Male God is above, I am below

058 Hi, what a coincidence!

058 Hi, what a coincidence!

The originally happy feeling became conflicted because of seeing someone. Even if Han Zexu were to console him, it would be useless. He really didn't expect to see her here. Was n' t this too coincidental?     

Luo Duoduo naturally couldn't gossip. After all, Han Zeya's reaction was too strange, making it difficult for her not to be curious.     

In fact, she had guessed a little, but she couldn't confirm it.     

"That's my sister's boyfriend, but the family doesn't agree." Looking at the curious girl in front of him, Han Zexu explained. "You also know about my family's situation. It's impossible for my parents to agree to my sister being with such a person. That's why we have a blind date."     

After hearing this, Luo Duoduo finally understood.     

A few years of friends still knew about this. There was no need to say anything about Hou Jingsen. That family was clear on everything. On the other hand, there was no need to mention this Han Zexu. Just the way they wore them was one of the best. They were all wearing famous brands at any time. They could be considered the most equipped people in the class. But on the other hand, this guy was definitely a strong person with both appearance and inner strength. Many girls in the class liked him so much that they couldn't. However, she was so cold that she didn't want to talk to him. However, there were still people who liked him so much that they could n' t. Luo Duoduo didn't understand why the girls liked him the same.     

From the looks of it, this boyfriend had misunderstood and was sad Zeya Sister's face was full of frowns. Therefore, Han Zeya wasn't interested in Han Zexu playing with Luo Duoduo in the following period of time.     

What they did not know was that at this moment, two pairs of eyes were staring at them.     

Looking at the name on the screen, Han Zeya's heart was filled with nervousness. In the end, he did n' t answer the call. At this moment, she really didn't know how to explain to Li Jiahao. His self-esteem was so strong that if he said that, it would probably hurt him even more. Thinking about everything before, she felt uncomfortable. However, he didn't expect that Li Jiahao would actually be a conductor at such a time. Was n' t he a family teacher? Then why would he appear here now?     

Such questions had been lingering in Han Zeya's heart, but at this moment, there was no way to ask them. If his parents knew about this, they wouldn't know what to say. If they knew about this, they probably wouldn't have thought about it. She was still thinking of using this temporary blind date to buffer herself, but who would have thought that she would be like this now? However, Han Zeya didn't expect that even if they did n' t say anything about this, their family would still know about it. In the end, they had underestimated their abilities.     

"Why don't you answer the phone?" Listening to the music, Ye Yanlin only asked symbolically. It could be seen that this woman was at a loss. Although he didn't say how careful he was, he could still see this, just like the Sun Ting back then.     

"I ……"     

"Why don't you explain it to me? After all, he has the right to know about this matter. Otherwise, it would be a misunderstanding." Looking at the woman who had never intended to answer the phone, Ye Yanlin said indifferently. Of course, he just didn't want this to cause unnecessary trouble.     

Han Zeya smiled and shook his head. He hadn't received it after so many times, so he probably would n' t call again.     

But the next second," A Hao." The appearance of a man stunned Han Zeya. This sudden appearance in front of him was fake.     

"Why don't you answer the phone?" Was it because of this man? Han Zeya, are you looking down on me now?" Looking down at the woman in front of him, Li Jiahao almost roared.     

"It's not like that. A Hao, it's really not like what you saw."     

Perhaps the scene here was too attractive. When Luo Duoduo and Han Zexu arrived, they saw a thick wall of people.     

On the other hand, a certain person was squeezed into the crowd like he was watching a show, but Luo Duoduo still saw him. Even though it was just a back view, she could still recognize her hairstyle and figure at a glance. However, this wasn't the main point. The main point was what was happening inside.     

When the two of them squeezed in, they saw Han Zeya, who was in tears, sitting there crying. The two men stood face to face without any movement.     

Han Zeya was thinking of going and explaining the matter to him. However, Li Jiahao didn't listen to him at all. He insisted on making a big fuss and saying it clearly. He even said evil things.     

Han Zeya knew that he had touched his pride, so he didn't make a fuss. He kept talking to each other. However, Li Jiahao couldn't understand it at all because the moment he saw it, he felt like he was green.     

"No wonder I can't see you or answer your phone call during this period of time. Is there someone else?" It was no wonder that she had to look good and have money. I, a poor kid from the countryside, was nothing. Hur hur, it was also because of my own feelings that I wanted to take a part-time job. "I didn't expect you, Han Zeya, to be such a material woman." Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Li Jiahao continued, completely ignoring the crying woman.     

Seeing this, Luo Duoduo felt a little displeased.     

Was this the so-called boyfriend? It looked like nothing but trash. He had thought that he was such a good person before, but now, it seemed that he was nothing more than that.     

Seeing the injustice, Luo Duoduo stood up angrily and pointed at Li Jiahao nose." You know what you're talking about. Do n' t say that things aren't what you think. This is what you think. You deserve it." "A person like you doesn't deserve such a good girl."     

These words were Luo Duoduo unceremoniously spoken. No matter how straightforward she looked, the people around her couldn't help but praise her. Of course, some people said that she was meddling in other people's business.     

"That's right. It's really not good to jump to conclusions before we figure it out. No matter what, she also had a girlfriend. It would be bad if you misunderstood her like this, let alone ……"     

For a moment. This Sun Ting came out of the crowd and even said such words.     

However, she had never thought that just because of her words, the crowd became even more suspicious. There were all kinds of versions.     

Association was everywhere, depending on what everyone thought.     

"Why are you here?" If he wasn't sure what he saw just now, then at this moment, Luo Duoduo was the rhythm that I was sure of.     

Why did this woman come here?     

"Hey, what a coincidence. I'm just passing by. I did n' t expect to see you here. Yan Lin, what's going on? Of course Sun Ting wouldn't say anything else. She wouldn't be stupid enough to do things that were self-destructive.     

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