Battle Through the Heavens

Chapter 1560: Yao clan Medicinal Ceremony

Chapter 1560: Yao clan Medicinal Ceremony

Chapter 1560: Yao clan Medicinal Ceremony    


month swiftly flowed by in a quiet fashion. This one month was as calm     

as one could imagine. Even with the Nine Serene Deep Ground Python tribe     

helping to investigate the Hall of Souls, the results had not been     

extremely happy. The Hall of Souls seemed to have decreased the size of     

its faction this time around. Even though the spies from the Nine Serene     

Deep Ground Python tribe were able to find some Hall of Souls branch     

halls, they were unable to venture any deeper because of the defenses     

that had been tightened over ten times.    

The Sky Mansion Alliance     

felt somewhat pressured because of this situation, but it was impossible     

for them to gather their strength to destroy all the branch halls.     

Everyone knew that this war would eventually end with one party being     

eliminated from the Central Plains. This party could be the Hall of     

Souls or it could be the Sky Mansion Alliance.    

Neither party dared to make this gamble. Hence, everyone could only just watch and wait at this moment.    

The day the Medicinal Ceremony of the Yao clan would be held slowly arrived under the build up of this quiet pressure…    

The main mountain in the star realm—    


is fine if only Xiao Yan and I to head to the Yao clan this time     

around. The alliance must pay attention to the Hall of Souls at all     

times. Everyone should carefully guard the alliance land in order to     

handle any unexpected changes.” Clouds drifted above the main mountain     

while Yao Lao looked over the upper echelons from the alliance and     


Although they were a little worried about Xiao Yan and     

Yao Lao heading to the Yao clan alone, Feng zun-zhe and the others could     

only nod their heads after Yao Lao insisted.    

“Take good care of the alliance.” Xiao Yan looked at Cai Lin, who was holding Xiao Xiao, as he spoke.    


Cai Lin slightly nodded. With her current strength, other than Xiao     

Chen and the ancestor from the Pill Tower, no one in the alliance     

surpassed her. Xiao Yan felt more assured with her remaining with the     


“Ha ha, alright. Everyone, there is no need to send us     

off any further.” Yao Lao slowly rose into the sky as he laughed to     

everyone. Subsequently, he turned around and hurried out of the star     

realm. Xiao Yan’s body flashed behind him and quickly followed.    


Yao clan was situated in the Shenglong Mountain Range, which were     

nestled in the far south of the Central Plains. From a certain point of     

view, that area could be considered outside of the Central Plains.     

Hence, it appeared extremely far.    

However, the height of a     

mountain was unimportant. The main factor was who lived there. This was     

also the case for this mountain range. Although the Shenglong Mountain     

Range was considered a wild region since it was filled with poisonous     

insects and ferocious beasts that were rare to the Central Plains, this     

area was still quite lively because of the Yao clan. Moreover, this     

mountain range was filled with many rare medicinal ingredients. Plenty     

of alchemists would travel this great distance to find the medicinal     

ingredients they needed to refine a pill in this mountain range. Hence,     

this Shenglong Mountain Range was quite lively.    

The Medicinal     

Ceremony was the most important event of the Yao clan. It was not held     

on a fixed day. It would change depending on how various events     

developed. In summary, this Medicinal Ceremony was somewhat similar to     

the Pill Gathering of the Pill Tower. From a certain point of view, it     

could be considered a gathering of peak alchemists on the continent.    

Only this gathering would reveal who the top ranked alchemists were on this continent!    


than the members of the Yao clan, those who could join the Medicinal     

Ceremony were alchemist gurus from the Central Plains, who boasted great     

reputations and skills as alchemists. However, usually very few     

individuals were invited. After all, the alchemists who could catch the     

eye of the Yao clan were existences as rare as a phoenix feather or a     

unicorn horn.    

Nevertheless, this did not hinder the Medicinal     

Ceremony from being grand. The sole reason for this grandness was to     

name the top alchemist on the continent!    

The star realm was     

extremely far from the Shenglong Mountain Range where the Yao clan was     

located, but the long journey only took half a day for Xiao Yan and Yao     

Lao. Hence, the fog covered Shenglong Mountain Range appeared in front     

of their eyes around evening.    

“What a dense natural energy. This Yao clan has really found a good spot…”    


Xiao Yan involuntarily praised the Shenglong Mountain Range after     

arriving here for the first time. The clouds churning in the air above     

the mountain range were not ordinary. They had been formed from natural     

energy. One would train faster if one trained in this place.    


mountain range was nurtured by an ancestor from the Yao clan for a     

couple of centuries in order to facilitate this fertility.” Yao Lao’s     

eyes scanned this familiar yet foreign mountain range with a complicated     

expression. This was the first time he had returned ever since he left     

back then. He softly sighed and slowly began to descend. Finally, he     

landed near a deep stream in the deepest part of the mountain range.     

There was a few-thousand-foot-tall stone archway quietly standing on the     

opposite side of the stream. An ancient aura spread from the archway.    


middle of the archway was a distorted space. This was the entrance to     

the Yao clan’s realm. There was a continuous stream of people flying     

down from the sky or from deep in the mountains. These people would land     

outside of the huge stone archway. They would then take out a jade     

token and hand it to some guards who were wearing the robes of the Yao     

clan before being allowed in.    

