Chapter 351: Impostor!!

Chapter 351: Impostor!!

In his last words, he unleashed his killing intent without any reservation, as a huge pressure started to press on his victims.     

To make them feel even more hopeless and desperate he blocked a part of their cultivation at the same time, to make them face the full brunt of that pressure.     

He could see them shiver, and tremble in that pressure, as their bodies were turning completely white as their blood had disappeared from their bodies.     

Thinking that this was enough, Tianlong Yun released the pressure, and sent a mental message to Zi Qian who had just occupied a new body,     

"Take them outside one by one, and be careful they don't do anything stupid. Be extra attentive!"     

With that said he left their area, and went to take a look at the trio that he had captured a while ago, it was Young Master Yao, Young Master Qin, and the Tang family fairy.     

While Young Master Qin was his slave and knew what was happening and who had captured them, Young Master Yao and the Tang family fairy had no idea what was happening.     

They had been captured and immediately placed in their rooms without any words whatsoever, and had not even the tiniest idea of what was going on.     

Taking a look at Young Master Yao's room Tianlong Yun didn't know if he should feel amused or disgusted, as the guy was crying himself to death, and there was even a pungent smell in the air.     

Apparently, he hadn't been able to hold himself back, nor even the fear inside him, as he had literally shitted himself in his pants.     

Not caring much about him, and not wanting to take in more of that smell inside his room, Tianlong Yun left the place and went towards the Tang family's fairy room.     

Different from the trash earlier she seemed to be calmer, and cool, but most probably that was because she had some kind of a transmitting device.     

She was trying to send an emergency message to her family, with the coordinates of the place that she was found.     

This was the first time she had been targeted and captured like this, but her family elders had assured her that this worked perfectly.     

One could say that she was prepared as a little trap for the Shadow Clan, as she was the linking point between the Tang's and the Qin's new alliance.     

Just like they had thought she had truly been captured, and brought to an important place of the Shadow Clan, it was just that they had never thought that this place didn't exist on Earth.     

She had no idea she was inside Tianlong Yun's personal little world, inside the Old Pouch, and that her signals couldn't pass the dimensional barrier without Tianlong Yun's permission.     

Without caring to hide his voice, Tianlong Yun sent her a mental message,     

"That thing isn't going to work in here, nobody will come to save you pretty fairy!"     

Those words caught the pretty fairy off guard, someone was finally there to talk to her, but the first words he said had to destroy her last hope.     

She was angry, pissed off, but at the same time she was also scared, frightened to death. After all, she had never gone through something like this ever before.     

Trying to take a look around the place, or find the source of that mysterious voice, she wasn't able to find anyone or anything.     

She seemed to be alone in that place, just like before, but she was certain that she had heard a man's nice voice a moment ago, startled like this she started talking while looking around,     

"Wh-who are you? Why can't I see you? Why did you capture me? What are your intentions with me? Don't you know who I am?     

The Tang family will never let you get away with it! You better release me now, and run away, outside of this Planet, otherwise, you are as good as dead!"     

Hearing all that Tianlong Yun felt that this girl was really stupid, she must have been sheltered all her life, and the only thing she cultivated was her beauty.     

In such a short time she had fired so many questions, and not to mention the fact that she was also trying to threaten him with her background.     

When he had seen her at the party with her unwavering attitude, and that cold and detached look he had thought she was a beauty with brains, but looking at her now she seemed like an arrogant idiot.     

He truly had thought too highly of this girl, he was really disappointed right now. The only good thing about her was the fact that she might be a beauty.     

Thinking like this, a bad idea creped on his mind, as he said with a devilish voice,     

"Well it doesn't really matter who I am, and since you told me that I am going to die anyway, then I would like to die a happy person!     

So why don't you start stripping for me!?"     

 Hearing those words, the little fairy was frozen solid, as this was something that it should never happen. She shouldn't reveal her face or body to anyone else at the moment.     

For that reason, she placed her hands over her face, and soft mountains of jade, as she started screaming,     

"Noooo, pervert, beast! I will never do something like that!"     

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled and surprised, not because of her overreaction, but more because of the fact that when he said those words, the first thing she covered was her face.     

Now he didn't have much experience on this, but wasn't a woman supposed to protect her chest and her secret garden in a situation like this?     

Then, why did this little fairy protect her face first, and then a part of her woman body? There was clearly something fishy with this.     

With that thought in mind, the Qi around the place was frozen and blocked. Even the Qi in the little fairy's body had been frozen and blocked.     

Her strength had completely left her body, as she had turned into a weak little mortal fairy, and before she could even understand what was going on, she felt 5 chains capture her limbs.     

4 of them chained her arms, and legs, opening them forcefully, and hanging her in the air, while the 5th one had a bigger buckle and it was on her neck, keeping her head up.     

She didn't have time to get surprised, as immediately after that, a small fire was born close to her face, as it burned her veil.     

Her veil wasn't a normal one, as this was a magical weapon of sorts that the Tang family Patriarch had procured for her from the organization backing them.     

He had paid a high price for it, but it was worth it. The best way to sell a product wasn't the product itself but the marketing.     

The fact that the Tang family had paid so much for this little piece of cloth to cover her face, meant that she must be a true beauty.     

At least that was what the whole world thought of it, and since it was the Tang family who said it they definitely wouldn't dare object to it.     

But right now that same veil was being burnt slowly as her face was coming out on the surface slowly but surely, the veil didn't have a chance against those flames.     

She tried with all her left strength to get out of those chains and protect her face, as she screamed in hatred, and cursed at Tianlong Yun for doing such a thing, but she wasn't able to achieve anything.     

Her actions clearly surprised Tianlong Yun who was becoming more and more curious about what all this was about. Just what made this little fairy react this much, but he didn't stop what he was doing.     

It took a while for the veil to finally disappear as he finally understood what was going on with her. in her supposed to be a beautiful face, there was a big mark.     

More than a mark it seemed like a symbol like someone had burned a symbol on her face, but what surprised him most was what the symbol meant.     

The symbol on her head showed that she was a sacrifice, a slave-seal sacrifice. This was a method used by the evil sects of the Immortal World.     

The idea was simple, they placed the seal on a woman or man, and the person who was involved in intercourse with that said person would be attacked by the seal inside them, and turn into a slave.     

This was a really good move because at the moment, the person was too immersed in the intercourse and was defenseless, and the seal attack was truly powerful, which made it a surefire method.     

But there were a few problems with it! First, it was the method it was cultivated, the symbol on the sacrifice's face would be drawn and burnt with the blood of a just born baby, and its soul.     

The reason why it should be a just born baby was that they were the only creatures who had a pure and clean soul, who could be easily overwritten and turned loyal.     

To make the symbol stronger, most of the time it was used as a little sibling of the sacrifice. But that isn't all there is to it, as the second reason just as the name stands, the person is just a sacrifice.     

The moment the woman's secret cave was conquered, the slave-seal sacrifice starts burning, and his or her soul turned into a hateful spirit that attacked his partner's sea of conscience and soul.     

Destroying all the barriers, while the symbol easily seeped through unperturbed and placed the slave seal inside the target's sea of conscience and soul.     

This method almost never failed, but it was too difficult to implement due to its preparations, and the fact that the target shouldn't know about his partner being such a thing.     

After all, who would agree with this knowing what it followed, for that reason, they were even give strong aphrodisiacs, and the sacrifice or they were completely unaware of it…     

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