Male God is above, I am below



Seeing the boy suddenly come out, Hou Jingsen asked in confusion," Why did you come out so quickly?" Of course, she didn't understand. At this moment, should n' t they be discussing their feelings properly? But why did he come out now? After all, there wasn't even half an hour left. Could it be that it was done? Thinking of this, Hou Jingsen gave him a thumbs up.     

However, Han Zexu shook his head helplessly and turned around to leave.     

"Hey, don't you care about Duoduo?" Hou Jingsen didn't understand. Why did he leave with a disappointed expression? Looking at his back, Hou Jingsen asked in confusion.     

"I'll go get the wine. You can go in. "Turn around and look at the puzzled girl. Han Zexu said.     

"Duoduo, come down quickly." When Hou Jingsen entered, he almost fainted. She couldn't understand the current situation. Where had the calm and ladylike Luo Duoduo gone? Was this girl standing at the wine table a Luo Duoduo she knew?     

"I love him the craziest..." Holding up his wine cup, Luo Duoduo howled loudly. Without the accompaniment of music, her singing was still so good.     

Looking at such a Luo Duoduo, Hou Jingsen was really envious. Who said that no one was perfect was a lie. If that was true, then why did she Luo Duoduo both jealous looks and a beautiful family? Even such a good boy liked her.     

It was said that people were divided into different groups. Ever since she was with Luo Duoduo, she felt that her appearance had been upgraded by more than one level. Even if Luo Duoduo had few friends around him, it was still a good-looking person. Especially the male god in Luo Duoduo heart, which was a heaven-defying appearance. If she didn't say it, she really thought that man was as big as them.     

Just as they were singing, a phone rang and interrupted the nature of the Luo Duoduo.     

Her feet drifted down from the table, almost falling to the ground. She Hou Jingsen so nervous that she could only pray that Han Zexu would return quickly.     

After rummaging around the sofa, Luo Duoduo saw the phone in the corner. Without thinking, she pressed the answer button.     

"Don't think that you' ll be fine if you don't go home right now. Do n' t think that you'll live a carefree life alone." The moment the phone was answered, a violent male voice came from the other end.     

Actually Sun Qiang was just trying his luck. She didn't expect that this private room would be booked Sun Ting that loathsome girl. It seemed like this little day was too enjoyable. He was the older brother who was serving people with fruit trays and wine while his own sister was spending time here. For what reason? In the Sun family, he should be the one who should enjoy it. For what reason was this loathsome girl? Back then, he left after breaking off his relationship. Let alone making money at home, there wasn't even a single call.     

Fortunately, he was relieved that the call had been answered.     

"Loathsome girl, speak for me." The person on the other end of the phone didn't respond and Sun Qiang started yelling impatiently. In the corridor, he kicked the stairs. He wanted to scream in pain, but he could only squat down to cover his feet and grimace. At this moment, Sun Qiang directly blamed all the grievances on Sun Ting. In short, if it wasn' t for this loathsome girl, he wouldn' t have been as miserable as he was now.     

Speak? Luo Duoduo was a little stunned, but more angry.     

Damn, what the hell was going on today? Why are these two attacking her? Do you think she's easy to bully? There was also such a vile tone. Even the Han Zexu just now wasn't like this.     

"Who are you?" Wang Yao asked. Are you crazy? "I'll tell you not to attack me again, or I wo n' t end with you." Finally, he followed suit, and Luo Duoduo immediately countered.     

"I'm telling you, you' re the height of the grave that usually kills me. "So, where should I go? Don't bother me." With that, Luo Duoduo hung up the phone. He looked at the phone in his hand and threw it back to continue drinking.     

Before he could finish his sentence, the phone had already been hung up. At this moment, the Sun Qiang didn't need to mention how angry he was.     

"Good, very good, loathsome girl, you' re dead." Staring at the phone screen, Sun Qiang said through gritted teeth.     

The night wind was so casual that it messed up Sun Ting hair, but it didn't make her upset.     

She was smoking one cigarette after another. Even though she was dizzy, she had no intention of stopping.     

It had been so long, so why didn't Ye Yanlin call him? Did he forget about him? If he hadn't forgotten, why did n' t he have a phone call?     

Thinking about it, Sun Ting reached out to touch his pocket, but he couldn't find his phone.     

Her phone... She must have fallen into the private room. What about Ye Yanlin? Haven't they returned to the storeroom yet? That damned girl, she must think of a way. She must stabilize her position.     

She could imagine that she would not have a good life next. After hiding for so long, he thought he could completely forget it, but he didn't expect Sun Qiang to appear. She really couldn't do anything to that family and those so-called relatives, just like back then.     

Ye Yanlin anxiously searched for him. Even the attendant asked, but he said that he did not see this person leave. If she didn't go out, it meant that she was still here.     

"Where else can you go?" Looking at the bartender, Ye Yanlin asked anxiously.     

"This... "The only place to go is the rooftop." Looking at the male god in front of him, the waiter said in a daze. For some reason, he felt that the man in front of him had an indescribable aura, or rather, a domineering aura.     

The rooftop? Without much thought Ye Yanlin he went straight to the top floor.     

Even though they were shivering with cold, Sun Ting still had no intention of going back. Since that man's thoughts were n' t on her, she would think of a way to pull his thoughts back. If he could find him... As for the next plan, she did not think about it.     

Pushing open the door, Ye Yanlin saw the thin and weak figure at a glance, lying on the railing at the edge. The countless cigarette ends on the ground made Ye Yanlin frown.     

When Han Zexu returned to the private room, it was already in a mess. It was obvious that the Luo Duoduo was really drunk at this moment. At this moment, she was standing in front of the microphone, hugging the microphone tightly as she kissed it. One hand was holding a bottle of wine and waving it around. She was so excited that she couldn't stand it.     

As for Hou Jingsen, she sat on the sofa and looked helplessly at the girl standing there.     

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