Second World

Chapter 711. Casualties

Chapter 711. Casualties

David told Princess Purple to move away as he put himself on Mihos' path. In return, Princess Purple cast Bless on him before running away.     

David took things further by advancing towards Mihos with his Barghest taking point, all the while his handgun never stopped shooting. His handgun was the new level 50 super rare grade weapon he had received for the tournament's prize. Mihos just tanked through the bullets without slowing down. David was targeting Mihos' eyes but Mihos weaved his head around, making it harder for David to land an accurate hit.     

The Barghest leaped, but Mihos easily used his left hand to catch the pet. Then as if nothing, he threw the Barghest far away.     

Mihos made a diagonal slash once David came into range. David made an accurate low dodge while slashing his left-hand dagger at Mihos' knee. He proceeded to take a kneeling position and shot Mihos from the back.     

"Shit!" David uttered when he saw Mihos was completely ignoring his shots and still running towards Princess Purple.     

Princess Purple knew she couldn't escape with her slow speed. She cast Healer's Protect on herself in preparation for the hit, which came soon. She shot Mana Bullet at Mihos's face in the hope of distracting him before using her staff to defend against the incoming slash.     

Mihos was not at all bothered by the Mana Bullet. Princess Purple was damaged despite blocking using her staff. She then suffered another quick slash on her stomach. Even without mana manipulation, Mihos' standard slashes had brought Princess Purple's life to critical.     

Giant Steve was glad that Princess Purple was not one-shot, he activated his Urgent Save. He had marked Princess Purple beforehand. Giant Steve appeared in front of her as Mihos was about to deal the finishing blow. His shield blocked that blow. He then used Shield Bash to push Mihos away, but Mihos simply backstepped one step before his slash came again with a Power Strike. It was Giant Steve that was knocked away despite he had activated Knight's Endure and Enhanced Block.     

Mihos felt a strong force incoming after pushing Giant Steve away. He turned in time and saw Jack with Therras rushing towards him at high speed. Jack had summoned his pet and used Combination Assault skill. The attack collided and produced a shockwave. Both Jack, Therras, and Mihos were blown away. This was the first time the native received a force strong enough to unbalance him. His feet skidded as he resisted the knockback.     

Jack called his wolf pack out while Therras used Tyrannical Charge. Jack resumed shooting range attacks with the other range players while advancing.     

Mihos swung his greatsword and forcefully knocked aside Therras' charge. He then made a circular swing again. It didn't produce the destructive wind this time, so this circular swing was not a skill. Even so, this swing easily swatted all Jack's wolves aside.     

Mihos then rushed towards Princess Purple again with Charge skill. Jack also used Charge. Jack's Charge aimed to intercept Mihos' path. Giant Steve also came back to put himself in between Mihos and Princess Purple. Princess Purple who saw Mihos' persistence, was reasonably scared. She had just cast Full Heal on herself. She was now running away with all her might. Domon and Arthur who had slow movement ran towards where Princess Purple was heading so they could intercept Mihos when he arrived.     

When Jack's Charge almost reach Mihos, Mihos canceled his Charge. Due to that sudden stop, Jack instead went past him. Mihos then turned back. He did another super long jump.     

"What? He can do it two times in such a short interval?" Jack uttered.     

"It's a different skill," Peniel informed. "Look, this jump is higher and farther than Berserker's standard Jump Assault. The one before is the normal Jump Assault, while this one is the enhanced version. They count as two different skills."     

"Shit! We have been had!" Jack cursed.     

Mihos had jumped to the opposite side from where Princess Purple was. Princess Purple had run so far to one side with most of the team following that the person on the opposite side had been left alone. That person was Yellow Death who had been using Shooting Stance and was shooting non-stop as if it was an all-you-can-shoot buffet.     

The shock in his heart when the intimidating native, who had been running around chasing the team's healer, suddenly landed in front of him was indescribable.     

The shock caused him to pause for a beat, but he quickly recovered and jumped away. Yet, he was a beat too late. Mihos' greatsword burst alight with a golden flame. It was Sacred Flame skill, but a variant different from the standard white flame or Heathcliffe's blue flame. The greatsword thrust forward, piercing Yellow's body.     

