The General's Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Chapter 737     

Ning Meng Yao nodded with a smile: “As long as you guys like it . ”    

Qiao Tian Chang looked at Ning Meng Yao helplessly, then he turned to look at the one thousand people: “The reason why you all are here, I believe you all understand that you can stay here until we need you all to attack, but if anything really happens, I hope you all won’t forget your responsibility . ”    

“Young Master, rest assured, we will not let Miss down . ” Several of these people had never come out before, so apart from themselves, they had no other friends .     

After arriving at this place, they met a lot of people who retreated from battlefields . They trained together every morning to teach children kung fu, and then they started their work in the workshop . They liked this kind of life, but they also knew that this life did not belong to them .     

They still had to comply with their responsibility .     

Ning Meng Yao smacked Qiao Tian Chang and signaled him not to be so serious: “If you all like it here, you all can stay here even after the matter is over . ”    

“Really?” Everyone’s eyes shined . It would be really great if they could stay .     

Ning Meng Yao nodded: “Of course . As long as you want, you can stay in the workshop, or join the army, whatever you like . Of course, we’ll talk more about all this after the matter is over . ”    

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“Yes, Miss . ”    

On the way back, Qiao Tian Chang thought of those people’s excitement, his eyelids jumped: “Yao Yao, do you think what you did was ok?”    

To use their skill in such a place, it was really a waste of talent .     

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“Not everyone likes to kill and fight . When things with the West Coast are resolved, they can do whatever they like . ”    

Qiao Tian Chang wanted to say some more . But then he recalled that he used to lead soldiers . Many of them were forced to go to the battlefields even though they did not want to, they wanted to stay at home with their wives and children . They only went to the battlefields, not for fame and fortune, but to protect their homes .     

And how many of them had accepted the fact that they might not return after entering the battles?    

“I’ll let you decide . ” Qiao Tian Chang sighed helplessly and decided not to interfere with Ning Meng Yao’s decision .     

Ning Meng Yao smiled deeply at Qiao Tian Chang: “Shall we go home?”    

“Okay, let’s go home . ”    

Yang Su Yun had been in town since leaving her house . Because of her appearance, she eventually married a wealthy businessman . Her days were pretty good, but she broke off her relationship with her family .     

Since leaving the house, she had never heard of Qiao Tian Chang again, but now she suddenly heard that Qiao Tian Chang had returned .     

This news completely stunned Yang Su Yun, who was drinking her ginseng soup .     

She turned around and looked at her servant: “What did you just say?”    

“The couple at White Mountain Village are back . ” White Mountain Village was not far from where she lived . Besides, their family had a small cooperation with Ning Meng Yao . So the Master had sent someone to send a message to them after knowing that they were back . He had planned to personally visit them .     

Therefore, it was not surprising that even a mere servant knew about this .     

Yang Su Yun held her ginseng soup in her hand, she could not help but feel nervous a little bit . They had really returned?    

There had been no news about them for such a long time, but they were suddenly back now .     

Qiao Tian Chang …    

She thought of the man that she was obsessed with and had even caused her to lose her family . Although she did not care now, her heart still bled in pain as soon as she thought about him .     

“Ma’am, the Master asked you to get ready, you’ll be going to White Mountain Village later . ” While Yang Su Yun was in a trance, a servant came in and informed her .     

“Did the Lord say why are we going to White Mountain Village?” Yang Su Yun looked at the servant with a soft smile and said softly .     

“Ma’am, the Lord heard that Qiao’s family has returned, so he plans to visit them . ” The servant still liked Yang Su Yun a lot, so he did not disrespect her .     

Yang Su Yun’s face turned pale, but she quickly calmed herself down: “I understand, I will get ready immediately . ”    

After the servant left, the smile on Yang Su Yun’s face disappeared and was replaced with anger .     

Her family actually still needed to pay respect to Qiao Tian Chang’s family? What a joke .     


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