it could kill many with the impact.     

'Earth Style: Mud Wall!'     

Habiki's mud wall was strong enough to stop the water dragon, He looked at Tetsuo and gave him a knowing look.     

Tetsuo gave him a knowing nod and the two of them started making hand seals.     

They placed their hands on the mud and unleashed the power of their combined jutsu.     

'Earth Style: Earth Dragon God Blast!'     

The two of them were behind the wall that stopped the water dragon, Tobirama couldn't see the two bronze dragon heads.     

'I can feel their chakras preparing something.'     

The two bronze dragon's plunged back in the mud and traveled towards Tobirama.     

When they were ten meters away, they resurfaced and opened their massive mouths.     

Tobirama saw the two massive bronze dragon heads from two sides, one on his right and on to his left.     

The second they opened their mouths, sharp stones were sent towards him. They had the power to mince him if touched by all of them.     

With his katana, Tobirama blocked the sharp stones from the two sides. He felt that this couldn't be it.     

When he focused back on the two bronze dragon heads, he saw them charging at him and were a hair away from literally destroying him.     

Tobirama rapidly threw a kunai slightly above his head.     

He suddenly disappeared from his position, the two bronze dragon heads crashed against each other.     

The impact was powerful and could be felt. Two meters above the two dragon heads, Tobirama had successfully avoided death.     

He looked in front of him and saw a pool of lava coming down on him.     

The lava came out of Tetsuo's mouth, Habiki made sure to protect him from the sides while he was doing this.     

Tobirama formed three hand seals in the air and landed on the broken bronze dragon heads.     

'Water Style: Water barrier.'     

From the mud beneath, Tobirama created a large and power water barrier.     

The lava was stopped by the strong current and fell to the mud.     

Habiki and Tetsuo charged back at Tobirama, they were far from killing him and so was he.     

While they were doing their best to finish off Tobirama, the other clansmen fought bravely against the Senju.     

They took many lives and were taking the upper hand, but this would not be for long.     

The battle continued its course, the two clans were battling as if there was no end to it.     

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