Chapter 325: Aftermath & Beauties & Shop

Chapter 325: Aftermath & Beauties & Shop

The next day the whole of China was stunned to learn that a powerful family like Wei's family had been destroyed, and disappeared from history without leaving a trace.     

Only the servants and the workers of the family, and the Patriarch of the family were left behind. It was truly weird for the Patriarch to be left behind and every one had his own conspiracy.     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun handed the womenfolk and the descendants of the Wei family to Yu Qing, and her organization, under the instruction of a good treatment.     

They were useful as long as Patriarch Wei was useful to him, after that he had to reconsider their situation and standing.     

But there was still some time before he had to think more about that, and it would depend on their attitudes during this time.     

The most important thing at the moment was that a 2nd rate family in Shanghai had crumbled in only one night, and the reason for that had been Tianchang City.     

This made all the other 2nd rate, but even 1st rate families that had an eye on Tianchang City to think things through one more time, before messing up with the power behind it.     

The situation wasn't the same for the big powers though, quite on the contrary they were even more interested in this rapidly developing city, and started pushing more for a foot in there.     

Everything that was happening was according to Tianlong Yun's plans, he had expected such a reaction from all of them.     

But he was particularly interested in one family though, the Yao family, and their blood relation. At the moment they were staying quiet but soon they had to make a choice.     

While everyone was stunned on the big event of the day, Tianlong Yun was seating in a small box together with Yu Qing and Jake Long enjoying his breakfast.     

Shanghai was a really beautiful and modern city, and while he had seen much more advanced technology than this, they were more dependent on the Qi, and world energy.     

While the civilization on this small isolated planet had found interesting ways to use the laws and energies of nature to create some interesting stuff.     

Actually looking at the things around him, he had been thinking of creating a laboratory that would work beside his alchemy department.     

At the moment his alchemy department in the clan was really small, with only 20 something disciples, but the good news was that they were all level 2 alchemists by now.     

That was only due to his and Tianlong Xia's help but nonetheless, they had such achievements, it would be good if Yu Qing knew alchemy too, but that seemed impossible.     

Well, firstly he guessed that it would be a good idea to have a walk around the city, and visit some other people.     

He wasn't here only for the Wei family, he had to buy some herbs and materials too, also by the memories he got from Patriarch Wei the previous night, there seemed to be an auction soon.     

After what happened the previous night, he didn't think that there would be a problem to receive an invitation to that auction, seeing that it was organized by EITS.     

While enjoying his breakfast he was hearing a lot of rumors and conspiracies about the events of the previous night, depicting him like a haughty demon that killed for the slightest offense.     

Not that he cared much about how people viewed him, a giant would never bother about the ants' opinion. That was why whatever they said about him, was like water under the bridge.     

He was more interested in another rumor though, apparently, there was another big news in the city, the Tang family's princess had come to Shanghai.     

She was here on behalf of her family to participate in the celebration of the Shanghai Mayor's 50th birthday.     

According to the rumors she was supposed to be one of the 5 fairies of China, the top 5 beautiful ladies all over the country, and she took the 2nd spot nonetheless.     

The first spot was apparently in the hands of the princess of the Qin family, technically she was Qin Bao's little cousin. He was curious to know how she looked compared to Qin Bao.     

The 3rd place belonged to his little cousin, the princess of the Yao family, who was probably the daughter of his 3rd uncle or something.     

While the 4th and 5th respectively were occupied by an idol and an actress. Of course, even these two ladies were coming from 2nd or 3rd rate families.     

There was no way for someone with a poor origin to reach high in this society, probably they were devoured by those old men even before they placed a foot on a big stage.     

It wasn't that Tianlong Yun thought that these girls were totally pure, but at least their way had fewer thorns and there might be a chance.     

He would certainly love to meet these ladies, after all, who wouldn't like to meet a beauty, and especially a Seraphim like him, that contained a new bloodline.     

