Chapter 320: Who is trapping who?

Chapter 320: Who is trapping who?

Only to be shocked at the scene in front of them, Tianlong Yun was just lying down, with his head over Yu Qing's thighs as he looked sleepily towards the door.     

Seeing all of them enter he didn't look worried or bothered in the least, in fact, he looked like he was bored waiting for them, as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" You guys sure took your time, I was thinking of having a light sleep before you entered!"     

All the people inside were looking at him with shocked and surprised expressions as if he was a retarded person or something.     

But it couldn't be said that it was their fault, after all, there were more than 30 people waiting outside the room with good knowledge in martial arts.     

Lining up, from Masters and Grandmasters of martial arts to the Foundation Establishment Real, and even a cultivator in the 3rd level Golden Core Realm in their ranks.     

This was just because of the insistence of the Old man that was with Young Master Wei in the Immortal Hall, as he said that he couldn't fathom Tianlong Yun's Realm.     

Since the Old man was in the Foundation Establishment Realm they thought that most probably Tianlong Yun was in the Golden Core Realm, or had a treasure to increase his aura.     

If Tianlong Yun was really in the Golden Core Realm at his age, then he was truly a genius on Earth. Not to mention that there were records of him being a normal kid 4 years ago.     

Either he had hidden too good, or he had encountered a great opportunity lately, and there was a huge secret on his body that could help anyone of them.     

And finally the cherry on top of the cake this guy had stupidly offended and attacked Young Master Wei Po of the Wei family.     

To them it looked like hitting 2 birds with one stone, while not everyone would be able to eat meat, they could at least drink the juice out of it.     

The only problem was that the Young Masters participating in this didn't seem to understand why they needed such a force behind them.     

To them, Tianlong Yun seemed just like an idiot who didn't know how high the mountains went, and how deep the oceans were.     

So seeing him like that enjoying his time, and saying these words they couldn't hold back anymore as one of them said with a dark, and mocking expression,     

Idiot #1:" Hey kid are you some kind of retarded or something? Do you know who you have offended? Do you know what is waiting for you?"     

Idiot #2:" This kid is definitely an idiot, but at least that chick by his side is not bad, we can have a bit of fun with her in front of him, that would make all this effort a bit rewarding."     

All this time none of them had been paying much attention to Yu Qing, due to her average looks, and only now were they reminded of two other people being beside Tianlong Yun.     

The moment those words came out of his mouth though, he felt a sudden fleeting pressure on his body, like for a fleeting moment he had seen two Gods of Death in front of him.     

But it was too short, and with the situation at hand he didn't think it was possible, so most probably it was just his mind playing games at him.     

Right after his words, the whole crowd seemed to look and talk more about Yu Qing, as Young Master Wei said with a clear condescending tone,     

Wei Po:" I will make you wish you had let me have those women in front of you. But don't worry there is still time for me to take care of them.     

Too bad you won't be able to witness it!"     

Then turning towards an Old Man who seemed to be enjoying the presence of two ladies by his side, he said,     

Wei Po:" Master Fei if you please!"     

This Master Fei seemed to be angry to have been disturbed as he was playing with the ladies and said with an arrogant voice,     

Master Fei:" Tche, to have called me here just because of a worthless piece of trash when I could be enjoying my sweeties."     

Then as if he didn't even deign to look at a piece of trash like Tianlong Yun, he just quickly assembled an arrow of Qi and send it towards Tianlong Yun's dragon.     

His low and despicable motive was clear, not only did he want to harm and injure Tianlong Yun, but he was also going to thoroughly humiliate him.     

Like this, he would be able to earn more of Young Master Wei's appreciation, and he might gift him some better toys he could play with.     

But the moment the Qi arrow would finally touch on Tianlong Yun's body, it disappeared like a wisp of smoke, as a dark mist spread around the place.     

It was a cold, dark mist that put everyone inside the box, and everyone outside it having malicious intentions towards Tianlong Yun under terrible pressure.     

They felt like suddenly a huge boulder was resting over them, and they couldn't even move the slightest no matter how much they tried to move.     

