President Wife is Pretty and Cool



"Brother, you can't do this. Even if Grandpa doesn't allow you to enter the house, you can't treat him like this," Tan Siwen stood up and said.     

"I didn't cause him to be hospitalized, I'm just here to see if he can fulfill my wish. Since no one in the Tan Family can shoulder this responsibility, why don't you leave it to me?"     

Tan Lin smiled.     

"You're dreaming! I won't leave this business to you even if it costs me my life!"     

Tan Shilin seemed a little agitated.     

"Wouldn't it be useless if this project was handed to you?" Tan Lin smiled and said.     

He looked up at the old man lying on the hospital bed with a respirator attached to it.     

He thought about how cruel he was to him and how cruel he was to his mother.     

If he hadn't chased his mother out of the house and made her suffer such infamy, she wouldn't have died. All these years, he had been praying that this old man would end up like his mother. Seeing him lying on the hospital bed still hadn't resolved his hatred.     

"Brother, what exactly are you trying to do?"     

Tan Siwen seemed to think that Tan Lin didn't come with good intentions.     

"I told you, I just want to see if he's dead."     

Tan Lin looked at Mo Jinrong as he spoke.     

"Bro! Why didn't you call me when there was such a good thing happening?"     

Mo Jinrong's frown eased as he spoke calmly.     

"Aren't you here now? This is the Tan Family's business. I can leave after confirming that Old Master is alright. I don't want this to disrupt things ."     

"I can visit the Mo Family's fashion show as a member of the Tan Family. I won't trouble Uncle."     

Tan Lin smiled and left with Mo Jinrong.     

"Why do you want to cooperate with them?"     

Tan Lin had been thinking about this question for several days and couldn't bring himself to ask it. He had only come over today because of Old Master's illness, so he decided to ask the question now.     

"The Mo Family owed Old Master Tan a favour, that's all. You don't have to worry," Mo Jinrong got into the car and said.     

"Alright! I was afraid that you would oppose me on purpose. After all, I would have a headache with an enemy like you. You return your favour while I get my revenge, and I will get all the profits from this project. We won't be delayed," Tan Lin smiled and said.     

"Up to you. Don't even think about touching a piece of the Mo Family's cake. However, if it's the Tan Family's cake, I won't care," Mo Jinrong said calmly.     

"I heard that you hired an internationally renowned designer to host this fashion show. It's so showy that I want to take a look."     

Tan Lin wasn't interested in design, but since it had blown things up, he had to watch the show.     


Mo Corporation.     

The fashion show was held in the company's hall.     

It was decorated with lanterns and colored banners and tables were placed below the stage. A large screen was placed on the stage and a red carpet was placed on the ground. This was Qiu Cha's home ground.     

Qiu Cha had come early to deliver the design drafts and clothes. She wanted to mix her design drafts and clothes into a hundred designs, then let the guests choose the best one from the hundred designs to show her ability.     

After sending the design drafts, Qiu Cha walked around the company, as she had nothing to do.     

When she went to the coffee machine to get herself a coffee, she met a man in a suit.     

Although he didn't have Mo Jinrong's appearance, he was still a handsome man.     

Qiu Cha looked at him until her coffee started to burn her hand through the cup, but she didn't find it scalding.     

"Don't you… find it hot?"     

Zhao Han smiled.     

Qiu Cha then reacted, spilling her coffee all over the floor. She immediately felt a burning pain in her hand.     

"Ah! It's so hot!"     

She was still blaming herself for being so infatuated. It was so embarrassing.     

Zhao Han hurriedly took a piece of tissue from the side to relieve the overflowing coffee. He then took some ice cubes and placed them on her hand, patiently applying it to the swollen area.     

"There doesn't seem to be a pharmacy nearby. Miss, do you want me to buy some ointment for your burns?"     

Zhao Han smiled brightly like a big boy.     

"No, no, no, it's alright, I'm alright."     

Qiu Cha waved her hand and smiled.     

Zhao Han immediately found her cute. She seemed a little different from the other women.     

If it were anyone else, they would have howled, but this girl in front of him didn't cry, but pretended not to care.     

"Are you really alright?" Zhao Han was concerned and asked again.     

Qiu Cha felt the warmth of his care and shook her head with a smile.     

"It's alright, are you an employee of this company?"     

Zhao Han smiled. She must be a new employee to not know him.     

"I'm just an ordinary employee who works for others."     

Qiu Cha eyed Zhao Han.     

Everything he wore was branded and even his tie was Italian. If an ordinary employee could afford such expensive clothes, he must not be an ordinary employee.     

Qiu Cha had thought about Zhao Han before and felt that his identity was noble, even to the extent that he was a son of a wealthy family.     

"Just like me."     

Qiu Cha smiled.     

She lowered her head and drank the coffee in her hand. She looked at her watch and suddenly, her phone rang.     

"Cha Cha, where are you? I'm here."     

It was Lan Anran.     

When she arrived, she chose a branded dress from a random store, so that she wouldn't embarrass the Mo Family. She had just come out of the washroom after changing.     

"I'll be right there, wait for me."     

Qiu Cha hung up the phone, put down the coffee cup in her hand and smiled.     

"Sorry, I have something to do now, I'll make a move first."     

Zhao Han nodded and looked at his phone. It was a message from Zhao Xiaolei.     

"Brother! I'm here to see you!"     

Downstairs, Lan Anran and Zhao Xiaolei walked through the VIP passageway to the hall. There weren't many people in the hall now, so they found a random seat.     

Qiu Cha came to the hall and looked around. When she saw Lan Anran, she walked over with a smile.     

"Anran, this outfit is not bad."     

"I picked it casually. It's an honor to be praised by the great designer."     

Lan Anran smiled and pulled Qiu Cha over to sit down.     

"Anran, is this the great designer you were referring to? She is so pretty."     

Zhao Xiaolei was stunned. Although this designer wasn't as charming as Lan Anran, she had a gentle and generous appearance that made one want to get close to her.     

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