Chapter 196: Articles and Plan D

Chapter 196: Articles and Plan D

While Tianlong Xia was thinking about how to deal with the situation, there came another important report, this time it had to do with the location of their server.     

Apparently two trained teams were heading their way, which were noticed by the sleeping cells in the neighborhood.     

The two teams had a little bit over 60 people, and were armed, and dressed in a black suit, to benefit from the cover of the night.     

Hearing this report though, Tianlong Xia seemed a bit happy. It was like she had been expecting this news.     

Not taking any longer she sent a command to Tianlong Hu Die, who just returned from her previous assignment.     

Tianlong Xia:" Die'er time for plan D, careful with the intruders we need them alive, as many as you can."     

Hearing the instructions Tianlong Hu Die immediately took action to execute plan D. This was an important part of their plans.     

While all this was happening, the Online Auction was going ahead with every article sold at astronomical prices. The only interesting fact was that after the first two items the Yao's kid seemed to have stopped biding.     

Now it was time for one of Tianlong Yun's most wanted articles, the 'Immortal Grass'. Tianlong Xia was too focused on the situation outside this place and didn't notice this herb.     

If she had, it was certain that she would place a very large bid, just to take this herb home. Who didn't know about this herb in the Immortal World, it was so rare and had so many uses.     

The one for which Tianlong Yun was going to use it, was just one of the many. But apparently not many people knew about the value of this herb because the bids were disappointing.     

The highest bid at the moment was around 20.000$, the person making this bid seemed to be an old traditional doctor, who wanted to study this herb.     

Just as time was about to finish, there was another bid of 50.000$. This left everyone stunned, wasn't this thing just some ordinary grass?     

But, even though, this raised the doubts and curiosity of the people participating in this Auction, none of them could learn or understand anything more on this topic. The herb was sold, and like all the time, the buyer was anonymous.     

The flames of doubt didn't continue for long because it was the turn of another article, it was the space ring that Tianlong Yun wanted to buy.     

Different from the previous herb, this ring took the necessary attention. There were a lot of wealthy people who liked to have an antique ring on their fingers.     

This showed their prowess and prestige in front of their visitors or their rivals. But that didn't matter now, what mattered was that the rings price had surpassed 1mln $.     

It was something to be expected actually, considering the age of the ring. At the moment the person who was about to buy the ring was a rich, fat American guy, who didn't seem to have fit fingers for the ring.     

The price he had offered was 1.25mln $, it seemed that he wanted this ring at any price. Seeing the time running out, and his competition had stopped biding he was really happy.     

Just before the last second could run out, there was a new bid of 2mln$. The ring didn't go to the now furious American. He was infuriated with the fu*king fox, that stole his ring.     

His anger though was witnessed only from his servants and workers in his hotel suite. Nobody else could see it, or hear it.     

According to the Auction rules, every buyer would make the transaction for the article in the next 15 minutes, and they would receive an address through e-mail, where their article was.     

In most cases, the articles were placed in abandoned places, or in really weird ones, like the sewers, forests, or trash bins.     

But there was nothing he could do, the buyer was anonymous once again, just like every other article. But he swore to find the person who bought it and take it from him at any price.     

His furious stated didn't last long, because right now it was the time for the last, and most important article, the reason for this Online Auction, the cure to the virus.     

Tianlong Yun hadn't even named the cure, but this cure had been baptized in the wealthy people circle as 'God's breath'.     

The reason for its name was because, in the next days after taking the cure, the patients would have perfect breathing, it was like every mouthful of air was a portion of tasty and delicious food.     

As a matter of fact, Tianlong Yun didn't care much about its name, the only important thing for him, was the price this cure would get.     

An interesting fact in this Auction was that none of the articles had a starting bid limit, their price was in the hands of the participants.     

For the other articles, the participants could see other people's offers, but for this article, the offers would be made known only after the selling.     

So no one knew what other people were offering for this particular article, except the people organizing the auction, who seemed to be operating through the air.     

All the people participating in this Auction had brought their hackers in here, in hopes of finding the organizers and their hiding place.     

Like this, they wouldn't have to pay large amounts of money to buy the articles and could just steal them. But the people organizing it seemed to be prepared and really capable.     

No matter how their hackers tried, or how many times they tried, the result was the same, the location of the organizers was changing every time, all around the world.     

They were slowly closing in, on their coordinates, the only problem was the time. The time allotted to every article Auctioned was 25 seconds, and immediately after that the IP, and the location would change.     

Their only chance of discovering something was the last article, the cure to the virus. The time allotted for the last article was 2 minutes.     

More than enough time, to track and attack the people behind the Auction. That was why all the hackers were so focused at the moment.     

In the meantime, inside the control room, the underground facility started to light a yellow color alarm, showing that they were under cyber-attack.     

Everyone inside the room was startled and didn't understand what was happening, and what was going to happen.     

Tianlong Yue and the other girls seemed to be in a bit of panic, but they were doing their best to control themselves. They had to if they wanted to be beside Tianlong Yun all the time.     

But the most worrying fact was that there still wasn't any news from Tianlong Yun. He was still inside the cave lab, nobody had seen him get out.     

But suddenly the alarm stopped and everyone was looking towards the screens, there was written with big letters,     

'Intruders successfully diverted, plan D has officially started'.     

Everyone was looking towards Tianlong Xia confused, who after noticing the looks she was getting said,     

Tianlong Xia:" Our husband had expected something like this to happen, that was why he set-up this plan D. Diversion Plan.     

The goal of this plan is to divert the hackers towards our other hacker, currently located in Hefei city, and at the same time dealing with the intruders in here.     

According to the plan, our other hacker will die in a big explosion, for the public's eyes, just to keep everything he knows a secret."     

Just as Tianlong Xia finished her words, in one of the screens, a small building exploded and started to be eaten by flames.     

There were a lot of people dressed in black, with different types of suits, surrounding the building that seemed infuriated.     

They weren't able to capture their target, in that anger and disappointment, they started firing at each other, killing their rivals.     

Nobody knew who started all this, but one thing was for sure, all the teams present lost many of their members, and it took a while for the fire to end.     

At the same time, the people sent by Young Master Tang Tie managed to approach 'The Mansion' and were about to attack.     

They all seemed really trained, and professional. They communicated only with signs, and nobody got noticed from the regular cameras.     

Actually it seemed like they knew all the places that had cameras, and where were the cameras located. Entering this place unnoticed seemed like a walk in the park to them, if this would be a normal place.     

Making the last preparations, deciding on their entrance and their division, the two teams entered inside the facility.     

They were expecting guards or some kind of security to deal with when entering inside, but there was no one in there.     

The security around this place seemed too lax, and they hadn't even noticed one guard all the way here. What the heck was happening in here? Had this all been a trap for them, and they fell for it?     

It was truly vexing and enraging the fact that they had fallen for such a trap, but there was nothing they could do, they were forced to go through with their assignment.     

Their Young Master seemed to have been really enraged and muddled headed these times. He hated Young Master Qin Bao and wanted to take revenge.     

Their order had been to take back his honor dead or alive. They had to kill Young Master Qin Bao. While their Young Master tried to take control of this city.     

Having no way out, they continued to walk and enter inside towards their target room. What no one noticed was that just as they entered, all the entrances of 'The Mansion'…     


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