Chapter 310: Qi stone Vein & Huang Mei Xiu

Chapter 310: Qi stone Vein & Huang Mei Xiu

It truly was just like she thought, Tianlong Yun wasn't accompanied towards the owner's office, instead, he was sent to one of the private rooms.     

That private room was hardly used, because of its position and the fact that it's isolated. It had only dimly lighting and it looked more like a haunted room.     

As soon as they entered inside the room, and the door was closed behind them, both the owner and the secretary bowed in front of Tianlong Yun saying,     

Owner:" Subordinate 18 greets Master!"     

Secretary:" Subordinate 19 greets Master!"     

Seeing this happen, immediately the hostess that Tianlong Yun was holding by the hips was completely stupefied, recomposing after a few moments she freed herself politely and immediately bowing said,     

Hostess:" Subordinate 23 greets Master!"     

Making way towards a small couch in front of him, Tianlong Yun took a seat while saying,     

Tianlong Yun:" Relax, and tell me about the latest situation."     

Taking a step forwards the owner of this place started speaking,     

Owner:" Master, we have isolated the news, and all the miners that have knowledge about this matter, together with their families are in our care.     

The box in front of you contains a sample of what they were able to find. As of now, the mine's activity is currently suspended waiting orders from Master.     

We were able to set up a meeting with the mine's owner, and also express our intentions of buying the mine, we are still bargaining for the price, as to not raise doubts.     

At the same time, we have the owner's son in our care as well, in case the father decides to act dumb and not sell it to us, in case of Master so wills."     

Satisfied with the preparations, Tianlong Yun opened the box and could see a stone that looked like a crystal, emitting a normal blue color.     

Observing it for a moment Tianlong Yun couldn't believe his own eyes, not only was this a Qi stone, but it even was a middle-tier Qi stone.     

The Qi stones were divided into three tiers, lower, middle, and high. Each middle-tier Qi stone was equal to 10 lower tier Qi stones, and each high tier Qi stone was 10 middle tier Qi stones.     

Normally the lowest forces in the Immortal World would at least have 2 or 3 middle-tier Qi stones in order to be able to even count in the rankings.     

While this one vein could seem like it wouldn't be sufficient to someone like Tianlong Yun who had no hope of finding one on Earth was a big surprise.     

With this vein in his possession, his foundation and forces would start to grow up faster, and spread wider.     

While his forces were continuing to increase at a stable rate, with this vein in his possession the rate would certainly double or triple.     

With this thought in mind, Tianlong Yun took his attention away from the sample stone, and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Tell the negotiators to do everything they can to reach an agreement as soon as possible, I don't care how it happens, this mine should belong to us.     

Make the arrangements for all the miners working there to sign a contract of silence, and if anyone is unwilling, or decides to talk, kill him.     

They have to continue working as usual, while extracting these stones for us too. Offer them good conditions and increase their salaries by 30%.     

Collect all the extracted material inside the mine, and keep tight security. The transport will be taken care from the main branch in Tianchang City."     

Hearing the instructions, the owner lady immediately bowed once again to acknowledge them and said,     

Owner:" This subordinate obeys."     

Concluding this matter, Tianlong Yun turned back to his calm and carefree manner, he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Now that this matter is concluded tell me what's the matter with the Huang family."     

Without delaying much, the owner said,     

Owner:" The Huang family has been a little a bit weird in recent years. The ex-second Master has become the Master of the family, but his position seems to be in danger.     

The daughter of the ex-master seems to be a genius in trading, and she has formed a good connection with our Clan's companies.     

The increase in value has given her much value in Huang's family and she has also been able to turn a few of the figures inside in her camp.     

Constantly creating pressure for her uncle, who seems to wish a ceasefire with intermarriage in the family, which is also backed by the old Patriarch on his deathbed.     

Until now she has been able to keep her standing beside her grandfather's wishes, but she seems to be losing control of her camp, and soon she might be forced to make a choice."     

Hearing this Tianlong Yun was in deep thoughts for a moment, but then suddenly he woke up from his reverie and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Open the door!"     

