Chapter 193: Antidote and surprise attack.

Chapter 193: Antidote and surprise attack.

Tianlong Yun had come today at the herbs market to buy herbs to concoct the antidote to the poison in Guo Peng's son's body.     

After getting that surprising herb, so cheap, Tianlong Yun was very happy and satisfied with his day, and the herbs he needed to buy weren't that special.     

The truth was that the materials of the original recipe were rare and expensive. And the herbs that Tianlong Yun was going to buy were just their weak replacements.     

The antidote that Tianlong Yun would concoct was a really weak, and diluted version of the original antidote.     

This version of the antidote would fight the virus really slowly, and the healing process would be a bit long and painful.     

The reason why Tianlong Yun choose this was very simple, he wanted to get the herb from Guo Peng, but at the same time keep Guo Peng under his control.     

He was a really sly fox, and it wouldn't be a surprise if he had different ideas, after his son got well. That was why it was better to give him hope and not fully heal his son.     

Thinking like this Tianlong Yun went towards the shops, where he could find the materials he needed. It didn't take him a long time to find all the materials he needed.     

He could also find some extra materials that would help him with specific tasks in the future. For example, some 'Invisible Lingzhi' powder that was the main ingredient of the 'Invisible Ink', a really needed material for spying and killing.     

Taking the boxes full of material on his hands, Tianlong Yun was followed from a tired Doctor Song, who had been following him behind all this time.     

Doctor Song had never had such a tiring day, but he didn't say anything he just followed his master. And now his hands were full of boxes with herbs.     

Tianlong Yun didn't care much about Doctor Song's condition and situation. He was really happy with his hunt for today.     

This was a really lucky day for him. Placing everything in the car of Doctor Song, they left the market towards the Camp.     

Tianlong Yun had already instructed Tianlong Yue earlier, that on one of the caves at the Camp, she had to create a small lab, more precisely an alchemy room.     

He still didn't have a pill furnace, so was forced to work with some specially made steel pots. They were just once useable but there was no other choice.     

At the moment he had already bought more than 120 pots like those and ordered even more. He didn't expect to fail in concoction with his experience and knowledge.     

But still, he might have become rusted a bit, and it was better to be safe than sorry. With this line of thought, he had ordered all those pots.     

Furthermore, he had to concoct pills not only for himself, but also for his shadows, and his new soldiers. So, that number of pots was still not sufficient.     

On his way to the Camp, Tianlong Yun had already notified his women, shadows, and puppets, that for the next days, he would be in reclusive cultivation, and would focus on something important.     

Explaining the whole situation would just make things more complicated, that was why these words were the best for the current situation.     

Arriving there in Doctor Song's lousy car, Tianlong Yun and Doctor Song were received by Tianlong Yue. Doctor Song still couldn't gather himself after seeing all this.     

At the moment this place was really shaping up as a military camp. Especially with the arrival of Captain Mao's team.     

Immediately after they had been invited to this new adventure they all followed behind their Captain. He was their leader and strength pillar.     

At first, Tianlong Yun wanted to enter immediately inside and deal with the antidote concoction, but now seeing Captain Mao's team, he stopped there and was looking at them in detail.     

He knew that at the moment he had only Captain Mao's acknowledgment and respect. Captain Mao's team didn't know anything about him, and he probably would need to teach them some manners.     

And like always there was an arrogant idiot who thought that everything he had heard about him was just a beautiful lie, and wanted to take the spotlight by proving all those wrong.     

Just that he didn't say anything to Tianlong Yun before coming from behind, jumping, and rotating in the air, she launched a powerful kick towards Tianlong Yun's neck.     

Everyone around the Camp was startled, to the kids that were being trained Tianlong Yun was like a GOD, this was what they had been taught. Now someone was challenging their GOD, how could they not be startled.     

Meanwhile, Tianlong Yue who was waiting for her man had a pissed off expression at this bi*ch's rudeness, but there was also an anticipatory look on her face, waiting for her man's reaction.     

As for Captain Mao's team, they all had curious looks towards Tianlong Yun, waiting to see how he would deal with that unexpected kick.     

