Chapter 341: Seraphim Rebirth

Chapter 341: Seraphim Rebirth

All of a sudden all the people in there could hear a loud laugh that shocked each and every one of them. it wasn't that they hadn't heard that laugh before, it was just that that guy should be dead!     

But they could still hear that laughter, and it was getting louder and louder, as it got closer and closer to them.     

Immediately after they heard that laughter, the ones who could spread their spiritual senses in the surroundings, but couldn't believe what they were sensing.     

Tianlong Yun's corpse was supposed to be on the ground with blood still gushing out of it, but against all these expectations he was standing there on his feet.     

There was no blood coming out of his body, and his heart seemed to beat normally. It seemed like he had never had his heart pierced through.     

It was totally mind-blowing to each and any one of them, as they had seen Tianlong Yun die in front of their eyes, especially the old 'senior' who had personally pierced through his heart with his hand.     

He had felt Tianlong Yun's heart stop beating while his hand had pierced through it, and yet he was sensing him in that same place laughing at them.     

What the hell was happening here? Since when could one have his heart crushed, die, and then get back to life as nothing had happened?     

Since when had death become a cheap state that one could enter and get out at will? There must be something wrong with this!     

These were his thoughts, actually, for a moment he thought that it was that secret expert who was impersonating Tianlong Yun no to show his face.     

Yes, that must be it, otherwise, how could Tianlong Yun get back to life with his heart pierced and crushed, it was impossible.     

It was true that cultivators had powerful bodies and vitalities, and could almost recover from any kind of injury in the long term, but there were no records of someone regenerating his heart.     

That was clearly impossible, there was no indication of it whatsoever to have happened in the entire history of cultivation here on Earth.     

So definitely this wasn't the real Tianlong Yun, but the expert behind him, personificating as Tianlong Yun for his own reasons.     

Thinking like this, the old senior used all the power he could muster to stand a bit on the ground, as he then kneeled, and bowed with his head on the ground, as he started begging,     

Senior:" Esteemed Master, please forgive this Junior's offense if he has ever offended you. This Junior is prepared to give everything he posses to you, and be your slave for the rest of his life!"     

His words clearly stunned the whole crowd of people behind, they couldn't understand what this old man was doing. Had he gone senile since he lost the fight?     

Why would he bow with his head on the ground towards a junior, and call him senior!? But taking a look at the situation, they understood that their lives were in Tianlong Yun's hands.     

The fear of death was something that surpassed all their limits, loyalty, and family. They had lived for more than 2 centuries, and clearly weren't prepared to die at that moment.     

There were so many more things they had to savor, not to mention that death seemed scary. The end of their life was the scariest thing for them.     

Perhaps if they had lived only for 50 years to a century they might be less afraid of death, but now that they had lived so much, death had truly become their worst enemy.     

In face of death, seniority, status, background, age didn't matter in the least. They either begged to live or died with their honor, which in their eyes was as cheap as selling ice, in a snowy mountain.     

In their heads, the old senior was doing this only to appease Tianlong Yun, and let him keep his life, they had no thoughts of a powerful expert or anything like that.     

But that didn't matter right now, as they all followed the example set by the old senior, as they kneeled and bowed on the ground, with their foreheads touching the ground, and said in unison,     

Old Men:" Esteemed Master, please forgive our offense, we were just following our orders, and had eyes but failed to recognize mount Tai!"     

But there was no answer to their begging, as Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care much about his surroundings, and was more concentrated on the happenings inside his body.     

He was truly marveled by everything that was happening inside there, his bloodline was truly special with the effects it had.     

What had happened earlier was just a small play orchestrated by him, to test this new ability of his blood and bloodline.     

The truth was that he had already suffered something close to it while he was cultivating in the Old Pouch, but it wasn't sufficient for him to understand anything.     

Later he had started his experiments with his own body, by injuring different internal organs of his body, and he was shocked to see that he could regenerate them from scratch.     

