Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

Chapter 374     

374 Bear-san Plays with Noa (Day 5)    

The matter about Targui is over and all I have to do is take some time to explore . Fortunately, I’d be happy if it could pass near some continent . It’s a little disappointing that I can’t go where I like, but when I think of it as a game event, I can have some more fun . I hope it goes to faraway places .     

And a new morning begins . To start a new day also means that I have to choose a different swimsuit . The first time is a one-piece swimsuit, the second time is a separate swimsuit, and this time is the third time to choose a swimsuit .     

I also told Sherry that I only brought three swimsuits with me . But of course, it’s a lie . Please spare me from any more swimsuits .     

I choose the swimwear by elimination . I chose a black and white bikini . This is the last swimsuit to choose from . Next, if I wear a swimsuit, I will wear the one-piece swimsuit I chose first . As soon as I wear a bikini swimsuit, I’ll wear the bear costume on top of it .     

Each of them is supposed to act separately today . At the breakfast stage, there are already groups that will go to town and groups that will play in the sea . Anzu and the other locals will guide them to the town just like before . Lurina-san, Gil, and other members of Crimonia will take care of the ones going to the sea .     

I would like to propose a third plan, which is sleeping at home, but that wish didn’t come true .     

[Yuna-san, have you finished changing clothes?] Noa    

[Yeah, I am . ] Yuna    

When I replied, Noa, Misa, and Shia in swimsuits entered the room .     

[Why are you dressed as a bear?] Shia    

[She’s right . You look like a bear . ] Misa    

I’m supposed to play with Noa and others today . It seems that Fina and her group are with Tirumina-san and the others, so today I was thinking of staying home and relaxing . But I promised to play with Noa . I went to the island with Fina and the others yesterday without inviting Noa and Misa, so I couldn’t refuse them today .     

And today, neither Marina nor Eru are near Misa .     

Misa told them that she doesn’t need any escort today . Marina tried to stay by her side because she was working, but Misa refused . I think she was carefully considering Misa’s feelings . That’s why it was decided that I will be taking care of Misa today .     

The two who got a break from guarding Misa went out saying that they would reluctantly go to the Adventurer’s Guild . It seems that they won’t accept any work and act separately, but instead, they went there to exchange information between adventurers . Listening to the stories of the locals should tell you a lot about the area, so it seems that it is the basic rule for adventurers to show up in the adventurer’s guild when they go to a new town .     

It seems they want to know about what kind of monsters live near the town and what kind of work they have regarding it . Also, it seems that you can understand the situation of the town by looking at the job requests .     

If there are a lot of requests to subdue monsters, it can be seen that a lot of monsters are occurring . You can also see if there are bandits . Along with that, if the number of escorts is large, it turns out to be dangerous . That’s why today I took the place of Marina and Eru .     

I brought three people to the beach .     

[Today I’m with Yuna-san and Bear-san . ] Misa    

Noa and Misa are riding Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear . Shia and I followed from behind .     

When we arrived at the beach, the children were waiting for me .     

[Yuna-oneesan, you’re late ~]    

[Take it out quickly!]    

[Calm down, I’ll take it out now . ] Yuna    

When I come near the sea, I took out the bear waterslide . It’ll be troublesome if the local children and strangers came and got injured in places I don’t know, so I cleaned up at the end of the day .     

[I’m first . ]    

[Then, I’m next . ]    

[Did you do the preparatory exercise properly?] Yuna    

[I did~]    

The children replied and entered the bear waterslide . Lurina-san, Gil, and Liz-san were the adults watching them, so they should be okay .     

Then, I will put out bear’s play equipment in the simple pool with a fence . Afterward, Karin-san and Elena-san started playing with the little ones .     

[Does Noa wants to play?] Yuna    

[Yuna-san, what do you want to play?] Noa    

[Me?] Yuna    

If anything is fine, I want to sleep .     

