The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

The Battle Of Titans(2)

The Battle Of Titans(2)

Emma-ō kicked into Madara's Susanoo, he was sent in the air like a ragdoll.     

Emma-ō placed his left magma hand in the pillar of lava. From the pillar of lave he created a gigantic lava spear that was taller than his colossal self.     

Emma-ō slashed the spear to the Susanoo who was still in the air. The Susanoo was hit and propulsed five hundred meters away.     

From far away, Kentaro could see the Susanoo fall on the ground, crushing everything beneath him.     

Emma-ō prepared to throw the spear like an Olympic athlete. He executed the movements with perfection to charge the spear up.     

When Emma-ō throwed the spear, the sound barrier broke. The spear covered the five hundred meters in a matter of seconds.     

'If I get hit, I die!'     

The Susanoo tried to avoid the spear but failed, the armor was pierced like a paper. It offered no resistance to the spear.     

The spear continued forward after having pierced the Susanoo, the landscape had been devastated when it came in contact with it.     

The Susanoo disappeared and Madara collapsed to the ground. He was throwing up blood and his vision had gotten extremely weakened with this fight alone.     

Madara fell to the ground, he lifted his head to see what Kentaro was doing.     

Altough extremely blurry, he saw the collosal Emma-ō coming to him, he was grinning devilishly from ear to ear.     

Madara only saw death, there was no other way escaping The Overlord Of Hell.     

Madara didn't accept his fate and stood back up, he summoned his Humanoid Susanoo.     

"Aahh.. Pant... AAAAAHHH!"     

When he summoned it, he suffered greatly. His cells were giving him feelings of burning and tearing.     

Nonetheless, Madara slashed with one of his chakra blades. The blade of chakra traveled towards Emma-ō, but dispersed halfway through.     

He had reached his limits, he could do no more. Madara Uchiha collapsed face down once and for all.     

Ding! "Mission completed: Beat Madara Uchiha."     

Ding! "+100 000 000p"     

Ding! "Mission completed: complete three missions."     

Ding! "New purchasable content in the system shop."     

"Now is not the time to check the system, I have to kill Madara."     

Emma-ō walked towards the fallen Madara, his devilish expression could show his ecstasy.     

Soon, he would devour Madara's soul. To consume such a strong and young soul was a feast for The Overlord Of Hell.     

Every footstep of Emma-ō was one step closer to death. The exhausted Madara did not move a finger, he knew that nothing could save him anymore.     

On the battlefield, the Senju and Fujimoto had triumphed. They had killed all those who didn't flee and captured war prisoners.     

Izuna had fled with the other Uchiha, he wanted to help his beloved brother. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough power to leave a scratch on Kentaro.     

every footstep of Emma-ō was a step closer to the Uchiha clan's downfall. The dream that was true peace was finally close, so close that it seemed to beautiful to be true.     

When all the Senju were thinking about a future without the Uchiha and peace, they saw this familiar figure.     

The figure jumped high enough to avoid the big rocks that poked out of the destroyed ground. The figure ran towards Emma-ō.     

"Kentaro! Stop it, right now! Madara will understand his wrongdoings with what you have inflicted him."     

Emma-ō turned around and looked down on the little figure.     


Hashirama was surprised by Emma-ō's voice. It was a sort vocal genjutsu by itself, It played with the senses in the brain to create fear.     

"Kentaro, Madara is not wicked! I shall take care of his redemption myself. Now, I ask of you to forget what you were intending to do!"     

Emma-ō turned back towards Madara and continued to walk towards him.     

"Tsk... Kentaro, do not take it to heart."     

Hashirama's expression became serious he clapped his hands and tried to immediately stop Kentaro.     

From the ground sprouted a couple of trees that reached Emma-ō almost immediately.     

The large trees got around the limbs and the whole body of Emma-ō, it stopped him in his advance.     

The two arms on his upper back created magma swords, they cut down every single tree impeding him.     

Emma-ō turned back towards Madara, his face was filled with rage and killing intent.     


The devilish voice said it louder for everyone to hear. The Senju and Fujimoto ran towards the two of them.     

"Elder brother, let Kentaro kill Madara! Why are you doing this for?"     

"Madara is my friend, Tobirama. Only I, have the right to kill him if needed. Nobody else shall take his life, I won't permit it!"     

The Fujimoto were ready to jump on the fray to help Kentaro if a battle against Hashirama ensued.     

Kentaro was getting irritated by Hashirama's actions. Madara was just four hundred meters away.     

Emma-ō ignored Hashirama's statement and walked forward.     

"You leave me no choice!"     

Hashirama prepared to stop Kentaro through higher means.     

Clasping his fists he began roaring, the ground trembled and from it sprouted even more trees.     

"Wood style: Deep Forest Emergence!"     

A forest was created almost instantly, it crashed on Emma-ō. The power and life force of the trees were enormous.     

When Emma-ō tried to rip the trees around him with his sharp nails, they would regenerate almost instantly if not completely separated from each other.     

This was only a glimpse of the power that the reincarnation of Asura wielded.     

The Fujimoto began casting earth jutsus to break the trees, but this proved very difficult.     

Seeing the Fujimoto attack their clan leader's jutsu, the Senju charged at them. Cutting them down and vice versa.     

The allies had turned into enemies in a glimpse of a second, this was the truth of the warring states.     

'I'll be out of chakra in the next minute. Activate unlimited Chakra!'     

Kentaro's chakra replenished and was boundless, he would go all out against Hashirama.     

Emma-ō's body began emanating heat and the limbs that previously turned into mud after regenerating, turned back into magma.     

The hot magma set the trees on fire. When they took fire, Emma-ō's big hand destroyed them all.     

Setting himself free from the trees, he directed himself towards Hashirama.     

"Wood style: Wooden Golem Jutsu!"     

The famous wooden golem grew out of the ground, a wooden dragon wrapped around the golem's torso and together they faced Emma-ō.     

The God of Shinobi had jumped into the fray!     

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