Male God is above, I am below

008, Tell me you love me

008, Tell me you love me

"Mom, Dad, Uncle, Auntie, this is my girlfriend, Sun Ting." Looking at the adults present, Ye Yanlin made an introduction. In any case, she would have to introduce her sooner or later, so why not introduce her directly. If that was the case, they could settle their matters as soon as possible. Actually, this was what he Ye Yanlin thinking.     

Thinking about how long they had been together, they had told their family about this before. They just said that they could do whatever they wanted.     

But now, it seemed that this was not the case.     

"Yan Lin, quickly sit down. Don't stand up either. Just treat this as your own home." Looking at the two people still standing, Luo Xianbing said enthusiastically.     

Of course, he knew what his daughter was thinking, but even so, he couldn't neglect the guests.     

"This child looks pretty good. Very good, very good." Xu Shiya praised the silent couple. Indeed, this child looked pretty good. Although he was lacking in manners, he was still quite compatible with Ye Yanlin child.     

However, looking at his daughter's face, even though he knew that he was unhappy, he still had to face her.     

"Since you guys are so unpopular, we'll go out." Seeing their parents' attitude, Ye Yanlin became a little angry. No matter what, he didn't like it, nor could he act so obviously. This was the first time they had come to their home. This was a bit too much for them.     

In that case, he had nothing to say.     

Seeing Ye Yanlin protect himself like this, Sun Ting felt indescribably happy. Humph, he didn't like what he could do. The person he wanted to marry was his Ye Yanlin. Even if his parents objected, as long as this man loved him, everything would n' t be a problem. This was the best proof.     

"Stop right there." Looking at the departing figure, Ye Yongjian raged.     

What was this bastard thinking? He actually dared to turn around and leave like this.     

"Ye Yanlin, if you dare to step out of this place today, don't enter this place in the future. What do you think your love is? Do you think you can just like it now? "You think everything too simple." Threats were necessary. If he didn't say that, this brat might have left.     

Perhaps this was really useful, but Ye Yanlin stopped.     

Of course, if he didn't stop, Sun Ting would n' t stop him. She could clearly hear what she had just said. If they were to leave just like that, would she still want anything like this in the future? Obviously, this was impossible. Thinking about it, if this man really left the house, they would have to rely on their own hands in the future and slowly earn it. During this process, she would see that she couldn't buy what she liked, eat what she wanted to eat, travel without money, go shopping and look at her wallet. Everything had to be calculated. This kind of life was not what she really wanted.     

Fortunately, she had her back to her. Otherwise, she would have discovered Sun Ting serious scheme. Thinking back to the old man's gaze, she still felt scared. She believed that if that old man continued watching, he would definitely see through her.     

"Then what do you want? Do you plan to marry this little guy? "She's just my sister." Turning around to look at Luo Duoduo, Ye Yanlin said firmly.     

How could he not know what his father meant? They had said something when he was young. However, he Ye Yanlin n't mind. After all these years, he still treated this little girl as his sister. Even though she had been following him from a young age, he still treated her as his sister.     

"Love or not, it's all my own business. My own choice." This time, Ye Yanlin looked at his father and said.     

He didn't know what this man was thinking, but he was certain that this man had never thought about it for his own good. If he had thought about it, it would be impossible for him to say such things now.     

"Then I asked you, what is your love? Don't tell me that your love is just this woman. How much do you know about her? Do you know her background? How did you know that she was simply approaching you, liking you and loving you? "Are you sure this woman loves you?" Ye Yongjian said aggressively.     

There were only four people who knew what he was trying to do with his attitude. As for the two children, they were dumbfounded.     

The person who didn't understand the most was naturally Luo Duoduo. In her opinion, love was just love or not. Love or not was so simple. There was no need to say it. However, if it was her, she would not hesitate to say that she liked it. She would say that she loved it, just like her feelings for Ye Yanlin. She would definitely say it without hesitation. But now, she was curious about how this woman who claimed to be her future sister-in-law would answer.     

And this was what Ye Yanlin wanted to know the most. That's right. They had been together for so long, but this woman had never said anything. Now that his father had asked this question, even if he was embarrassed, he had to say it. No matter what, he had to act like this.     

Everyone was waiting for this woman's answer.     

However, no matter how they waited, the woman beside them remained silent. She kept her head down and did nothing.     

Seeing this, Ye Yanlin was very anxious. But what was more urgent was Luo Duoduo.     

She didn't understand. This woman was still showing her affection before her, so why did n' t she say anything now? Was she mute? Where was the arrogance from before? Why didn't he say anything now? Looking at this, Luo Duoduo couldn't help but feel anxious. If it was her, she wouldn't be so reserved. However, the problem was that this woman didn't seem like she was being reserved. Then, what was she thinking? Was he hesitating?     

"Big Sis, what are you talking about?" Finally, Luo Duoduo couldn't help it anymore. Seeing that she was mute, she was anxious to death. Was it really that difficult to say that she loved him?     

"Tingting, what are you thinking? Tell me." Ye Yanlin whispered in Sun Ting ear. He thought that he might have been scared, but he might not have reacted.     

"Say, what did you say?" Sun Ting didn't look at Ye Yanlin. Who knew if she was flustered or embarrassed? She didn't look at it anyway.     

"Quickly say that you love me." Ye Yanlin said impatiently. God knows how much he wanted to hear this woman say these three words, which were more important than anything else.     

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