Chapter 176: Hacker and Security

Chapter 176: Hacker and Security

Jiang Bo reported that they had managed to catch Long Tou before he got caught in contact with agents of the EITS, but they didn't know what information he was selling them.     

Tianlong Yun didn't care much about him, he didn't have any important information about him that he could sell to the EITS.     

So it was okay as long as he was under the radar, he could fix everything that was needed. With that thought in mind, Tianlong Yun got up, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and went down for a quick breakfast.     

Now it was around 10 o'clock in the morning, he had been awake till late with his women, and since yesterday was a party day, he let everyone in their own freedom.     

Today he had something special to do, he had to go and try to convince the ex-captain of Bian Pao's team to work for him.     

He really needed some professionals at the moment, especially some really good experts in martial arts, and technical military training.     

There was also one more way for him and his warriors to gain the necessary training and experience that they needed, mercenary groups.     

He was thinking that the mercenary groups were a very good idea, not just for his soldiers and warriors, but also for himself, he really needed some fighting to sharpen his skills.     

At the moment that was still just a thought, he had to wait for the second group of trainees to start doing that.     

They had already recruited more than 64 young boys, and girls, orphans that were being included in the shadows program. The numbers were still increasing.     

Finishing with his quick breakfast Tianlong Yun left the house like always without being noticed, but today there were a few spies outside his house.     

But that was normal, considering what happened yesterday. The city was still in shock of what happened yesterday night, it was the first time that the big families in the city were united against someone else.     

The important thing at the moment was that the city this morning had turned to its normal peace, and quiet, even though some places were washed with blood.     

After getting out of the house, Tianlong Yun made way towards 'The Mansion', this morning Yang Xiu had arrived in there, and he had to immediately put him to work.     

Also, the DGP had been able to catch the other hacker and was still waiting for further instructions. But at the moment Yang Xiu was more important to him.     

First of all, he was his puppet, and would never be able to betray him, his master. Secondly, Yang Xiu's skills were top-notch, he was one of the best hackers in China.     

While Wang Hui was just a better choice at being brainwashed, but there was still time for that. Right now what he needed the most was skills and loyalty.     

Yang Xiu had those both, that was why he was the most important at the moment. With this thought in mind, Tianlong Yun made for the underground facility of 'The Mansion' without being noticed.     

As soon as he arrived Tianlong Hu Die was there to receive him. The security around the place was so tight that, not even he could enter the place unnoticed.     

That was really necessary after all this place was a very important one for them. Seeing her master and crush enter the underground facility, Tianlong Hu Die bowed and said,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Welcome master, please follow me, mister Yang Xiu is this way."     

Saying that she started to walk towards the room that Yang Xiu was standing. He hadn't received any order from Tianlong Yun yet, and the people in there had immediately sent him where his working place would be from now on.     

The puppets didn't need to sleep, but sleeping was necessary for them if their master wanted to keep them from decaying fast.     

As long as Tianlong Yun didn't manage to find some 'immortal grass' and a 200 years old lingzhi, the puppets would totally decay in a year or two, depending on their usage and sleep.     

And after finding them, his puppets would function for another 100 years or so. As long as, he kept them away from accidents and problems.     

 But, finding the 'immortal grass' was practically impossible, that herb was something, which could only be chanced upon. The immortal world would go crazy if some people found just one small blade of the 'immortal grass'.     

Tianlong Yun wasn't surrendered to that thought though. The planet he was at the moment seemed really strange, too resourceful.     

He had been able to find in here a lot of different kinds of herbs and materials that normally were really scarce on the Immortal world.     

But he of the moment didn't have enough money to start buying those herbs and materials. But he was sure to not let them go in the future.     

Anyway first things first, right now there were even more important things to deal with. With those thoughts in mind, he followed Tianlong Hu Die towards Yang Xiu's room.     

As if remembering something he said to Tianlong Hu Die,     

Tianlong Yun:" Die'er make sure to tell everyone that Yang Xiu's name doesn't leave this place."     

Tianlong Hu Die had heard from the guardians before what kind of a man Yang Xiu was, so it was a logical thing to do. That's why she said firmly,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Don't worry master, I planned to do that even before you told me."     

Tianlong Yun knew that she was really smart and had probably thought the same thing but he had to make sure about it, especially at the moment where they weren't sure of the people around them.     

But he was once more convinced of her brains and practical mind. She was a really good seedling, and if his doubts on her origin were real, then she was a precious gem to him.     

In no time they reached the room where Yang Xiu was, he was sitting in a chair, with a look of being lost in his face, pretty normal for a blank puppet.     

Tianlong Yun getting in front of him ordered him,     

'You will stay here and create a big control room. Ask for all the computers and everything you need from Hu Die.     

After setting everything up, you will run a detailed check on all the workers here, and report to me as soon as possible.     

Also, you will set up a jamming area around the place above the ground, through the helpers in here, and jam all signals trying to spy on us."     

Immediately as soon as he got the orders Yang Xiu started to write in a piece of paper all the materials, computers, and machines he needed.     

Seeing that Yang Xiu was already on his work, Tianlong Yun turned towards Tianlong Hu Die and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Die'er be sure to buy everything on the list and also help him with anything necessary, this has top priority at the moment."     

Tianlong Hu Die was very intelligent and could understand Tianlong Yun's reasons for making this a top priority, and immediately said decisively,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Yes master, everything will be done as soon as possible."     

Satisfied with the answer he got from Tianlong Hu Die, he said to her with a smile,     

Tianlong Yun:" Good luck, now that we are done with this let's go and see how Ling'er does her job. I am wondering how her victims are feeling right now."     

Then remembering something, he asked,     

Tianlong Yun:" By the way what happened with Doctor Song's daughter and her new friend?"     

Before he left to deal with Yang Xiu and his family, Doctor Song had left his daughter in his hands, and there was also her spy friend.     

Tianlong Hu Die seemed to be expecting such a question because she immediately answered him,     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Doctor Song's daughter is in a special room built for her, with the necessary accommodation, but Gao Ling let her for Master to train personally if you wish. As for her friend, she has started her training under big sister Gao Ling's hands."     

This was something to be expected, after all, Song Hua was Doctor Song's own daughter, he couldn't let her in the hands of Gao Ling.     

Not because he didn't trust Gao Ling and her skills, but he hadn't anything better to do at the moment anyway, it was something interesting to deal with.     

As for the spy girls, they were just experiments for him, if Gao Ling managed to turn them into real toys and obey him, those would be a great addition, and if she couldn't, at least they were good training for Gao Ling and her skills.     

With these thoughts in mind he walked out of Yang Xiu's room and made way towards the training center that Gao Ling used.     

Behind him, Tianlong Hu Die was following like a good assistant, she didn't care much what happened in here, she had seen and heard worse.     

Furthermore, the girls here were treated like that because they had something to deserve that. Her master wouldn't punish like this someone innocent.     

But she was a bit startled hearing all the loud sounds of the moans of the girls inside this place. They seemed like they were enjoying the biggest pleasure, and the worst torture they could, at this moment.     

It was truly weird for a young girl like her, she had all that information inside her head, but there was no practical information, and her master/crush didn't want to do anything to her before she got old enough.     

She was so hoping that soon her master/crush would at least take her first lip kiss, and let her enjoy the pleasure of being kissed by him.     

While Tianlong Hu Die was planning and thinking of her master's/crush's first kiss, Tianlong Yun was standing behind Gao Ling who…     


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