Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1689: Challenge

Chapter 1689: Challenge

0Chapter 1689: Challenge    

Having ups and downs in life was part of it. No matter how deep and mysterious sword sects were, regardless of how many hidden cards they had, old institutions would still die hard.     

There were a few hundred sword sects in Swallow Mountain and they were all passed down till today. Many times, the ashes would ignite once more.     

However, this was not an easy feat. Especially for the Opening Heavens Sword Sect which had been buried in the deep for many years. All the benefits and remains had been sucked up by vultures. Would they be able to set up their sect again without being devoured by others? Life was not that easy.     

Furthermore, every generation had its own set of rules. Back then, the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was one of the ten most powerful sword sects in Swallow Mountain and they had a seat in the Main Sword Masters.    

According to Swallow Mountain rules, if the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was revived, they would need a seat in the Main Sword Masters again.     

However, there was a limit to the number of members in the Main Sword Masters and only the top ten sword sects were qualified to take a seat. Who would be willing to see the Opening Heavens Sword Sect jump in to steal their riches?     

Nonetheless, there were still benefits. For instance, the ruins of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect had been searched numerous times over many years. There were a few sacred areas that were tightly shut.     

If the sect failed to revive themselves, the last strings of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect would fill their tummies up. Yet, if the diamond did not exist, who would be willing to live by monopolizing porcelain ware? Since they dared to set up their sect again, they must be confident.     

The first to try to extract riches might not be the one who profited the most. If they were careless, they would lose face and also end up as the stepping stone for others.     

Thankfully, those on Swallow Mountain who were most concerned and fearful of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect were also those who did not want to see others gain.     

They would wait patiently and calmly by the side.     

If they were a soft persimmon, then ‘hehe’. But if they were a steel board, it was not too difficult to change their facade and ‘haha’ instead.     

Swordsmen were all humans!    


Above the ruins of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, streaks of sword intent were drifting in the sky. The sword array around the sect entrance had been broken through and it was almost as if the ashes started to burn again.     

Undeniably, this showed that the person was not lying and they were truly members of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect. Today, they announced to Swallow Mountain that they had returned.     

The ruins that did not have an owner suddenly became the backyard of someone else. Cultivators who were excitedly scouring the place for fortunes were evidently not happy.     

However, unhappiness and dissatisfaction remained like that. It was rare to see fools. Furthermore, these outsiders were not outstanding in Swallow Mountain.     

Just now, that voice had swept through the entire mountain. It boomed and resounded, and that was enough to show that the speaker was someone who had a deep cultivation realm. Making an enemy out of such an elite…were they stupid?     

None of them were fools, however, they wished that there would be a fool who stood forward to challenge the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.     

With such conflicted feelings in their chest, the cultivators at the ruins of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect started to leave like the flow of water.     

Nonetheless, this did not mean that everyone was afraid of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.     

For instance, this young swordsman with a beautiful servant and a scruffy-looking old man by his side was one such example. The reason why people could tell he was a swordsman at first glance was because the sword he carried on his back wafted streaks of sword intent that circled around him.    

“What a coincidence that we met something so interesting this time.” The young swordsman commented in a gleeful tone. His expression was relaxed.     

The servant girl smiled, “Lord is blessed by the heavens and will meet many fortunes.”     

The young swordsman extended his hand and caressed her face, “I like your truthfulness.”     

The scruffy old man was not dirty but he just did not care about his appearance, and he gave off a depressing feeling. “The Opening Heavens Sword Sect goes back to the dim and distant pass. To avoid incidents, My Lord, please watch from the side and don’t take unnecessary actions.”     

The young swordsman nodded, “Don’t worry, I am not dumb and I will not be someone’s chess piece.” He stretched himself and extended an arm.     

The scruffy old man looked up without any expression.     

Meanwhile, the servant lady walked ahead with her chest held high.     

The young swordsman let out a sigh of relief and he felt warm and comforted.     


Qin Yu’s eyebrows raised and he looked at Rourou beside him, “That’s it?”     

The people at Swallow Mountain are too obedient. All of them turned to leave without looking back.     

Aren’t the swordsmen of the Central Desolate supposed to be a bunch of untamed and headstrong people who killed cruelly and decisively? This isn’t right!     

Rourou scoffed, “What are you thinking about? Since when was the world so good?” She looked at him, “As the guardian, my duties were completed after I made that announcement. The next part is yours to play.”     

Qin Yu jumped in surprise.     

Rourou scoffed, “Stop putting on an act here. You were already prepared. As the inheritor of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, you are the main decision maker when reopening the sect doors.”     

Qin Yu rubbed his face, “You are truly passing off as a genuine guardian. However, as the inheritor, I don’t even have a sword; isn’t this a joke?”    

Rourou scoffed, “I just knew you wanted something, but the sword is not ready yet; you can’t use it.”     

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows.     

She explained, “The first few to jump forward are insignificant ones. If you can’t even deal with these people, you will be a fake inheritor. I have already planned for you. Otherwise, we would be wasting our time here if you lose face for us.”     

Qin Yu’s expression hardened and he confirmed, “Are you saying that the real trouble isn’t here yet?”     