But that wasn't all, when they tried to move their inner Qi and try to resist that terrifying pressure, they found out that their Qi was frozen.     

It was like they had turned once again to being just normal mortal humans, without the slightest bit of Qi inside their body, they felt like ants.     

And this truly frightened all of them, everything that they had worked for, and all the efforts they had gone through until now were for nothing.     

They couldn't even open their mouth and say anything, like complaining about this unjust treatment or even plead forgiveness.     

Just the psychological effect was terrifying, not to mention the cold and dark energy that was entering deep inside their bodies, bones, and marrows.     

In this situation, Tianlong Yun continued to lie down with his head on Yu Qing's thighs, as he said with a calm and carefree smile,     

Tianlong Yun:" You see cutie, I told you they were funny. A bit too much sometimes, but they are still funny clowns."     

Yu Qing wasn't really surprised at this situation, while she didn't know how powerful Tianlong Yun's escort was, he was able to pressure and block a Lesser God like her, these flies were nothing.     

Her mind was somewhere else right now though, that dark and cold mist that Jake Long was using gave her the chills.     

It was like it was so dark and horrific that looked like it was Dark Qi, which was usually only due to someone using Evil Arts.     

Was it true that Tianlong Yun had a connection with Evil cultivators, and that he had cultivated Evil Arts in his past life?     

But it didn't look like it. Earlier Tianlong Yun gave her the impression of someone wrongly accused and betrayed, it didn't seem to be true.     

Right now though, she was in a real dilemma, because that dark Qi and that eerie feeling made her really doubt her thoughts.     

Just what was going on here? On the other hand, as if noticing her thoughts and doubts, Tianlong Yun just said with a mental message,     

Tianlong Yun:" You will learn everything when the time is right, and have proven your loyalty!"     

She was a bit startled but she didn't pry longer, any cultivator had its own secrets that he wouldn't tell anyone.     

Furthermore, Tianlong Yun wasn't saying that he wouldn't explain it to her, he said that she should show her worth and loyalty.     

Leaving Yu Qing in her own thoughts, Tianlong Yun turned to the crowd of the people that had come here for him, and especially that Golden Core Realm cultivator and Young Master Wei.     

He had a carefree and bright smile on his face, but the crowd in front of him could feel like it was the grin of a demon or a devil.     

And the fact that they could do nothing at all to protect themselves, just made things even more terrifying. They were like babies in front of a demon.     

Approaching that Golden Core Realm cultivator first, Tianlong Yun started looking at him carefully as if he had seen his species for the first time, as he said curiously,     

Tianlong Yun:" I wonder what makes an idiot like you that arrogant, and proud of yourself!?"     

At that moment the guy's cords seemed to be released for a moment, as he said with the same arrogant voice of a moment ago,     

Master Fei:" Do you know who you are messing with? Do you know who my Master is? You are a dead man if something happens to me, my master is…"     

At that moment his voice was sealed once again, it seemed like this guy still hadn't learned his lesson, and thought that he could frighten Tianlong Yun with his Master.     

Tianlong Yun was surprised, was it possible that this guy still didn't know the situation he was in? Did he think that they were playing a game where only he could hurt people?     

Truly baffling!     

Then turning to Young Master Wei he continued with his carefree and bright smile, which seemed to be even brighter after hearing Master Fei's words,     

Tianlong Yun:" What about you little trash? What made you think that you could deal with me?"     

Young Master Wei at least seemed to have a better general view upon the situation, but hearing Master Fei's words he also seemed to be taking some heart as he said,     

Wei Po:" Hmph! Little worm, stop playing the tough guy in here, how much longer will you be able to keep this skill of yours, soon you will be in my hands.     

You better get down on your knees ask forgiveness from Master Fei and me, and then flee this place leaving everything behind, otherwise, I will personally torture you…"     

Once again Tianlong Yun was forced to shut a person's mouth! Were these guys' idiots or something, even if that was the case, wouldn't he be able to kill Young Master Wei this time anyway?     

Apparently, he had to make them clearer about the situation they were in, so with a thought he…     


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