His words stunned the ladies inside, but Jake Long just calmly open the door, behind which the lithe figure of a woman appeared.     

She was dressed like one of the ladies working here, but none of the trio handling this place had an idea about her, especially with the gauze blocking half of her face.     

As soon as she entered inside, the lady took off her gaze and then kneeling in front of Tianlong Yun said with a complicated look,     

Huang Mei Xiu:" Slave greets Master!"     

As if her appearance hadn't shocked the three ladies enough, her words made them jaw-dropped. Not to mention that they felt some kind of danger from her.     

It was clear that her cultivation seemed to be higher than theirs. But looking at this scene they just thought how great their Master was, and couldn't help but have another look at him.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun could understand her complicated look, after all their relationship had started in the form of rape.     

While his other slaves might have had a choice when they become his sex-slaves, even though it was a forced choice, it was a choice.     

On the other hand, Huang Mei Xiu had no choice whatsoever, and she had to accept whatever was thrown at her.     

Not to mention that after that, she had been unable to meet with him for more than 3 years, which was a really long time.     

Everything she knew was that she was the woman of an abnormal person. She had no idea what kind of man he was, and what he had stored for her.     

Well, this was at the beginning, because about 5 months after that happened, she had been contacted by someone called Tianlong Xia, who declared to be his first wife.     

She had told her about her undetermined position at the moment, and the fact that she had gained a great gift, which she would only be able to realize later.     

She also gave her a cultivation technique, and taught her cultivation, and trained her. She had cried for 3 days and 3 nights after her first kill.     

While that woman seemed like not even a whole planet of dead bodies wouldn't affect her. Huang Mei Xiu got close to her and really admired that woman.     

She wanted to become just like her, strong, and independent. Slowly she also started to know more about her man, the guy who had basically sweetly raped her.     

At first, she thought that Tianlong Xia seemed to overestimate him since she was in love with him, but after she had met with several other 'sisters', she was convinced that her words were true.     

Everything had culminated in the current situation, where she was standing in front of him not knowing how to face him.     

Should she hate him, and just serve as his sex-slave, or should she approach him and try to know him better. She was undecided!     

Seeing this situation Tianlong Yun showed a rare sorry state as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" I am really sorry, I have wronged you too much."     

She knew Tianlong Yun's position, she could see that there were other people around her, and yet he had discarded all face to apologize to her.     

At that moment, all the burden, insecurities, hatred, and all other feelings seemed to finally break out, as she started crying like a little child.     

Seeing her like this, Tianlong Yun approached her and hugging her into his bosom let her relieve everything she had bottled up inside.     

Soon his outfit seemed to be washed up in her tears, but he didn't care and just let her stay like that, while the other three ladies looked at the scene with complicated looks.     

Only after a long time, was Huang Mei Xiu finally able to relax, and understand her situation. Bur even though she was embarrassed, she felt warm and safe on his bosom.     

She didn't want to lose that warmth and just stayed there like that, for as long as she could. Noticing that she had finally calmed down, Tianlong Yun said tenderly,     

Tianlong Yun:" I will try to make it up to you from now on if you give me an opportunity."     

Hearing that, Huang Mei Xiu raised her head a bit to look at those blue eyes, and seeing there was only regret and honesty in those eyes, she just nodded her head and turned back into his bosom.     

Satisfied with her answer, and the resolve of this matter, Tianlong Yun just let her be for some more time like that.     

Then separating her from his bosom, they looked in each other's eyes, as he approached and initiated a long deep kiss between them.     

This scene made the three other women present there feel extremely jealous, they wanted to be in her place, but they knew that it could be possible only if Tianlong Yun wanted to.     

Feeling that deep kiss ignite the fire inside, Tianlong Yun ordered Jake Long to go out and guard the door, through a mental message and took Huang Mei Xiu towards the bed.     

The three women didn't know what to do, their Master hadn't given them the order to leave the room, and they didn't dare go out without his permission.     

Noticing their plight, Tianlong Yun sent them a mental message…     


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