“Of course!” Rourou seemed to be enjoying his distress, “Did you really think that it would be easy to pass off as the inheritor of the sword sect? You latched onto its fame and took its land. You have to take on its responsibilities.”     

Qin Yu sighed deeply and he wore a solemn expression.     

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, “You aren’t thinking of persuading me out of this right?”     

“Cough!” Qin Yu’s expression was calm, “What are you talking about? How would I be thinking of that? I just feel like it is weird that we are going through a lot of trouble and taking on such a huge risk.”     

Rourou snickered, “The plan has been set. Until we have truly failed, we can only go along with it. As for when and whether we fail, I will be the one to make the call.    

“If you have such random thoughts, why don’t you train your swordsmanship. You are still considered the inheritor of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect now…although you don’t have any swords yet, you have to practice the skills. Otherwise, how are you going to put on this act?”    

Qin Yu only felt like his life was full of hardships!     


The first brave soul of Swallow Mountain appeared.     

His robe swayed in the wind and he had an elegant aura around him. With one glance at him, the words ‘sword immortal’ would pop into one’s mind.     

His appearance was indeed out of the ordinary.     

Furthermore, this swordsman definitely had enough reasons to make a move against the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.     

His ancestors had been bullied by the Opening Heavens Sword Sect before and many of them were killed. If the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was reestablished in Swallow Mountain, am I doing anything wrong by hitting you when you are down to stop you?     

He had the grounds and a reason, perfect!     

The candidate from the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was chosen well.     

That’s right, a majority of outside cultivators were still confused. They were feeling excited to see the chaos, but swordsmen local to Swallow Mountain could already see ahead.     

It was not because they recognized the swordsman or that they got some new information.     

Some things were attested to by their hearts. This included when Bull Dingtian suddenly took action and killed the entire Shu Family in Long Mountain Area.     

Aside from witnesses, did they have any other evidence? All this was not important. The important thing was killing him, and the killing would be justified too.     

“The Opening Heavens Sword Sect reopened its sect doors outrageously. I, Wang Cheng, will not agree to this!”    

His voice boomed out loud. At the same time, his long sword hummed, and the aura around him was intense.     

Cultivators who witnessed this scene from afar were staring at him with bright eyes. A qualified challenger was interesting to watch. Otherwise, the weak could die and no one would care.     

They watched as Wang Cheng strode into the entrance of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect. Then…there was no after.     

Nothing seemed to happen. There wasn’t any leakage of aura and it was weird that nothing happened when this mighty swordsman who was known to be cruel and powerful went in.     

Something must have happened.     

An hour passed and Wang Cheng still did not come out. There was a peaceful calm around the ruins of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect.     

The result was that nothing happened.     

All eyes that were staring at the doors of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect turned serious.     

Although Wang Cheng was considered a famous swordsman in Swallow Mountain, being able to kill him without a sound was not something that an average person could do.     

Everyone thought about the most powerful technique of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect back then. If it was truly as they thought, the Opening Heavens Sword Sect today was not an entity they could provoke.     

After Wang Cheng failed, the second was Li Cheng, the third was Sun Cheng, and the fourth was Ma Cheng…by the second day since the Opening Heavens Sword Sect announced its reopening, many challengers had already been killed.     

There was no exception to the outcome of the challenges. Whoever went in did not come out.     

Furthermore, all of them were like Wang Cheng. Like a stone that dropped into the ocean or water that seeped into the desert sand, there was absolutely no disturbance.     

The strange thing was that the challengers who came forward were stronger and stronger each time. Yet, the outcome was the same…this was truly frightening!     

There was a rule in Swallow Mountain. Sword sects that reopened their doors would have to maintain their power for three days after their reopening. Then, they would be considered a stable power.     

The most obvious and direct way to do this was to kill every outsider who stepped through their doors.     

Therefore, when Rourou made the announcement back then with the deadline of three days, it was not because she was patient but because these were the rules. This was also the reason why challengers continued to stream into the Opening Heavens Sword Sect in these three days.     

Despite that, the reopened Opening Heavens Sword Sect was as stable as a giant mountain. Like the silent flow in the abyss, it devoured everyone who trespassed through its doors and it displayed undeniable strength.     

In fact, regardless of whether the challengers were outsiders or local to Swallow Mountain, it was clear that the real elite had not appeared yet. At most, these challenges were just minor tests and the real power of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect had not been displayed yet.     

Nonetheless, the continuous ‘disappearance’ of challengers showed its aim clearly. Furthermore, if this continued, it would help the sect celebrate its victory silently.     

As such, the intelligent onlookers knew that the situation would not carry on like this. Something would change very soon.     

On the third day.     

The peace of the night came as the nine suns set. Suddenly, a sword shriek broke the silence.     

Shoosh –     

Sword light flashed past and a powerful figure appeared. He was a middle-aged man but there were white streaks in his hair. One of his sleeves floated in the wind, evidence of his missing arm. However, when this man appeared, no one dared to underestimate him.    

Foreign swordsmen felt their hearts clench from the sword intent.     

Swordsmen local to Swallow Mountain recognized this man at first glance.     

“Zhang Xiashan!”     

Screams filled the air. People were shocked to see him here.     


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