[Yuna-san, are we bothering you?] Misa    

[Ah, no that’s not it . ] Yuna    

Here is a girl who can read my heart .     

[Is that true? Then Yuna-san . we’re going to swim . Please take off the bear-san costume quickly . ] Noa    

I reluctantly take off the bear costume .     

Why is it embarrassing to take off the outer clothes even though I’m wearing a swimsuit underneath? After all, is it because I have never been to the pool or the sea since elementary school? If my backside is satisfactory, I’m sure I’ll take off my clothes and play without worrying about it .     

[Today is the same as my swimsuit . ] Noa    

My swimsuit is a black and white bikini . Noa is blue and Misa is green . It’s a bikini swimsuit in a different color . But my swimsuit doesn’t have frills . Noa and Misa have cute frills on their bikini swimsuits .     

All of the bear equipment was stored in the bear box, leaving only the polar bear puppet . I left it to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, who was stationed at the seaside house . I asked Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to monitor the children .     

Then, in a swimsuit, Noa and Misa were pulling my hand and Shia was pushing my back .     

And so, I swam and played with the bear waterslide . The number of local children has increased since yesterday, probably because rumors have spread about the waterslide .     

If they play nicely with the other children, I’ll permit them to play .     

I played with Noa and the others at the beach .     

[Yuna-san, here I go!] Shia    

A ball of leather flew towards me . Though I tried to hit it back but . No way, I didn’t think I would play like this .     

[Yuna-san, you’re too slow . ] Noa    

Even if you say that, if I don’t have my bear equipment, I’m just a girl with no physical strength . Even if I can perceive it in my brain, my body doesn’t move as I wanted to . Thanks to wearing the bear equipment, I felt it that way .     

While wearing the bear equipment, my thoughts and actions were synchronized . It works as intended . However, if I’m not wearing the bear equipment, it will be a jarring movement .     

And as I move around a lot, it ends up in the usual sight .     

[Yuna-san, are you okay?] Noa    

[No, I can’t move . ] Yuna    

As usual, I’m weak and get easily exhausted from playing, so I’m lying down at the beach house . I can’t move even one step anymore . Noa, Misa, and Shia are all fine . I want them to share that physical strength with me because I don’t have enough .     

In my former world, I’m a hikikomori, and in another world, I’m wearing an overpowered bear costume, so I’m not really exercising properly . I’m very weak .     

[Even though I’m not Yuna-san, I’m tired too . ] Misa    

[We played that much for the first time in a long time after all . ] Noa    

Noa and Misa were sitting next to me, who’s currently lying down . Shia brought us drinks from the fridge .     

[Thanks . ] Yuna    

[Oneesama, thank you . ] Noa    

[Thank you very much . ] Misa    

We received the drinks from Shia .     

The cold water is satisfying . It’s been a while since I exercised and sweated that much . By the way, I got some sunscreen from Shia, so I’m not worried about a sunburn . Even if I get sunburn, it’s fine since I can cure it with magic just like the last time .     

[I’ll be resting for a while, so the three of you can go ahead and play . ] Yuna    

[I’m tired too, so I’ll take a rest together with you . ] Noa    

Noa said that, so Misa and Shia had to rest together with us .     

As I lay down into the beach house, it became noisy outside .     

[What with that bear?] Cliff    

[Well, Bear Missy probably made it . ] Gran    

I heard some familiar voices .     

[This voice, is that Father?] Noa    

Noa reacted to the voice .     

Looking towards the entrance of the beach house, Cliff and Gran came in .     

[Why is Father here?] Noa    

[And grandfather too . ] Misa    

Noa and Misa ran up to them .     

[I came here to show Old Gran to Mereera and also was wondering if Noa and Shia were bothering everyone out here . ] Cliff    

[I did not . ] Noa    

[I have not . ] Shia    

[It looks like it . ] Cliff    

Cliff is looking at the children playing with Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear in the sea . As a substitute to me who’s currently resting, I sent Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to play with them .     

