Chapter 175: 4P (2/2) [R-18]

Chapter 175: 4P (2/2) [R-18]

She brought her lips closer to his ear and licked it in a circled long lick, and then blew some hot breath inside his ear.     

Her attack was critical damage to a Tianlong Yun that was already close to his climax. With a deep groan, he released his entire milk load in between Tianlong Xia's and Tianlong Yue's bodies.     


It was truly a surprise attack for him, he didn't expect such an attack from a seemingly subdued Lu Bing. That was why he couldn't control his release.     

Lu Bing seeing this happen, and also happy at her small victory started giggling and said,     

Lu Bing:" You are such a waster Darling, how could you waste that delicious nectar-like that? Hehehehehehe..Aaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhhnnnnnn…"     

But she couldn't finish her giggle, because suddenly a big dragon invaded her secret cave, and then her second secret chamber.     

She couldn't help but release a powerful moan at the end of her giggle, but she didn't feel bad right now. She was feeling so full inside her, everything seemed just right, everything matched perfectly.     

Tianlong Yun didn't stop with that, grabbing her by her enormous rear mountains, he started to enter and exit her secret cave with a tremor each time.     

Lu Bing was feeling so good right now that she didn't care what happened around her anymore. Seeing her state Tianlong Yun let out a small smile and continued to explore her secret cave.     

He was a bit startled when she suddenly attacked him, and then her giggle and playful tone touched his arrogance, but now his ego was satisfied, and he regained clarity.     

Regaining clarity didn't mean that he would stop what he was doing though. He continued with his exploration while Lu Bing could only moan faster.     

'aahhnn, aaahhhh, aaahhhnnn, aaahhhhhh…'     

Tianlong Yun was feeling really good inside her moist secret cave, especially when he kneaded her rear mountains with each pull. It was a divine feeling.     

Lu Bing was feeling the same, she was being attacked and explored at the same time, and it didn't take long for her to reach her climax, even though she had just had a big one.     

Lu Bing:" AAHHNN, OOHHH GODDDD, thishh ishhhh soooo goooowd."     

Tianlong Yun didn't stop his exploration while she was passing her climax. She was trembling and shivering in his arms, but he continued with his exploration.     

'slappppp, slaaappppp, slaapppp…'     

The slapping sounds of his milk factories with her rear mountains were the only sounds heard for a while.     

Her muscles were contracting with each shiver and tremble, especially her secret caves walls were becoming tighter, and tighter with each exploration.     

Those explorations made her climax expand longer and longer, until Tianlong Yun reached his own climax, and with a groan buried his big dragon inside her secret cave, and released everything he had in store.     

Releasing his sweet nectar inside her, he pulled his big dragon outside and could see his nectar flowing out of the entrance of her secret cave.     

Seeing this Tianlong Yun said with a grinning face to an almost fainted Lu Bing,     

Tianlong Yun:" Bing'er you are so wasteful, you are wasting my sweet nectar you know?"     

Lu Bing didn't have the strength or stamina to say anything at the moment she was really tired, she could only feel that some fluid was escaping her secret cave.     

She couldn't see that sweet nectar fall down from her secret cave, and land in the middle of the cute Tianlong Yue, perky rear mountains.     

That unexpected sensation woke her up from her reverie, and just as she was about to turn her head towards her man, her secret cave was invaded, by a big bad dragon.     

Just like Lu Bing previously she felt really good, she was fully inside her. Her insides seemed to have been built especially for Tianlong Yun.     

She felt so good, her insides were a mess because of him, but she really liked that feeling, it was like she would go crazy if he stopped what he was doing.     

And at the same time, she couldn't stop her fast moans.     

'Aahhhnnn, aaahhhh, aaahhhnnn, aaahhhh…"     

At the same time, Tianlong Xia under her grabbed her little head and started to give her a good passionate kiss, to muffle her sweet moans.     

But the hot breath of Tianlong Yue made her excited herself, she couldn't stop her secret cave from starting to release love juices.     

Noticing her state Tianlong Yun, took his dragon out of Tianlong Yue's secret cave and started to explore his beautiful Tianlong Xia's secret cave.     

Tianlong Xia didn't expect such a move, and she took a lot of damage that was shown from her moans, but just like the duo before her, she felt full and happy.     

'Aaaaaggggggghhhhhhhnnnnnnn, aahhhnn, aahhhhh…'     

Her moans were truly unstoppable, but soon they suddenly stopped when Tianlong Yun took out his big dragon from her secret cave and started exploring Tianlong Yue's secret cave once again.     