Surprisingly Tianlong Yun didn't seem startled and didn't move from his place, he just quickly positioned one of his hands towards the back, and was waiting for the kick.     

The lady who launched the kick was elated seeing that Tianlong Yun didn't dodge and thought that this fight belonged to her, her captain had unjustly praised him so much.     

In the climax of her happiness, just when her kick would connect, and Tianlong Yun was supposed to fly away, she felt something grab her leg, it was a hand. A hand was grabbing her leg.     

Due to her surprise, she couldn't control her body correctly, and her body fell. Now she was being hanged with her head down from Tianlong Yun, who didn't release her leg.     

Tianlong Yun rotated his hand over his head, and also gave her a good rotation through the air, to place her head down in front of him.     

It was her good luck that she was dressed as a soldier with pants and not a skirt, but that wasn't the most important thing at the moment.     

The most important thing was that she was still in Tianlong Yun's hands. Recollecting herself a bit, she tried to use all her techniques, and strength to get free from that pincer.     

But, Tianlong Yun's hand's lockdown, was just like a scorpions pincer, it never loosened. As much as she tried to escape that lock, the harder would Tianlong Yun clench his hand.     

Realizing that she couldn't escape at the moment, she decided to look up, at the face of the person she attacked, but she still wasn't convinced by his skills.     

When she raised her look and saw those beautiful blue eyes, she lost herself for a bit, but then seeing the grin on his face, she thought that this guy was a real scoundrel.     

But she had to accept that he was really strong, not everyone could block her kick with one hand, and furthermore keep her hanging like this.     

Now it was Captain Mao's team turn to get startled, while the kids and Tianlong Yue had proud and happy faces that their idol was so strong.     

Tianlong Yue was a bit more surprised and proud because Tianlong Yun was still in the 1st layer of the Qi Refining Realm, but she could feel that Tianlong Yun was more powerful than her, who was at the 3rd layer of the same realm.     

It was at this time that Tianlong Yun decided that it was enough playing with this little fox, that attacked him from behind and said to her,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well, seems like nobody taught you manners little fox, but don't worry while you are here with me, you will learn those perfectly."     

Then, without waiting for an answer, he threw her towards the rest of the team, and said arrogantly,     

Tianlong Yun:" I know that you are not convinced of my strength and think that everything Captain Mao told you is just a beautiful lie.     

That's why I am giving you this chance only. In the next 5 minutes, all the people who think that I am not good enough are free to attack me.     

If it takes more than 5 minutes to deal with you all, you are free to leave this place, together with your Captain."     

Everyone was startled, even the kids who were training, they had seen these guys fight, they were really good. Could their idol really achieve something like this, as beating all of them in 5 minutes?     

On the other hand, Captain Mao's team members were infuriated, wasn't this guy underestimating, and mocking them a bit too much.     

At first, they were 15 members who would go against him, but after hearing his words they became more than 30. They really couldn't let such an arrogant pri*k mock them.     

What made them even more stunned was that Captain Mao didn't seem like he believed much in them, on the contrary, he seemed worried that Tianlong Yun might do something to them.     

And this feeling was confirmed when he said towards Tianlong Yun,     

Captain Mao:" Master, please be lenient on them. They are just a bit too stupid, and disbelieving to my words."     

Tianlong Yun expected something like this and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't worry Captain Mao, after all, they work for me now. And I need them to do a good job, but they have to learn some manners, especially this little fox."     

When he finished his words, he again grabbed the earlier little fox's leg that was headed towards the back of his neck, rotated her around, and placed her again in front of him.     

With the same grin as earlier, he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" You really need to learn some manner little fox, your owner was speaking here, I think I need to spank your butt as punishment."     

When he finished, he used the free hand to spank her buttocks, and since she was wearing leather pants, the spank was heard louder and served her purpose better, that crisp sound was truly something.     

For the first time since the beginning, the little fox released a small painful scream,     

Little fox:" Aaarrrgghhh…"     

The other members of her team couldn't bear that one of their own was being treated like that and immediately attacked together as one…     


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