There was something he had observed from his bloodline though, he had the same lust of his previous life as a Royal Dragon, but now his body scent seemed to have become more refined, and controllable.     

He could control when his body would produce that scent that worked as an aphrodisiac to almost every woman out there.     

If he liked someone he wouldn't hesitate to make her his. His wives had long come to terms with this, even Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing.     

After staying this long with him, and Tianlong Xia, and the other sisters, they all had accepted that most probably their sisters' numbers would reach absurd numbers.     

But they were satisfied as long as they had a place in Tianlong Yun's heart, and by their status, their place wasn't small.     

 Once again his thoughts had drifted so much, from a simple rumor. But this made him curious to meet that Tang family's princess, and see for himself how beautiful she was.     

With these thoughts in mind, he looked towards Yu Qing and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" So what do you say little demoness, will you accompany me today to the party? Perhaps you will meet a new sister in there."     

Of course, Yu Qing understood what he meant, she had also been curious to hear the rumors around them, and she had become a bit curious to see this fairy, so she said with a carefree tone,     

Yu Qing:" Mhm, I will. I am also curious about that fairy myself. I would like to see her beauty."     

She was straightforward, for someone like her that was supposed to be one of the most beautiful women of the Immortal World, meeting the beauties of Earth was clearly interesting.     

As for the possibility of her becoming her sister, while she despised the weak humans, she had no right to express her opinion, she was only Tianlong Yun's servant at the moment.     

If she prejudiced that woman without even meeting her, it would most probably work in the opposite direction, and she would only make Tianlong Yun despise her character.     

Tianlong Yun could feel, and understand what she was thinking at the moment, but he felt satisfied that she knew her boundaries.     

In that calm and peaceful atmosphere, they continued eating their breakfast, while Tianlong Yun sent a mental message to Tianlong Hu Die to secure them invitations for today's party.     

Tianlong Yun was a Crown Prince before his death in his previous life, and he knew the etiquette and mannerism for attending a party.     

Even though he would never be refused entrance there, it was better to have an invitation prior to the event, to make things easier, and more ethical.     

 After that, they went to have a look around the City. Of course, they only headed to sightseeing, as for the museums, and the shows, those were useless they had seen much more with their eyes.     

After sightseeing what they could, it was finally time for shopping. They couldn't go to today's party wearing clothes that didn't fit the occasion.     

For that reason, they headed towards the place where all the high society of Shanghai would select their outfits, the place where one could find all the best brands.     

Walking through the shops while they watched the different styles, and outfits, Tianlong Yun finally brought them towards a shop, which seemed to be a bit crowded at the moment.     

The big board at the front read, Tianlong Fashion, and it was a shop under the Tianlong Group of Companies.     

As soon as they were about to open the door, the manager of the shop himself came and opened the door for them, while being extremely courteous.     

He was a disciple of the Shadow Clan, and all of them knew the face of their clan's Patriarch. Seeing him enter the place he managed it was a big honor for him.     

If he did his work well and entered his Patriarch's good books, he could earn some extra cultivation resources, like the new pills, and elixirs.     

That was why he immediately came and opened the door personally, and said reverently,     

Manager:" Welcome to this shop Young Master!"     

 He knew that Tianlong Yun's identity as the Patriarch was a big secret, and the whole clan was ordered not even think about divulging it, so he used that way of address.     

While the world didn't know his identity as the Patriarch of the Shadow Clan, his identity as Tianlong Yun, the head of Tianlong Group of Companies was something everyone could find.     

Of course, that attitude and way of address surprised everyone inside the boutique though, because they had never seen him before.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was satisfied with his actions, and quick wits, as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" You are doing a really good job Ling Jie. We are here to find outfits for the party tonight, I am sure they have already notified you about it!"     

Ling Jie didn't deny it, and immediately said,     

Ling Jie:" Of course everything is ready, we have already selected a few and placed them aside. Follow me please!"     

But while they were about to go and follow him, they heard…     


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