Chapter 311: Bewitching Demoness

Chapter 311: Bewitching Demoness

Tianlong Yun:" If you want to stay, you can stay, if you want to leave, you know the door."     

Those words ringed through the ladies' brains, and it seemed like there was a deep echo inside their heads.     

Unconsciously they turned their heads towards each other, to see if they were the only ones who had gotten that message, or even the other two.     

And by the looks of it, all three of them had got such a mental message. Not it was the time of the decision, but none of them seemed to even make the slightest move.     

Their thoughts were probably to see how the other two would react, and then make a decision for themselves.     

None of them seemed to have the courage to take a decision though, and as time passed they Huang Mei Xiu's moans started to become louder and louder.     

At first, she was a bit embarrassed that the three ladies were there watching her in that state, but after some time she throw everything to the wind and decided to enjoy herself.     

It had been more than 3 years since she was able to feel something like this, and she desperately needed to feel complete.     

That was why she decided to ignore everything else and just let herself and her body on the claws and techniques of Tianlong Yun.     

While Huang Mei Xiu was just enjoying herself and was moaning without a care in the world, the three ladies' position was getting more and more precarious.     

Seeing and hearing what was happening inside the room, they couldn't help but feel their bodies heat up, and their love juices start moistening their secret caves, and secret gardens.     

With each passing moment, they could feel like more and more chains were binding them to this place, and that they wouldn't be able to leave unscathed today.     

While the other two were thinking about what they should do, the owner lady started approaching the bed, while undoing her clothes.     

Her actions seemed to have started a domino effect as immediately after her, the other two ladies also started to follow her example and do the same thing.     

It didn't take a lot of time before the room was conquered by the sounds of moaning, pleasure, and asking for forgiveness.     

It was good that the room was isolated from all sound, and view, otherwise surely the whole place would get fascinated by the horsepower of this hero of men.     

The next morning Tianlong Yun woke up early as usual, with four other bodies entangled around him, trying to get as much warmth as possible from his body.     

It wasn't that the room was cold, it was just that they had some kind of attraction to it. They felt a need to get closer.     

The four of them were unconscious after all that fighting from yesterday, they probably would be out until late midday.     

Tianlong Yun would love to stay and mingle with them more, but he didn't have time, he had other things to deal with, especially his trip to Shanghai.     

For that reason he got up, wore his clothes, and left a letter for the four of them, giving them instructions and also bidding farewell.     

One important point on the letter though was the fact that from today they had become his women, and their position had another title to it, maidservants of the Patriarch.     

In the letter, he also told them to work together and in the shortest time possible they had to take control of the Huang family.     

After that letter, he got out of the room, where a completely aware Jake Long was waiting for him. As soon as he saw his master get out, he followed behind him just like some kind of a puppet.     

Getting out of the 'Seven Fragrance's' Tianlong Yun didn't wait for the limousine, and instead just called a cab to take him and Jake Long towards the airport.     

He still had sometime before his flight, but he guessed it would be better if he waited there, and also cultivated a bit.     

Sometimes he thought it would be better if he flew there personally, but that would raise too much attention. A man flying, that was not something this world could understand.     

Keeping his crazy ideas at the back of his head, he just entered inside, made the check-in, and went to the waiting area.     

The place seemed to be practically empty with the exception of a young woman in her early thirties, and a young man around her age, beside her.     

The guy seemed like he was simping around her, trying to make everything he could to please her, while the lady only gave him a cold, and boring look every once in a while.     

While she looked like a cold beauty, that wasn't what caught Tianlong Yun's attention, but rather the fact that she seemed to be a cultivator and the art that she was practicing.     

Her energy had some kind of bewitching effect to it, and made people want to be closer to her, and vow her, while her eyes seemed to captivate someone's heart and mind.     

The most surprising thing though, was that even though she was much older than her looks let out, and the fact that her cultivation was still shallow she was brimming with vitality.     

That would only be possible if her cultivation manual was one of those types of 'stealing Yang to balance Yin'. In other words, she had stolen her suitor's vitality.     

While Tianlong Yun knew that it was impossible for him, and Jake Long to even be affected by her, he thought it would be too much of a nuisance, and he left the place to have a walk through the stores.     

When it was boarding time, he arrived just in time and managed to enter inside without lining up or having any problems in the way.     

Of course, since he didn't lack money, Tianlong Yun wouldn't tire himself and had bought a first-class ticket, but he was surely unpleased by the surprise he got.     

The person sitting on his side was none other than the cold beauty. As for the guy that was simping all that time around her, was nowhere to be found.     

But Tianlong Yun was able to sense that guy's aura on this woman, so he thought that he had probably been devoured by the woman in front of him.     

While Tianlong Yun seemed to be in his own world, and not caring much about her on the surface, the lady seemed to have set her eyes on him.     

To be honest, Tianlong Yun didn't care much about her, or what she did, it was her way of surviving in this world, and he didn't care about the lives of the idiots that only knew how to lust.     

To him, they were just adding shadows fruitlessly to this Planet, but they were a necessary part of it. So he just late heavens do their work.     

It wasn't a long flight, and really soon they would be able to reach Shanghai when suddenly he heard her voice,     

Lady:" Hello Little Brother, my name is Yu Ling, a manager of the Wei companies. I am sorry to disturb you, but could you let me borrow your phone?     

Mine is out of battery, and I really need to send a message to my boss."     

To make Tianlong Yun believe her words she even took out her Smartphone to show it was out of battery.     

While she was doing that though, her eyes seemed to be especially resplendent and soul-stirring. She was trying to bewitch him.     

What surprised him though, was the fact that this looked like a soul skill, and not a martial skill, because it was trying to affect his sea of consciousness and his avatar in there.     

Too bad, her target this time wasn't a lusting idiot, but Tianlong Yun. As soon as she activated her skill, he immediately protected his sea of consciousness.     

On the outside, his face didn't seem to change all this time, and he seemed just like a mute young man, as he gave her his phone without saying anything.     

The woman was surprised that her bewitching technique didn't work because this was the first time it happened. She was even able to win against people stronger than her.     

Yet she was unable to bewitch this young man. What was going on? Was there any problem with her skill, or was there something special with the guy?     

She didn't understand what was happening, so she tried the same technique on the person behind Tianlong Yun, which was none other than Jake Long.     

But even he didn't seem to be affected by her in the least. This was making her lose her mind, had she lost her skills?     

No that was impossible, she still had her cultivation, and her consciousness sea seemed to be unaffected by any factor.     

There most probably was something wrong with these two guys. She didn't know what it was, because she couldn't feel any cultivation form them, and they shouldn't have the ability to resist.     

Yet here she was with this situation in her hands. But she didn't give up, she couldn't accept defeat so easily, and her curiosity was piqued.     

She decided that even if they had something special to resist her bewitching skill, she had to know what it was.     

So while she didn't try to interact more with Tianlong Yun and Jake Long since she frankly didn't have many skills, much of the men just simped around her, she was observing them carefully.     

When they got down to Shanghai, Tianlong Yun and Jake Long went forward to take a cab and leave, when she appeared behind them and said with a sorry look,     

Yu Ling:" Little brother, little brother! Can you help me please, someone robber my purse and I have no money left.     

Can you drop me on the way, please?"     

Tianlong Yun thought that this was getting out of hand, he was trying to let her be and continue living yet she kept asking for her death.     

This was just extremely stupid…     


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