Noa is keeping her promise to Cliff not to keep Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear to herself .     

[And I also had to thank Yuna for taking care of Shia . Is Yuna around here?] Cliff    

I am here . I’m behind Noa .     

[If you’re looking for Yuna-san, she’s right there . ] Noa    

Noa looks at me who’s behind her .     

[Is that you Yuna? You don’t look like a bear this time . For a moment, I didn’t recognize you . ] Cliff    

I don’t want to hear you say the bear is a part of me .     

As expected, bear = me . I’m aware of it .     

[Even so, you look like that at sea, huh . ] Cliff    

I’m wearing a swimsuit and I’m covering myself with a large towel over my shoulder . Cliff is looking at me, nay staring at me, so I hid under a towel .     

[Father, it’s rude to stare at a girl so much . ] Noa    

Noa stood in front of me and protected me .     

Thank you, Noa .     

[Don’t get me wrong . I’m just looking at Yuna’s appearance because it was very unusual . ] Cliff    

[Still, it’s not good . ] Noa    

[I understand, don’t get angry . ] Cliff    

Cliff looked away from me .     

Then I go to the next room and came back wearing my bear costume .     

Ah, let’s calm down .     

[So when did father arrived?] Noa    

[Yesterday . I already talked to the mayor of this town, The Guildmaster, and so on . So now, I wanted to see your faces . ] Cliff    

Cliff talked to the commercial guild about making a direct carriage service towards the city of Sheleen, where Misa lives    

There were talks about the carriage being prepared by Gran-san’s town and the fare of the carriage ride . The distance is shorter there than traveling via Crimonia . It is said that the sales of seafood will be gradually increased in the city of Sheleen . If new food comes in, it will revitalize the city .     

It seems that the story had already been decided by discussing with Mylene-san in Crimonia . There is no such Mylene-san here, however . I look behind Cliff, but I can’t see Mylene-san . Instead, there were Masrika and Itia . The two came along .     

[So, Bear Missy, what’s that?] Gran    

Gran-san asked me while looking at the bear waterslide .     

[It’s called a slide . It’s a type of play equipment used to slide from a high place then plunge into the sea or something like that?] Yuna    

[It’s fun . It’ll spin you around . ] Misa    

Misa happily explains to Gran-san with gestures .     

[You made something weird again . ] Cliff    

How terrible to call it weird . Even though I thought and add various things to it so that everyone could enjoy them .     

[What are you going to do with this town?] Cliff    

[What are you planning to do?] Gran    

I don’t understand what they meant .     

[Are you planning to make such play equipment and gather people with it?] Gran    

[I don’t intend such a thing . I just made it so the kids can play with it . ] Yuna    

It’s boring just to swim . Some children cannot even swim . That’s why I prepared the waterslides and play equipment that floats on the sea .     

[Then, will you get rid of it when you go home?] Cliff    

[Yeah, I will . ] Yuna    

I can’t leave such objects lying outdoors . It would be terrible if someone got injured by playing with it after we got home . So I’m going to get rid of it when it’s time to go home .     

[Can you still say that while looking at those children?] Cliff    

Cliff points at the bear waterslide . From there, I can hear the energetic voices of the children .     



[Wait for me!]    

The children are playing happily on the bear waterslide . In addition to our children, there are also local children playing there .     

I somehow understood what Cliff wanted to say . Local children may be saddened by clearing up the waterslide . That said, it may be dangerous to just leave it out in the open .     

Besides, the waterslide is only useful during the summer . It only gets in the way, especially in winter .     

Hmmm, what should I do?    

Author’s Note:    

Cliff was able to join safely .     

However, the travel arc is likely to end after a few more episodes .     

As I said last time, when I post next time, I will take a rest for a while to work on the books .     

I will resume at around the end of Golden Week . (It’s a schedule)    

Therefore, the deadline for SS of store advantage will be until the next post .     

※Thank you for bookmark 38000 . I look forward to working with you .     


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