Male God is above, I am below

077, I can't understand

077, I can't understand

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Looking at the goddess who still had no reaction, the boy asked again. He couldn't possibly not get off the stage. Looking at the goddess who was staring at him, the boy could n' t help but flirt.     

However, what he didn't know was that when he thought he was handsome, the girls wanted to vomit. Who could tell them where this person came from?     

Tossing a flirtatious eye to see off autumn waves? Forget it. They couldn't bear to see such a person, let alone such a beautiful girl.     

"Sorry." He simply rejected the boy's wait.     

"You can eat whatever you like, but you should leave. I'm not interested." He didn't say anything else, but Luo Duoduo coldly refused. She had always been the one with the cold and aloofness in front of her. Of course, this wasn't the case in front of his roommate.     

No one expected this to happen. Looking at this tall and cold figure, this man couldn't believe it. His attitude was so sincere. He had already said everything, but he was rejected? How was this possible?     

It turned out that some people were still so conceited and self-righteous. And this was the best proof.     

"Why do you say I'm sorry? Is n' t my sincerity enough?" "I'll give you whatever you want. Besides, our looks are pretty good. In the future, our children will look good too. Are you looking for someone uglier than me?"     

After saying these words, he even dragged the child into the conversation. Hearing this, Luo Duoduo couldn't help but ridicule him. Not to mention her, even the few companions behind her were ridiculing her to the extreme.     

Tsk tsk, it was hard to tell where the confidence came from. If he really wanted the goddess' male god to come out, he would n' t have to kneel down. It was a comedy. However, they were only thinking about these words in their hearts. They definitely wouldn't say it. It couldn't be helped. This right to speak was n' t theirs.     

"I can do anything for you, so why don't you treat me as a friend?" If he didn't give up, he would n' t give up. This was just an apology. He could continue to show his sincerity. Of course, he was serious. He was also thinking about the future. Such a long-term plan was already considered the limit for a boy. If such a confession was not enough, it could only be said that this girl had a problem. Who wouldn't be tempted by such a confession? Even the few people with him were so tempted that they would n' t be able to say that this method would work. But now, it seemed that everything wasn't that simple.     

Anything could be done? He said," Then, can you disappear before my eyes for me?" Luo Duoduo spoke. Since she had already said that, what else could she say? It wouldn't be good if she did n' t say anything, so she said it.     

This sentence naturally let the onlookers know the result. This was just rejection. However, it was obvious that this was the result. He was a publicly acknowledged goddess, so his eyes were naturally high. Jiu San accepted it, so he accepted the male god's confession. However, it seemed like no such person had appeared in the school. But then again, if he looked carefully, the guy who confessed wasn't much either. He was the one who could see through it. Of course, if she confessed to them, they would accept it. As for now, it was best to watch the show properly so as not to miss out on any exciting scenes.     

Knowing that this girl's military training was over today, the Ye Yanlin began to get busy early in the morning. It was only to finish the work on hand and then go to school to give her a surprise.     

However, after waiting outside for a long time, no one came out. He couldn't help but feel anxious. He had already done too many impossible things for his girl, especially now. Even in the past, he had never achieved such a state. However, no one came out. In that case, he could only enter.     

"What do you mean?" The boy was a little upset. The hand that was holding the rose also tightened. Damn it, he even pulled his face to do this. However, this girl still refused to agree. It really infuriated him. It must be known that he had come to confess this time very seriously. It was also for the sake of a long-term future. But now, it seemed that this girl didn't give him any face. So, at this moment, the boy's tone of voice seemed to have changed. "Isn't this enough for me?" "What else do you want from me?" He held back his wild thoughts and said again.     

"What if I don't want you? What if I want you?" Knowing that he was impatient, Luo Duoduo said indifferently. Actually, she was also very impatient. If it wasn't for so many people surrounding her, she would n' t have bothered to waste time talking to such people. It had to be said that she would rather go back earlier to find her male god. That was the most eye-catching thing. He was still handsome.     

"I think I've already made it clear. I wo n' t accept it, let alone become your girlfriend." Since that was the case, she had better just say it directly. Otherwise, this person wouldn't understand and continue to tangle with her. She was really going to die of annoyance. "If you really lack a girlfriend, I'll trouble you to turn around. I think there are many people who will accept you. "So, please make way. Don't look around." As he spoke, Luo Duoduo wanted to leave.     

Not to mention that she felt uncomfortable standing under the sun, even in the face of such a thing, she felt extremely uncomfortable, let alone facing this unfamiliar face. Thinking about it, it was still her male god. If it wasn't for this sudden appearance, perhaps he would have met the male god now.     

"Male God, wait for me." Thinking of this, Luo Duoduo originally cold and beautiful little face instantly softened and carried a faint smile.     

He couldn't help but feel confused. Just saying that the goddess was indeed like this. Even a simple smile was so charming. In fact, it wasn't just him who thought this. Even the onlookers were filled with emotions.     

Especially the dimple on the smiling face. It looked so cute. And that pair of smart eyes were so charming.     

Standing in front of Luo Duoduo, he said," It's fine if I' m not a girlfriend. Then I'll be my wife." The boy was unwilling to let go. Anyway, he had made up his mind to chase after the goddess.     

Actually, he had already understood the meaning of that sentence, but he didn't want to settle it like that. Not only were there so many people watching, there was also a matter of face. So, from the beginning, he had been pretending that he didn't understand. He didn't even pretend to understand. Anyway, no one knew that as long as he could achieve his goal in the end.     

It was obvious that everyone could see it clearly.     

So when Ye Yanlin arrived, he heard the boy's words.     

Due to his height, when he walked over, he saw the Luo Duoduo standing in the crowd. His wrinkled brows were filled with impatience. If there was that boy, was he ignoring his existence?     

"Look, there's a handsome guy."     

"Wow, so handsome."     

"My god, my eyes are going to get pregnant."     

Because of Ye Yanlin existence, everyone's attention turned to him. The girl was envious, and even the person who was confessing was stunned. He had thought that he was already considered a school grass-level existence in school, but the appearance of this person made him feel a little inferior. High school was still a school grass, but at university... No, he seemed to have discovered something.     

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