Chapter 337: Irresistible offer

Chapter 337: Irresistible offer

Tianlong Yun:" You see 'senior' the disciples of our clan don't have enough punch bags, and even the ones we have, don't have the necessary quality.     

So would you continue to be so 'just and honorable' and come help us in the clan 'senior'?"     

The old men in front of him were about to throw up blood from their anger. Not only had Tianlong Yun mocked them full of irony and sarcasm, but they were also asked to be punch bags.     

They were expert cultivators of the Nascent Soul Realm, they had cultivated for more than a century, and would live for a few more, and yet they were asked to become punch bags for some wet kids.     

How could they accept such a thing, it was clear disrespect and mocking, and the person saying this to them was a junior that was still wet by the ears.     

While the 'senior' that was the strongest between them, and the leader of the team seemed to be controlling himself, it didn't mean the others could do the same.     

As the 'senior' was about to speak back to Tianlong Yun, someone from behind him, an old man at the 4th level of the Nascent Soul Realm immediately jumped towards Tianlong Yun.     

His goal was clear, show this impudent junior his place. With the cultivation of a 4th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, he was clearly extremely fast and had a terrifying pressure falling on Tianlong Yun's body.     

In his mind, the fight was already decided and pretty soon Tianlong Yun would be on his hands, and he could show him that there were some people he couldn't offend.     

Tianlong Yun could be a direct disciple of the Shadow Clan, but they were elders of the three big families of China, not to mention he was just a junior.     

In fact, he had a terrifying desire to kill Tianlong Yun at that moment, to make him truly understand the immensity of his mistake, but he still had to hold himself back.     

He couldn't be as audacious as this junior and act against his family's interests. He could attack at that moment without taking permission, but killing him would be way over the line.     

These were unnecessary thoughts at the moment since he was concentrated on his attack on Tianlong Yun, and torture him a bit later.     

With his cultivation, he needed less than a second to reach Tianlong Yun, as soon as he did, he immediately sent his hand towards Tianlong Yun's throat.     

The smile on his face was growing bigger and bigger with each passing moment, but the moment that his hand was supposed to meet Tianlong Yun's throat, it caught only air.     

This startled him, as Tianlong Yun seemed to still be in front of his eyes, but he couldn't grab his throat. It took a moment to finally understand what was happening.     

That was because the Tianlong Yun that was supposed to be in front of him started disappearing in thin air, and he felt a hand grab him on the neck, and rendering him unable to move.     

He still didn't understand how that happened. Who was the expert that was holding him from the neck, he hadn't noticed anyone besides Tianlong Yun and Zi Qian earlier?     

That girl was still there, and while he had a weird feeling coming from her at the position he was in, he could still see her there.     

The only one he couldn't see was his target, Tianlong Yun. He had totally disappeared, from where he was a moment earlier.     

It never crossed his mind, that Tianlong Yun could be the one that was grabbing him by the neck like a little chicken and rendering him useless at the moment.     

But that wasn't the end, because soon he was feeling like he was losing consciousness. This was incredibly difficult to happen to a cultivator to the 4th level of the Nascent Soul Realm.     

And yet it was happening to him, at the moment. He could feel his eyes close down when he suddenly felt like his surroundings changed, but at that moment he completely lost consciousness.     

On the outside, the group of the old men that had come here to capture Tianlong Yun were left shocked beyond belief.     

Different from the one who had attacked Tianlong Yun, they were able to see everything that had happened.     

They had seen Tianlong Yun disappear from his place earlier, move behind his attacker and then grab him by the neck, and make him disappear in thin air.     

Out of all this, that last happening was the one that had shocked and terrified them the most. People get more afraid of the unknown.     

The fact that Tianlong Yun could make them disappear into thin air without any idea of where they would end up.     

Not to mention that earlier when Tianlong Yun moved, they had been able to feel the distortions on the Qi around Tianlong Yun's body, and figure out his cultivation.     

As if to shock their souls out of their bodies, Tianlong Yun seemed to have the cultivation of the 6th level of the Nascent Soul Realm.     

His cultivation was higher than the one of the majority of their team. There were only 2 people of his level and their team leader of the 7th level of the Nascent Soul Realm that could compare to him.     

This seemed like it was some kind of impossible nightmare, since when was such cultivation so easy to achieve.     

This young man was less than 30 years old, and yet he had been able to achieve their level, not to mention that they had a feeling that it wasn't his real strength.     

Just how was this possible!? The more they thought like that, the more one idea started forming inside their minds.     

Most probably Tianlong Yun had some kind of treasure or some precious material that had helped him achieve this, otherwise, their logic wouldn't be able to accept it.     

There was only one emotion that could easily kill fear inside someone, and that was greed. At this moment, the old men forgot their fear, and greed was sparkling in their eyes.     

There was only one thought inside their minds right now, capture Tianlong Yun and discover what that treasure or precious material was, and use it for themselves.     

They didn't care if Tianlong Yun ended up dead or alive at this moment, as long as they were able to secure that thing.     

Noticing their new looks, Tianlong Yun felt like laughing out loud, but he managed to control himself. Human nature was truly weird, it could totally change in one single second.     

In his previous life, he was a Royal Dragon, arrogant and proud, but decisive and never changed his mind. So the fickle human nature was truly incomprehensible to him.     

Even now that he had a third of his blood human and the memories of the old Tianlong Yun he still couldn't understand it.     

That didn't mean he couldn't use it in his favor though. With this thought in his mind, he said with a mocking voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Honorable 'seniors' have you all thought about how it is possible for me to reach this stage so young!?     

I am sure you have!     

And it's exactly what you think, there is really a powerful alchemic pill that can make someone breakthrough a few levels, and sometimes even a realm in a go.     

My Master, the patriarch of the Shadow Clan gave me 5 of these pills, and unfortunately, I have only used 3 of them. I still have 2 of them to use, which are in this pill bottle."     

With that said he took out of his space ring a small white jade bottle that was tightly sealed. If someone didn't see that it was tightly sealed, they would think that there was nothing inside.     

The moment that jade bottle appeared the eyes of each and every one of the old men were sparkling as if they were seeing the key to immortality.     

That was something really precious to each and every one of them. It was a golden opportunity to finally increase their stuck cultivation.     

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for each of them. One could feel their greed from miles away, and only God knew how they weren't already attacking Tianlong Yun for it.     

Letting them process his words for a moment, Tianlong Yun continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" You might be wondering what's the catch, and why am I saying something like this so easily to all of you.     

Well, let me vanquish all your doubts. I am saying all this because you don't dare to take them. These pills are far more important than my life.     

If you take even the dust of one of them, the Shadow Clan would go on a rage, and they would attack with all their power.     

My Master is known for its irrational thoughts, after all."     

His words were like a bucket of cold water over their head. If what Tianlong Yun said was true, then they truly wouldn't dare to touch those pills.     

But was that the real truth? Were those pills truly effective? Would they truly help them reach the next level or the next realm in their cultivation?     

Tianlong Yun wasn't finished yet though, as he looked at them with a smile on his face, as he directed towards the old man that was the leader and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" While that would be true if you stole them from me, it would be a totally different story if I were to gift them to you!     

So 'honorable senior' I was wondering if you would accept to be my friend in this time of danger and difficulty, where I, as a grateful person, would gift you one of them."     

Blatant try to buy the loyalty of the strongest expert between them. If Tianlong Yun had made that offer to all of them, then they would all team up against him.     

But Tianlong Yun had made the offer only to the strongest between them, and the one who was their acting leader, this changed everything…     


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