Chapter 334: Torture and Puppet

Chapter 334: Torture and Puppet

He had never thought to see that face in front of him. Especially associating that face with the thought of an expert, it was totally out of his mind.     

She was supposed to be just a weak little b*tch that had left their family in fear. A cowardly little girl that couldn't handle their pressure and bullying anymore, and left for a small, inexistent city.     

Such a cheap coward woman like her had no way of becoming such an expert or even going close to that. But that look on her eyes had changed so much.     

She didn't look like that weak and cowardly little girl anymore, she had a scary look that was making his soul shiver at that moment.     

He didn't know what had made her change so much, but he knew that she was no longer the same person. The little girl he used to bully, and torture earlier, had turned into a bona fide grown woman.     

Qin Bao had really changed a lot in all these 3 years, not only had she grown up to be more beautiful and sexy but she also had matured a lot as a person.     

She still was as fresh as a new flower, sprinkled by the morning dew, but her eyes showed great maturity and intelligence.     

Right now she was looking calmly and coldly in Qin Tuo's direction, but her look contained a bone-chilling killing intent and scorn.     

Slowly she was remembering everything that she went through inside the Qin family's house, and the treatment her mother got.     

With each flashing memory, her killing intent became colder and even more frightening. This situation made even Yu Qing startled, her earlier thoughts seemed like a joke right now.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was just looking at the scene with a calm and carefree look, which showed that he didn't care in the least what Qin Bao did to this idiot.     

With this thought in mind, Tianlong Yun took a little distance from the place, as he was looking attentively at what Qin Bao was going to do to that trash.     

He had given her permission to do whatever she wanted with him, as long as she left him a thread of life, and he would be able to turn him into another puppet.     

At the moment, Tianlong Yun had 17 puppets, Qin Tuo would be his 18. Their cultivation levels varied, and so did their strength.     

But one thing was in common, they were all people with key roles in which he couldn't allow any slip-ups that could change his plans.     

Of course, most of these puppets were sleeping cells at the moment, as Tianlong Yun didn't want to alert the other big powers.     

When Tianlong Yun decided to use all of them, the whole of China would fall in his hands and then he would turn his attention to the outside world.     

While he was thinking like this, Qin Bao started her torture on Qin Tuo, and he had to say that being close to Shen Hong and her experience in Africa, had truly taught her many new things.     

Then for more than 5 hours, until the sun was already showing itself magnificently on the horizon, Qin Bao tortured her eldest half-brother and her worst enemy until he was no longer recognizable.     

Even though he was in that state, his heart was still beating, so he was still technically alive. But he was gone as a human being at that moment.     

The wrath inside him at the moment was surpassing the limits, and he seemed more like a beast on the verge of death hating her hunter, than a human.     

This situation was perfect for Tianlong Yun and his purposes though, as for the scene he didn't mind it, he had seen even worse than this, for an even longer time.     

In Tianlong Yun's standards, this was still considered as something light and kind. But still, he approached Qin Tuo's body, and said with a fake sorry look,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sorry idiot, I didn't think that she had so much hatred towards you. But I am still surprised to see you alive even after all that.     

You seem like a really stubborn roach that is really afraid of death and doesn't want to die. I feel sorry for being the one to tell you that you need to die.     

I am really glad that you will let your body for my use after your death though. So die happily idiot, I can assure you that I will use your body in the best way possible."     

With that said, Tianlong Yun used just one thought to materialize a fiery red knife that cut Qin Tuo's throat, making him suffer even in death, as he got choked in his own blood.     

As soon as he took his last breath, his wrathful soul started gathering over his dead body, as if a huge black cloud was being formed.     

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care much about it, as he just sat down close to Qin Tuo's corpse and started the refinement of his new puppet.     

Qin Bao and Yu Qing were just staying by his side calmly, just like two security guards keeping their Master safe from any unexpected development.     

It didn't take long for the refinement to finally get completed, as Tianlong Yun got up from his place, and stuffing a pill down Qin Tuo's throat, and sending a bit of his inner Qi to help him absorb it.     

After that, the external wounds on Qin Tuo's body started to regenerate at a considerably high rate, and soon he didn't have any more external wounds.     

As for the internal ones, they would need some time, since Qin Bao hadn't held herself back in the least, and they were much heavier than the external ones.     

But it wasn't like this would affect Tianlong Yun's plans, as he gave his instructions to the Qin Tuo puppet, and then left with Qin Bao and Yu Qing by his side.     

It was time to eat breakfast, and meet with Jake Long, he was sure that the assignment he had given to him the other night was already completed.     

With these happy thoughts, he took the two ladies towards the Immortal Hall of Shanghai, to have a nice meal, and learn about the latest news.     

It had been more than 6 hours since the party was supposed to have finished, and he expected there to be a lot of rumors, especially about the fact that Mayor Fu Chen's wife and daughter had gone missing.     

Today would surely be a buzzing day for the many people of Shanghai City and its big families. Because the big bells of war were already ringing loudly, and everyone had a choice to make.     

It wasn't that it was completely unexpected, as everyone had been expecting about it and picking their sides, but now there was the problem of the Shadow Clan emerging.     

One good point about this situation was the fact that the three big families of China were merging together to make a joint front against this clan.     

To the people that had no idea of the Shadow Clan, the merge of the three big families was a piece of really good news because they wouldn't have to fight their own friends and family.     

Now they would all work towards one joint goal, and fight the unknown Shadow Clan. Not to mention that this destroyed all the obstacles they had from the other families' competition.     

What they didn't know at the moment though was the fact that there was no such a good thing as a perfect world.     

While in first look the big families' collaboration looked like a great decision, those people didn't truly understand the situation they were in.     

It was true that the three big families were merging together to fight against his Shadow Clan, but they were still wary of each other.     

Each one them had their personal objectives and each one of them wanted to be on top and lead the country after the war.     

But the most important part of the logic was the fact that the big families would never fight themselves from the start, and these people would be the cannon fodder.     

On the other hand, this was also an opportunity for them to show themselves, and increase their rank. Wars were as much tragedy as they were an opportunity for people.     

At least this was Tianlong Yun's opinion on the war. In his opinion lifelong peace was useless, not only for the development of a place but also for the fact that it just created a big gap in the people.     

In times of peace, the richer got richer, and the poor got poorer, it was human's basic instinct to have as much as they could and more.     

It was like a vicious circle where war would always bring peace upon the winners, and peace would bring war upon the oppressors.     

In this line of thought, they arrived at the Immortal Hall venue, and since he didn't want to experience a nuisance while meeting some idiot who didn't know the immensity of the heavens.     

For that reason, he didn't enter normally, and just jumped towards the box that was reserved for him. He had already notified the manager, who was waiting for him at the box.     

Seeing Tianlong Yun enter inside the box, the manager immediately bowed, and said in a courteous way,     

Manager:" Zi Qian greets Patriarch!"     

The manager was a young lady of around 19 years old, with a tough look, and serious expression. Her expression seemed to match with her body, and the cold aura she gave.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care much about her, as he looked at her face and said in a calm and carefree voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" So this is the body you will be using these days? What happened with the assignment I gave you!?"     


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