The thrust drained Yellow Death's HP to more than half. Yet, because his body was impaled, he could not move away. Mihos lifted his greatsword and Yellow's body was hanging in the air as Yellow continued to shoot Mihos point-blank. Yellow's body was then engulfed by golden flame. He screamed in pain as damage numbers popped up repeatedly. Yellow's position was too far, neither Princess Purple nor Peniel could cast heal on him.     

Jack grabbed Peniel and used Shooting Dash. However, his effort was futile. Before he arrived, Mihos made a strong slash downward, cleaving Yellow. The large damage wiped out Yellow Death's HP.     

The first player of the team had fallen. The fact that the fallen one was one of the two most troublesome teammates didn't give Jack any joy. They still lost a damage dealer.     

Since he couldn't save Yellow anymore, Jack went for offensive instead. He activated Life Burning Art and used Penta Slash. Mihos put his greatsword in front of him in a parry position, he received damages but nothing significant. He made a counter slash after Jack's Penta Slash ended. Jack used his two swords and clashed directly with the greatsword.     

Red Death and Leavemealone came to Mihos' two sides. They had the fastest movements and were the first to arrive to give Jack support. Red Death used Combat Clone as well as Trinity Assault which created another two copies by her sides. Four Red Deaths barraged Mihos with a flurry of stabs.     

Leavemealone used his Illusive Form, creating many mirror images with every movement. He also attacked using Infinite Lightning Punches.     

Seeing his friends' ferocity, Jack was not to be left behind. He activated Adrenaline Rush and executed his burst slashes. Countless slashes, stabs, and punches rained on Mihos.     

The native champion lowered his head and covered himself with his plate armor. Not being a speedy type, these relentless rapid attacks were not something he could dodge or block. Jack, Red Death, and Leavemealone didn't let go of this chance and pressed on with their unrelenting assaults. Suddenly, Mihos' head jerked up and a thundering roar was released from his mouth. The roar sounded extremely like a lion's roar.     

Jack felt as if his eardrums had exploded. There was also a sonic shockwave accompanying that roar. He felt himself getting pushed back. At the same time, he received damage and was afflicted with Disoriented status.     

Mihos made a circling slash again then. Both Jack and Leavemealone were in Disoriented status, but they could still block. The circling slash slapped them away. Red Death, on the other hand, was more unfortunate. Aside from disoriented status, she was also afflicted by Dizzy. She was stunned and couldn't see correctly. She received a clean slash. The golden flame alighted around her body.     

The pain from the golden flame was intense, but she gritted her teeth and refused to succumb. The burning pain instead helped her recover from the dizziness. She continued with her assault instead of retreating. She used Unblockable Stab at the same time stabbing to the right side of Mihos' head.     

Mihos let the phantom dagger from Unblockable Stab land on him while his greatsword blocked Red Death's stab from the right. But the stab disappeared and he felt an attack coming from the opposite side instead. It was so fast that his mana sense was unable to warn him before the real stab from the left hit.     

Red Death's Twin Dragon Stabs managed to score a critical strike. Yet, Mihos also didn't waver from the hit. His head that was stabbed, came forward with a head bump, striking Red Death's face. Red Death was the one that became unbalanced.     

Jack was still reeling from Mihos' lion roar, but he saw from the corner of his eyes Red Death's predicament. He slashed his sword in Mihos' direction and Shredding Fang came out. Unfortunately, Mihos completely ignored the attack. Mihos let himself be damaged and his greatsword slashed upward in a spectacular fashion, striking Red Death who was still unbalanced.     

Peniel cast Fast Heal on Red Death just before that slash hit. It saved Red Death from death, but the 50% recovered HP was quickly brought down again by that upward slash. Red Death was also getting thrown up high by the slash. She was completely defenseless in the air. Her Back Shift, Phase Strike, and Vanish were all still in cooldown.     

Mihos' greatsword slashed again. Jack cast Magic Bind. Selena also did the same. Two magic rings locked Mihos' swinging arms. But the rings broke as soon as they appeared. The greatsword cleaved Red Death's body in the air.     

Two casualties now.     

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