Chapter 348: Spoiler (Title at the end!)

Chapter 348: Spoiler (Title at the end!)

Horrifying! It was something that would scare even the bravest of the hearts. This young man was a merciless monster.     

It didn't take much logic to understand that no matter who came in front of him would most probably have the same end.     

With the exception of the people from the big families, but they already had their hands tied, and could do nothing in this situation.     

There was total silence around the place, as someone could even hear the buzzing of a fly far away from them, but even nature seemed to stay silent at this moment.     

As people looked with big open eyes at Tianlong Yun who had returned to his previous place, staying calm and carefree like before.     

He didn't seem to care in the least about what could happen next, as the situation was already in his hands. Nobody dared to even breathe at this moment.     

The faces of the three Masters' from the big families were a festival of colors as none of them expected something like this.     

They didn't know what to think at that moment, as all their previous thoughts and dreams had been crushed in one single move.     

They had thought of different ways to instigate the other families to place them against Tianlong Yun and crush him with numbers. But after this show, who would dare to step forward?     

They weren't that stupid as to go towards their death. At the same time, they couldn't help but wonder just what kind of organization could raise a monster like Tianlong Yun.     

While they had information that the Shadow Clan was a much more powerful power than they imagined, they didn't really believe it.     

After all, they had been standing at the top link of the chain in China for a long time now, so how would it be possible for some mysterious and unknown power, to come and claim that spot from them.     

Clearly, they wouldn't allow such a thing to happen, not to mention that probably all the information over them was boosted to make them fear, and control them.     

The information they had over the Shadow Clan had come from organizations like EITS, Orientalists, and their kind. They had almost no earlier information on such a power.     

This was precisely the reason why they doubted the Shadow Clan and their intentions on China. Surely they wouldn't abandon their motherland and lose their benefits.     

At that moment, Tianlong Yun's voice sounded once again, as he broke the silence and said,     

"Well now that all the dogs have been taught a lesson, and there are no barking dogs anymore, let us return to our previous talk.     

Like I was saying before the barkings' Esteemed Masters there is a purpose to my visit in here, and it has to do with all three of your families."     

"Oh, and what might that reason be kid?"     

As soon as he finished his words, he heard Master Qin ask him with a curious and confused look on his face.     

It was right of the bat, and it seemed like he was trying to put a little bit of pressure on him, to be careful with what he said.     

After all, his son's life was precious up to a point, when you were the head, and Master of a big family, you always had to look at the big picture, and family first.     

Tianlong Yun didn't seem bothered by his attitude and words though, as he looked towards the three Esteemed Masters' faces coolly and said something that stunned the whole crowd,     

"Well the reason for my visit here, is to personally come and become a guest in your mansion and feel your hospitality.     

The matters are a bit complicated at the Clan right now, and I need a place to stay undisturbed for some time. So what do you say about it? Can I stay here?"     

Shock, clear shock, and confusion were written over everyone's faces. Just what was this devil thinking right now? What was his plan?     

He wasn't asking for compensation, an explanation, or anything in those lines, he was saying he was willing to stay as a captive in their house?     

Everyone felt that they had misheard something, otherwise it wouldn't be possible. Just what was going through this guy's mind?     

Recomposing himself a bit, Master Qin cleared his voice, as he said in a confused tone,     

"What did you just say?"     

In front of him, Tianlong Yun seemed a bit bored that he was being asked to repeat what he said, as he did it,     

"Well did I stutter or something? I am asking you to let me stay at your place as a guest, and enjoy your hospitality. I have heard a lot of good things about your Qin family in Shanghai Master Qin, don't disappoint me!     

Surely during this time, your son, and the other two will be guests at my clan headquarters too, just so we make sure that we have an equivalent exchange.     

We wouldn't want to be indebted to the Qin family after all."     

The situation was getting more and more confusing and complicated. Nobody understood what was going on, or what was going through the heads of the powerful people.     

As if understanding their doubts, Tianlong Yun immediately said with an understanding attitude,     

"Well, you do have to worry about me being here, after all, besides my looks, I am a powerful cultivator. So you have to think good about this issue!"     

The three Masters felt a bit weird at what was going on, they had sent a powerful team to go and apprehend Tianlong Yun, but there was no news from them yet.     

Now, Tianlong Yun himself was asking to stay in their den as a 'guest' of sorts. It felt like all they were thinking earlier had been useless.     

As for the show that happened until now, none of them cared much about it. In the real world, if you didn't have enough strength, then you would better stay in your corner.     

The problem was, should they accept Tianlong Yun as their guest in their place, and if they did then who should keep him?     

Each of the three Esteemed Masters was thinking hard on those two questions. But they didn't seem to come to a decision until suddenly Master Qin said,     

"My Qin family gladly accepts you as a guest, if you are so willing to stay with us!"     

His words startled the two Masters, they didn't understand what Master Qin was thinking about at that moment.     

But seeing that Tianlong Yun was looking around, and his eyes were slowly sizing up two girls, they understood his intentions, this sly fox had noticed this fact earlier than they did.     

No matter how strong, and what a genius Tianlong Yun was, he seemed to have a weakness too, beautiful ladies.     

As long as they found a few that were to his tastes, and slightly poisoned him, or gave him some kind of treatment, he would be tied to their place.     

Furthermore, Tianlong Yun's importance wasn't only calculated by his position, and his standing, but also the information he was carrying.     

If they were able to uncover some information from him, then they would be able to have some kind of upper hand over the Shadow Clan.     

As for their side, and the trio that was kidnapped from them, they weren't really worried, since they held no important information over their respective families.     

With the exception of Qin Tuo, but knowing that he had been captured, the Qin family would surely make the necessary adjustments.     

Thinking up to here, the duo behind Master Qin was just about to say that they would accept Tianlong Yun as a guest when Master Qin said,     

"Even though I am sure that the other two Masters' would gladly accept you being a guest, I don't think it's appropriate Yun kid.     

After all, you were truly merciless with Master Yao Wu's kid, and the Tang family doesn't have much of an interesting place here in Shanghai!     

Not to mention that I am sure you will be satisfied with our hospitality!"     

The whole crowd was speechless, just what was going on? Was Master Qin trying to entice Tianlong Yun to stay at his place? But why!?     

Wasn't Tianlong Yun supposed to be an important figure of the enemy faction? Just why would he try to entice his enemy? Was he betraying the alliance?     

But the other two Masters didn't seem to think like that. Not to mention that they seemed like two people who had just been beaten in front of the finish line.     

While most of the crowd was confused about what was going on, Tianlong Yun said with an observing look,     

"Are you saying that the Qin family doesn't care about the humiliation of your descendant at the party, Master Qin?"     

While inside he was fuming Master Qin said with a fake laugh,     

"Hahaha… What are you talking about, that's the problem between you the youngsters. Old men like me have no right to interfere with that.     

That's water under the bridge for me!"     

Hearing that, Tianlong Yun looked in his direction with a surprised look, as then he started laughing as well, and said,     

"Hhaha… I didn't expect Master Qin to be such an interesting and open-minded person. Well, then it's decided I will stay at the Qin family."     

These words that came from Tianlong Yun's mouth clearly made the other two Masters have a dark look on their faces. They seemed like they had just escaped a good opportunity.     

But their expression looked a bit better when they heard Tianlong Yun continue,     

"But to be fair to the other two big families, and not being accused of favoritism, I will pay a visit to the other two families as well."     

These words clearly satisfied the gloomy duo, as they seemed more relieved, and started thinking about their plans…     

Title: I want to be a Guest!     

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