“Let’s go. This Medicinal Ceremony     

is the Yao clan’s greatest event. Some of the nearby fractions that rely     

on the Yao clan are allowed to enter and observe it. This period of     

time is very lively for the Yao clan.” Yao Lao’s eyes swept over those     

figures entering the spatial door before speaking.    



Yan slightly nodded. His body flashed and appeared outside the archway.     

A couple of figures stood there like statues. Their sharp eyes shot     

over as they cried out. “This is an important area of the Yao clan. You     

are not allowed to trespass. Who are you?”    

The eyes of these few     

people were extremely sharp. They managed to identify that Xiao Yan did     

not belong to a nearby factions from just glance because even the chiefs     

of the factions that came would present a humble expression. However,     

this person’s calm appearance in front of them did not display any     

respect or fear for the Yao clan.    

Those human figures coming and     

going around the deep stream halted. Their eyes were curious as they     

looked at Xiao Yan and Yao Lao.    

“Sky Mansion Alliance—my teacher, Yao Chen, has been invited to participate in the Medicinal Ceremony.”    


Yan glanced at the few of them. His foot gently stepped forward as a     

monstrous aura suddenly erupted from him. It forced those few     

individuals back. Those people from the various neighbouring factions     

immediately inhaled a cold breath. Only those chiefs with greater     

experience revealed an expression of understanding. Private     

conversations immediately began to spread.    

“It is actually Yao     

Chen from the Sky Mansion Alliance. Does that not mean that this person     

is Xiao Yan, who defeated the chief of the Hall of Souls? It is     

unexpected that even he has come.”    

“It is rumored that Xiao Yan is     

the champion of the Pill Tower’s Pill Gathering. He possesses an     

extremely high attainment in terms of alchemist skills.”    

“Hee, in     

terms of Dou Qi and combat, it is likely that he is very strong.     

However, if he wants to compare alchemist skills at the door of the Yao     

clan, he is really asking to suffer…”    

“That is difficult to say, difficult to say…”    


expressions of those few guards changed slightly after hearing the     

surrounding soft voices. Xiao Yan’s name was extremely well-known even     

among these ancient clans. The declined Xiao clan still managed to     

produce such an outstanding individual. This was a miracle.    


Yan glanced at all of them but didn’t feel like finding fault with them.     

He randomly threw a jade token over. A guard received it and studied it     

for a moment before sighing in relief. A light pillar shot out and     

struck the large door. A spatial fluctuation appeared, giving it a     

distorted feeling.    

“Misters, please… there will be someone to lead the both of you into the clan once you enter.”    


time around, these guards appeared a lot more respectful. Strength was     

always honored in this world. Xiao Yan’s strength was comparable to the     

Grand Elders within their Yao clan. They did not dare to offend him.    


Yan nodded. He turned around and glanced at Yao Lao behind him. Yao Lao     

inhaled a deep breath of air and slowly nodded to him. After which, the     

both of them moved and rushed into the distorted space at the same     


Their vision became slightly dazzled after they entered the     

spatial fluctuation. The mountain range in front of them turned into     

lush green plains. There were many huge bird beasts with wings that were     

thousands of feet in size resting on the green ground.    

“Misters, please come this way.”    


Yan and Yao Lao had just landed when a member of the Yao clan wearing     

armor swiftly walked over. He lead them onto a huge bird. At this     

moment, there was already a couple hundred figures standing on it. It     

was extremely lively on the bird.    

Xiao Yan, who had experienced a     

similar process in the Gu clan, was familiar with such a situation. He     

did not chat with anyone. Instead, he and Yao Lao headed to a spot with     

fewer people and quietly studied the huge plains.    

The huge bird     

flapped its large wings after the two of them boarded. Finally, it     

stirred a wild wind as it whistled up into the sky. It then swiftly flew     

toward the deeper parts of the Yao clan’s realm.    

This flight     

continued for around half an hour. Only then did Xiao Yan sense the     

speed of the huge bird slow. His eyes looked into the distance and saw a     

cloud part. A towering mountain that penetrated the cloud appeared in     

his sight. It was vaguely possible to see clusters of large halls and     

buildings on the huge mountain. Countless smoke pillars slowly rose into     

the sky, filling the air with a rich pill fragrance.    

The large     

bird circled the large mountain before finally landing in a square. Xiao     

Yan and Yao Lao slowly descended. Yao Lao looked at the familiar     

surrounding and became a little absent-minded.    

Xiao Yan did not     

interrupt Yao Lao’s absent-minded state. He quietly stood beside Yao Lao     

with both of his hands in front of him in his sleeves. His eyes     

narrowed, and he completely ignored the surrounding strange glances.    


two figures standing in the square appeared exceptionally glaring in     

front of the people coming and going. Hence, after a couple of minutes, a     

somewhat familiar elderly laugh was slowly transmitted into Yao Lao’s     

and Xiao Yan’s ear.    

“I was wondering who it is that doesn’t know     

the rules. It is actually the two of you… however, Yao Chen, this     

elderly self is really a little surprised that someone like you, who was     

expelled from the clan, possesses the face to return…”    


footsteps of the surrounding individuals slowed. They looked at the old     

man, who was slowly walking over with a cold smile. All of them wisely     

stepped back.    

“Yao Wangui…”    

Xiao Yan slowly relaxed both of     

his hands that had been inserted into his sleeve. He lifted his eyes and     

glanced at that somewhat familiar old man. His voice was calm as the     

corner of his mouth was lifted into an ice-cold arc.    


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