She was disappointed at losing that big thing fulfilling her, but she knew that very soon, it would enter her secret cave once again.     

And truly she wasn't disappointed because Tianlong Yun started to alternate between their secret caves. It was mesmerizing for him.     

At one moment he would feel the moist and experienced squeeze of Tianlong Xia with her secret cave walls, and at the other moment, he would feel the moist, and natural tightness of Tianlong Yue.     

Each time he would send the girls closer to their climax and then immediately change the secret cave he was using.     

Tianlong Xia and Tianlong Yue were going cray from pleasure and his teasing they couldn't handle this anymore, and said pleadingly,     

Tianlong Xia & Yue:" Please love/hubby, I can't handle it anymore, pweeasseeeee, Aaaaaaggggghhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn."     

Before they could finish their words, Tianlong Yun took his big dragon outside and once again placed it between their secret caves entrances, and started to thrust his hips.     

That long missed sensation of before made the girls unable to hold anymore and start climaxing hard. Really hard!     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun was just enjoying their silky skins and soft secret caves entrances. It was a nice feeling on its own.     

The three girls seemed to be out of power at the moment, but there was one person inside the bathroom, that was in the worst state than them.     

Tianlong Xiangyun had been at the door all the time, seeing the treatment, and the gifts that the trio got from Tianlong Yun, she was so jealous but also excited at the same time.     

She was dripping wet at the moment, actually, she had been like this from the beginning. All this time, she had tried to cross her legs, and try to rub her secret cave, since she wasn't permitted to touch herself.     

She couldn't go against her daddy's orders, everything he said was an order for her. But right now that made her situation worst.     

She couldn't make her daddy help her, and what's worst she couldn't even help herself with her itchy secret cave. She was truly losing her mind.     

Tianlong Yun had noticed her state from the beginning but he pretended to not care much about it. He wanted to see what she would do to help herself.     

But right now there was something more important that he had to deal with, his three beautiful future wives that were lying on the bathroom tiles, trying to regain some lost stamina.     

Seeing their tired but happy faces Tianlong Yun got up and made for the door, but before he got out he said to them firmly,     

Tianlong Yun:" That was a good warm-up, I will be waiting for you in the bed."     

The trio's faces were stunned, this was just a warm-up to their man? At this moment they suddenly felt grateful that he would have a big harem, otherwise, their fate would be unknown.     

While they were trying to regain some stamina and get up from where they were, Tianlong Xiangyun's voice was heard, they had completely forgotten her existence in this bathroom.     

Tianlong Xiangyun:" Daddy what about me? Please, help me otherwise I will lose my mind."     

Hearing those words and seeing her painful look, Tianlong Yun said decisively,     

Tianlong Yun:" Come to the room and use my hand to climax, you have time till they come. You better hurry up."     

Tianlong Xiangyun started running behind him hearing those words, while the trio felt a bit relieved that they still had a bit of extra help. But they had to join the battle as soon as possible once again.     

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Tianlong Yun left one of his hands in Tianlong Xiangyun's control, who started to play with her secret cave entrance and her little redbud.     

Due to her highly excited state, and highly sensitive secret cave she climaxed almost immediately after Tianlong Yun's fingers touched her secret cave.     

'Aaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn, daddyyyyyyyyyy'     

But that just increased her sensitiveness in the entrance of her secret cave, but she had been waiting so long for this release, so she couldn't stop herself from wanting more.     

At this time came the trio from the bathroom, they had cleaned their secret caves, and bodies, and entered the bedroom wearing nothing at all.     

Tianlong Yun wasn't surprised by their looks and nakedness, but Tianlong Xiangyun was cursing her bad luck, and their entrance at this moment.     

But there was nothing she could do, besides leaving Tianlong Yun's hand reluctantly. Tianlong Yue felt a bit bad, seeing her mother leave so reluctantly her future hubby's hand like that, but said nothing about it.     

And soon she couldn't think about that anymore because a big battle of 1 versus 3 started, and finished with the clear win, of Tianlong Yun.     

The entire trio was now unconscious on the bed, and Tianlong Yun was looking teasingly towards Tianlong Xiangyun and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Tell your daddy, what do you want from me."     

Tianlong Xiangyun was now in the worst state then earlier, she couldn't hold herself anymore and said begging,     

Tianlong Xiangyun:" Please daddy, pweeaseee help mee. I need you and your big dragon daddy, pweeaassseeee.."     

Like this, the battle continued on the extra time, and again the win belonged to Tianlong Yun, who after that fell asleep.     

The next morning Tianlong Yun woke up to a sudden report from Jiang Bo…     


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