Chapter 313: An unexpected surprise

Chapter 313: An unexpected surprise

As soon as they entered the penthouse they were greeted by a big king-sized bed in the middle of what was supposed to be a saloon.     

The bed was surrounded by thin veils on all four sides, and it wasn't clearly seen what was happening behind the veils.     

They could only see the silhouettes of a woman, and 4 men inside bathing in the rays of carnal love, and pleasure.     

Outside of the bed were four other women each in one corner of the bed, and beside it was a bit throne kind of chair when another woman was seating.     

Yu Ling released Tianlong Yun and Jake Long on the floor, and then together with the girl that she was fighting a moment ago, they cupped their fists, and greeted the woman sitting,     

Yu Ling:" Elder Yu Ling greets Matriarch!"     

Po Meng:" Elder Po Meng greets Matriarch!"     

Apparently, the woman seating at the throne-like chair was the matriarch of this family or clan of women that were stealing Yang to complete Yin.     

The Matriarch didn't seem to be in a good mood, as she berated them with an angry tone,     

Matriarch:" Can't you two start behaving, and stop fighting for every Tom, Dick, and Harry in your way?"     

Hearing the Matriarchs words Yu Ling had a face of being wronged and she tried to protect herself,     

Yu Ling:" Matriarch, Po Meng is trying to take my prey away from my, she…"     

She couldn't continue any longer though, because she was immediately stopped by the angry voice of the Matriarch,     

Matriarch:" I don't care who started this, or who is at fault. Stop behaving like kids, not to mention, that you didn't bring them to me first."     

Yu Ling could finally understand where was the problem, it was clear that it was the Matriarch trying to take her efforts away, but what could she do about it.     

This b*tch was stronger than her, not to mention her status. She could just curse inside her, and swear that when she had an opportunity in the future she would make her pay.     

But while they seemed to be arguing, Tianlong Yun got up from his place, he made a loud yawn, and stretched his body a little bit, and said with a calm and carefree voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Can't you guys just keep it quiet? And those damn moans over there! There are people sleeping here!"     

Everyone in the saloon was completely dumbfounded. How was possible that he was awake? Normally when someone was poisoned with their sleeping poison, he would sleep for a day or more.     

This was completely unexpected, not to mention that he looked so calm and carefree, like he had woken up in his own house and not in a foreign place.     

But before they could even speak, they were even more stupefied at that moment by his next words,     

Tianlong Yun:" Little demoness, would you be so willing and understanding to come out and have a talk with me, or should I force you to come out?"     

The people in the room didn't seem to understand what was happening, but the Matriarch had a weird look on her face.     

She was looking towards Tianlong Yun with killing intent as if he had touched her reverse scale. This was something that only she was supposed to know.     

Anyone else besides her who knew about this wouldn't live to tell the tale. That was why without even saying a word, she immediately released a powerful Qi attack towards Tianlong Yun.     

It wasn't just a Qi attack though, she used one of her strongest Martial Skills, 'Viper's Kiss'. This skill was extremely powerful and could increase her attack power up to 60%.     

Combined with her level 5 Golden Core Realm cultivation's full brunt attack it made the whole building shake and tremble as the attack closed on Tianlong Yun.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about that powerful attack that could obliterate the whole building as he said with a sigh,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sigh~! Why must people always resolve to violence when they get scared?"     

Just as that attack was about to graze Tianlong Yun, a powerful dark mist was released from Jake Long's body covering the whole place, and freezing everything on its way.     

The powerful Viper's Kiss was frozen just in front of Tianlong Yun who seemed a bit interested in that skill, as he just waved his hand, and dispersed the skill forcefully.     

Everyone's eyes in the room were becoming as big as plates, this guy was so powerful. They had kicked a steel wall head on this time.     

Yu Ling couldn't even understand what was going on, she had never felt the tiniest bit of cultivation from this young man the whole time.     

She was looking at the situation and the happenings right now, but it looked like they were just some kind of bad dream or a nightmare.     

Just what kind of devil had she messed up with this time!?     

The Matriarch was jaw dropped seeing him disperse her attack so easily like that, but she had one last hope, her Master, the one that had given her the cultivation technique.     

She knew her Master was powerful and unfathomable, clearly, she could destroy this worm in front of her eyes in just one hit.     

But her hopes seemed to be completely shattered when she saw Tianlong Yun pull towards one corner of the bed.     

Space seemed to sway a bit, as a few golden threads shot towards that guard, and pulled her towards Tianlong Yun.     

The guard seemed to want to resist and was trying everything that she could, but she couldn't even move her finger, even the Qi inside her body seemed to be totally frozen.     

Looking at her directly in the eyes, Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" I would never expect that a member of the Royal Succubus Imperial family would be trapped in such a small planet!     

This is truly a surprising gift!"     

Demonic Races, that term was referred to the races of the Milky Way Galaxy that had one or two typical extra organs on their bodies that were horns and sometimes tails.     

Another one of their best qualities was that they could live, and cultivate on dark stars, and the empty stars, besides their clearly better physical characteristics.     

So while they didn't have much of a foothold in the Immortal Planet, their power outside it was nothing to joke about, and that was why nobody dared to meddle with them.     

There were some skirmishes here and there, with the human race, and the beast races trying to show they had a higher standing, but it never went beyond that.     

The Royal Succubus race was one of the 9 most powerful demonic races in this Milky Way Galaxy. For a race to receive the title Royal, was nothing to scoff at.     

A sect, clan, or race could take the title Royal if and only if they had at least 10 cultivators who had reached the Mid God Realm and one High God Realm.     

Just this could show how powerful the sects, clans, or races that had the title Royal could be. They were the hegemony of the Milky Way Galaxy.     

And that was the only requirement known, nobody knows how many old fogies were hiding with one foot on the grave in their respective cultivation Heavens.     

Now Tianlong Yun had just found a member of the Royal Succubus Imperial family in this little planet. As for why Tianlong Yun was so sure about her identity were her red eyes color, and the sigil in them.     

Only the members of the Royal Succubus Imperial family had red-colored eyes, and the heart sigil in them, which could be seen only if someone observed deeply in their eyes.     

The only problem with that was that they considered this as a breach of their privacy, and claimed that it was worse than someone seeing them naked.     

Clearly, the girl in front of him was shocked having her identity exposed, especially from someone on this little planet, that had no connection whatsoever with the Immortal World outside.     

She was unable to understand what was happening for a moment. But then her face turned into a deep crimson red that seemed like blood would come out of it.     

Someone had seen the sigil inside her eyes, she had been defiled by the eyes of this scum in front of her. The reason for that was really simple.     

According to her Imperial family's rules, if someone saw the sigil in the eyes of a virgin female member of the family, then either they killed the person, or married him.     

There was no roundabout way about it. And to make matters worse, there was also that weird ability of their bodies, that they were turned into slaves of the people that took their first time.     

That was why the Royal Succubus Race and especially the Imperial family were really protective of their members and only married inside their family and bloodline.     

While Tianlong Yun knew nothing about the first condition, he was extremely familiar with the second. It was because of that, that they were hunted down by everyone in the Immortal World.     

Returning to the situation at hand, it seemed like the girl in his hands was about to explode any time soon, and Tianlong Yun would take the brunt of that attack.     

At first, Tianlong Yun took it as just her trying to escape his hold but then seeing that she was about to activate her sigil forcefully and implode her body, he was shocked.     

What the hell was this little princess thinking, she was clearly trying to kill both of them right there and then.     

There was no way that Tianlong Yun could survive unscathed if that powerful explosion happened…     


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