The General's Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Publishedat 8th of September 2019 08:25:59 PMChapter 118     

Chapter 118: The Lucky Yang Le Le    

Yang Le Le was still feeling very guilty, but seeing that her father and Ning Meng Yao were constantly trying to comfort her, she smiled: “I understand, Yao Yao . ”    

“Then rest well . I’ll go back first and come to see you again tomorrow . ” It was already late, the outside would only be darker if she stayed any longer .     

“Meng Yao, how about you have a meal before you go?” Madame Yang quickly called out to her before she left .     

Ning Meng Yao shook her head: “I’ll have to refuse . Aunty, I have to send people to look into this matter . ” There weren’t any robbers for a few months, and it happened too suddenly this time . It felt a little odd .     


“Aunty, are you still worried that I’ll no longer eat at your house? We live close by . I can come here whenever I want, right?” Ning Meng Yao smiled and said .     


Madame Yang thought about this a little . It was indeed true, so she nodded and bid goodbye to the two .     

On the way back, Ning Meng Yao’s face had been difficult to read so Qiao Tian Chang said: “Don’t worry, I have told Lei An to inform those above . ”    

“Yeah?” Ning Meng Yao turned to look at him . Her eyebrows slightly wrinkled . Inform those above? What does he mean?    

Looking at Ning Meng Yao’s frown, Qiao Tian Chang reached out to calm her: “This time, the robbers weren’t as simple as how they portrayed themselves on the surface . They had something to do with the people above . The place where Yang Le Le’s accident happened had always been rather busy, where else could those robbers come from?”    

Ning Meng Yao was stunned for a moment . She hadn’t thought about this issue at all . Now that Qiao Tian Chang mentioned it, it did seem possible .     

She had traveled through that place for a couple of times already, but she had never heard of robbery or anything like that happening there . Yet, they appeared this time, and even attacked Yang Le Le…    

“I know that you have your means, so help me investigate this matter . ” Ning Meng Yao said coldly .     

Anyone who dared to hurt a friend of hers was simply looking for trouble .     

“Don’t worry, I know what to do . ”    

The two were walking towards the entrance to the village when they suddenly heard an unpleasant voice: “So lucky . She actually made it through . ”    

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The voice was familiar… The two of them looked at each other . It was Yang Xiu Er’s voice .     

They tiptoed to the door and stood there quietly . Then, Ning Meng Yao heard Madame Luo’s voice: “Xiu Er, what nonsense are you saying! What if someone heard you, do you think we can still stay here then?”    

“Did I say anything wrong? Yang Le Le’s really lucky . Even encountering the robbers, she made it out alive . Heck, she was even saved by some random pa.s.serby . ” Yang Xiu Er said indignantly .     


She saw the person who saved Yang Le Le . He looked quite handsome . In fact, he didn’t look like an ordinary person . There just happened to be such an excellent person to save Yang Le Le .     

A trace of anger flashed in Ning Meng Yao’s eyes . She was about to push the open door, but Qiao Tian Chang stopped her and pulled her away .     

“What are you trying to do?” After leaving the village, Qiao Tian Chang let go of Ning Meng Yao, but she just glared at him .     

He reached out and lightly knocked on Ning Meng Yao’s head: “Lei An didn’t say to anyone that Yang Le Le met robbers . He said that her horse got scared by something and ran into a tree, and that the injury was caused by the branches . ”    

This excuse seemed to be reasonable, but the mystery was what Yang Xiu Er just said about how Yang Le Le managed to survive the robbery .     

How did Yang Xiu Er knew that Yang Le Le met with robbers?    

“Are you saying that Yang Xiu Er is related to this matter?” Ning Meng Yao frowned: “But she’s just a farm girl . ”    

“It’s still too early to judge, but it’s possible that Yang Xiu Er knows something about the accident . As for what role she played in it, we’ll have to wait until after the investigation . ” When Qiao Tian Chang heard what Yang Xiu Er said, he knew that she must have something to do with this matter .     

This thought actually seemed possible .     

Ning Meng Yao’s eyes darkened: “If Yang Xiu Er was really involved in this attack, I’ll not let her off . ”    

After a while, she had another odd thought . If Yang Xiu Er was part of the robbery plan, then she really was quite capable .     


Qiao Tian Chang petted Ning Meng Yao’s head: “Let’s go, we’ll talk about this matter after the investigation . ” He too felt that girl should be taught some lessons .     


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