It was something unbelievable to him. Even in the Immortal World, this was something unheard of. Only the people close to the pinnacle of cultivation had regeneration ability close to his.     

 But they were people who had achieved the pinnacle of cultivation, they were close to a new mysterious level of cultivation beyond the High God Realm.     

Tianlong Yun was still on the Nascent Soul Realm 6th level, there was no way he would possess such abilities if it wasn't for his special bloodline.     

This was one of the new abilities he had discovered about his bloodline, the moment any part of his body was injured, his blood started to approach the injured area and form a clot.     

Then his blood started heating up and burning like the fire of Nirvana, the fire of phoenix rebirth and slowly the cells seemed to burn and reshape in what they needed to.     

While reshaping the cells that formed the clot totally changed their properties, and composition, in order to become perfect substitutes for the dying cells.     

It was almost unbelievable, but it was true, due to his bloodline, that strange fire, and the reshaping of his blood cells, Tianlong Yun was able to metamorphose and evolve his body cells.     

According to his insinuations, this ability had also something to do with body cultivation, and he had an idea that if he cultivated his body more, then this ability would become even weirder, and powerful.     

But when hell was breaking loose outside with the trios fight, Tianlong Yun was totally concentrated with amazement at the rebuild of his heart.     

It was truly a work of art, as the place was like a sea of fire, that was cleansing, purifying, and recreating his heart.     

This was the first time he had seen something like this, and it was truly mind-blowing. What truly made him stupefied though was the fact that he couldn't sense the fire, and these changes.     

He could clearly see with his conscience eyes, or to be more exact he knew for a fact that that was happening inside his body, but he couldn't sense it at all.     

When even he couldn't do such a thing, then those people outside were even less probable to know that such a thing was going on inside his body.     

There was one more thing that amazed him and made him happier beyond belief when his heart was pierced, his consciousness sea, and his soul wasn't disturbed in the least.     

The moment his heart got pierced, a huge sea of flames appeared around his sea of consciousness, completely surrounding it like a snow globe.     

At first, Tianlong Yun was afraid that those flames might destroy his sea of consciousness, but no, those flames covered his sea of consciousness with the warmth of a mother.     

Every time the laws of the outside world were trying to destroy the conscience of a non-living being according to the law, the sea of flames was patching and recovering the damages.     

He felt so warm, and so protected in that sea of flames, but he couldn't really understand the origin of these flames.     

While the flames that were reconstructing his heart looked like the fire of Phoenix Rebirth, these flames had no particular feeling to it, besides the warmth of a lover's hug, or a mother's hug.     

Even though he had never felt his own mother's hug, his senses were screaming that this was how it felt. At that moment he was feeling like he was really being hugged by his mother.     

Enjoying the beauty of those moments he couldn't bring to send his senses to look at the reconstructing of his heart anymore, as he felt an immeasurable hunger to be in that warmth he was.     

Unconsciously a thought started appearing on his mind, what had happened to his mother in his previous life?     

Why had she disappeared from his life the moment he was born, and why had she abandoned him, and left him to fend off for himself.     

He didn't believe that she was dead, something inside him was telling him that she wasn't dead. But she wasn't in the Immortal World either, so where was she?     

Then he remembered the last words of the powerful expert he received an inheritance from, there was a world beyond the Immortal World.     

Just what kind of world was that, and would he be able to find his mother in there? Not that he felt a huge need to see her, just this warmth made him a bit lose.     

When this warmth finally disappeared, and he recovered his senses, his heart had been totally reconstructed, and he was back from the dead.     

It felt like he had found the key to immortality inside his body, as his bloodline would never let him die, that's why he decided to call this occurrence Seraphim Rebirth.     

His heart worked perfectly and he was brand as new at that moment, for that reason he couldn't help and started laughing like a madman out loud.     

When he spread his senses and got a read of the situation around him…     


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