Chapter 307: Two nuisances

Chapter 307: Two nuisances

The crowd was stunned hearing those words. No one had expected such words. Especially Second Master Yao Wu Zi was the most shocked out of all of them.     

He had never expected such an answer, or the young man in front of him to have such an identity. But why did he make that exact introduction?     

Was this guy trying to defame his Yao family, or try to enter the Yao family? After all, these were all possible outcomes.     

As if expecting his thoughts, Tianlong Yun continued with a calm and carefree voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" You don't have to worry about me, I don't wish to become part of such a worthless family like the Yao's.     

In my eyes, you are no more than a speck of dust, so Second Master Yao Wu Zi better take my advice and try to not make this issue bigger.     

Otherwise, I am afraid that your Yao family will suffer a lot in the future."     

His words were said in a calm voice but that made things worse because he seemed so confident about that. But how could a Master of the Yao family accept those words?     

They had grown up thinking that the Yao family could hold the sky if it fell. So hearing those words, Second Master Yao Wu Zi was clearly enraged as he said,     

Yao Wu Zi:" Kid, you…"     

Before he could speak though his other guard who had been seeing everything from behind him, couldn't hold himself back anymore and jumped towards Tianlong Yun.     

His goal was clear, he wanted to teach a lesson to this presumptuous and arrogant brat, who said that didn't place the Yao family in his eyes.     

He had been a servant of the Yao family for a long time and thought this would be a perfect moment to gain some benefits and face in the Yao family.     

Before he jumped towards Tianlong Yun he said,     

Guard:" Let me teach this presumptuous kid a lesson, Second Master!"     

Just like the other guard, even this guy was a martial arts Grandmaster, but he had reached this level only with the Yao's family support.     

He thought that if he gained Yao's family face right now, maybe soon the Yao family would help to reach the next Realm.     

Seeing this scene everyone was stunned and excited at the same time. This kid had been too arrogant in his words, not placing the Yao family in his eyes.     

The next moment they were all stupid shocked though, the Grandmaster guard arrived in front of Tianlong Yun at an amazing speed and technique.     

Everyone thought that Tianlong Yun was done for, but the next thing everyone heard was a big slapping sound, and when they saw the guard flying towards Yao Wu Zi.     

The body of the guard crashed on Yao Wu Zi and sent them both flying 2 meters until the force behind the slap finally terminated.     

Yao Wu Zi was unable to get up, he was also a cultivator, but all this life until now he had been only able to reach the 5th level of the Qi Refining Realm.     

Not to mention that his cultivation was weak but he was also caught by surprise, he never expected such a thing to happen.     

Even if his guard went down, he shouldn't suffer, this was what he thought. He was Yao's family's Second Master after all.     

On the other hand, the jaws of the people in the crowd were down on the floor when they took a better look at the crowd.     

The owner of that slap right now wasn't that terrifying manager or Tianlong Yun, or even Jake Long, no, the owner of that slap was Tianlong Huo.     

Even after all that, she was standing there with a neutral expression on her face, but a chilly aura was felt on everyone's back, this woman seemed like a devil in front of her master.     

While the crowd was still in shock, and Yao Wu Zi was still just getting up, Tianlong Yun started to speak in a revolted and wronged voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Second Master Yao Wu Zi, what is the meaning of this? Attacking a junior, when he was clearly speaking, and trying to do the peacemaker.     

The Yao family seems to have become too unbridled trying to attack this Young Master. This Young Master will be coming to the Yao family in a few days to ask for an explanation!"     

Saying that he turned around, and made his way towards the entrance, he knew that Yao Wu Zi was just too stunned to recollect himself now, and the play was over.     

The crowd though was caught up on his words, didn't this guy just challenged to go to the Yao family and ask for an explanation, when clearly he didn't suffer at all.     

As a matter of fact, it was Second Master Yao Wu Zi, that not only had gotten the shock of his life, and lost his face, but probably whatever expected him in his house wasn't anything good.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was just walking inside the restaurant accompanied by his entourage with a satisfied expression on his face.     

Some of the people in the crowd had entered the restaurant, and the news was being spread like a virus, not to mention videos and news on Facebook.     

Tianlong Yun and his group were walking down the private boxes so that he could reach the personal VIP box he had in this place when he heard a loud voice saying,     

Voice:" How come there is no private VIP box for this father when I am clearly in front of it? Do you know who I am?"     

The guy shouting was a young man around 20, with a haughty and arrogant attitude, he looked like he owned the Heavens.     

Behind him an old man was just looking at the scene with an amused look as if this was a good pass time, and that he couldn't wait to see what happened next.     

Tianlong Yun had just been through such a nuisance and thought that it was already enough for today, he just wanted to enjoy the dinner and the night.     

But there were a few other private boxes on the way, why was he so obsessed with entering precisely this one.     

Having a look inside the box, he reached a conclusion that just made him enraged. Inside the box, his wives were already waiting for him, Tianlong Xia, Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing.     

Each one of them was better looking than a fairy, he didn't know how this trash had been able to have a look at his women, but he seemed to have been infatuated.     

Not only that, he was trying so hard to enter the box with force, and learn about their identity. He was truly trying hard.     

Until now his women had been busy working and hadn't shown much of their face to the public. Even if they did was only in their Clan's properties where no one dared to have a thought about them.     

This was the first trash he had seen that seemed to have taken a liking to his women, if it was only for him being haughty and arrogant, Tianlong Yun wanted to just take this lightly.     

But this guy dared to have a thought about his women, so he would certainly make sure he paid a big price, and by the look of it, he wasn't the only one.     

 His women inside were also getting pissed off by his actions, but feeling his presence around the place, since he wasn't trying to hide, they had a smile on their dazzling faces.     

In the meantime, that guy continued to shout and sprout nonsense to the staff who were only supporting his crap since they didn't want trouble.     

Seeing Tianlong Yun and the other approach though they seemed more relieved about this situation, finally, they could take advice on how to act.     

Immediately they started to report the situation to Tianlong Yun, everything was just like he had thought, this trash was truly running after his women.     

This guy's name was Wei Po, he was the Young Master of the Wei family of Shanghai. The Wei's were one of the giants under the big families, in power and wealth.     

But in Shanghai there were a lot of other families competing with them, so they didn't have any more expansion territory in there, and Beijing was out of the question.     

Like a miracle in these last years, Tianchang city had surfaced as a new economical center, and they decided to try and come root themselves here.     

With their resources and power, they thought that being one of the big families in this city and controlling it was a given.     

For this reason, they had sent their Young Master here to have a look at the situation, and talk to the fake big families of this city.     

While these families had wealth, it was still too early for them to have any kind of power, so they could keep their position.     

Their offer was simple, pledge fealty to the Wei family, and help them with the expansion, and settling here, for a way of survival.     

This guy was here to talk to the leading figures of the families, but who would have expected that he would have a look at the fairies, and not be able to control himself.     

This just made Tianlong Yun even more pissed off, not only was this guy lusting towards his women, but he was also here trying to take his city,     

He wouldn't even allow this to happen as a joke, and yet people were eyeing his place. If he didn't make a clear example, then others would have these ideas too.     

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun and his entourage…     


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