Spirit Vessel

Chapter 1031: Who’s The Actual Villain?

Chapter 1031: Who’s The Actual Villain?

Chapter 1031: Who’s The Actual Villain?    

Feiyun had no sign of fear. Energy waves emanated from him as he activated his Buddhist domain. It engulfed all the attackers.    

“Pluff!” His punch pierced through a fifth-level Nirvana genius. The Buddhist energy then refined the victim’s body into particles. There were no flesh and blood left behind.    

“Boom!” He stomped on the ground and the shockwave sent ten cultivators flying as if they were flies.    

This was a lion playing with its prey, completely unstoppable and fatal.    

His power was unstoppable. Each punch was capable of killing a paragon.    

“To hell with you!” The man with four eyes and a bronze-like frame was at the sixth level, a top genius from West Spirit with incredible physical prowess. He might be the strongest in terms of pure strength.    

When he was serious, his fist was also unstoppable.    

“Boom!” Feiyun smirked and grabbed his fist directly.    

“How can this be?!” The man’s expression darkened, thinking as if he was punching a steel wall.    

“Too weak.” Feiyun added strength and crushed the man’s bones into dust.    

“Ahh!” The latter bellowed in pain.    

“Boom!” Feiyun summoned beast souls into his palm, forming the image of the myriad beasts. This reduced the man into a pile of blood.    

Feiyun shook his head, seemingly disappointed.    

“Feng Feiyun, are you trying to offend all of West Spirit?! You won’t be able to survive!” Fang Tongdao gritted his teeth.    

“Don’t you worry about that, Sixth Prince.” Feiyun smiled, not showing mercy to even the beauties from West Spirit.    

“Ouyang Wudao, use the Crimson Bell with me to stop him!” He threw out seven talismans to slow Feiyun down. They exploded with enough force to injure paragons.    

Ouyang Wudao summoned a red Buddhist bell. He became shrouded in a blood-red radiance. Buddhist runes began appearing on the bell and this affinity surged in intensity.    

“Buzz.” This was an eleventh-ranked spirit treasure. It had killed numerous paragons before.    

Ouyang Wudao was the number one genius of West Spirit, cultivating both Buddhism and the evil path.    

He was the student of King Chujiang and a high monk from an immemorial shrine, establishing himself as an unbeatable legend.    

The two of them sent their spirit energy into the bell. It grew bigger and bigger until it was the size of a mountain.    

Meanwhile, Feiyun overcame the seven talismans and then stared at them with contempt. He created a golden world in his palm.    

“Cosmic Seal.” Buddhist power came crashing down, capable of suppressing the power of the bell.    

He soared downward with his beast souls activated for another palm strike with the force of 10,000 seventh-level cultivators.    

“Boom!” The bell became deformed from the attack.    

The duo lay helplessly on the ground in a puddle of their own blood. They heaved for breath while being unable to accept the power of this half-demon. This was akin to fighting a master from the last generation.    

Feiyun landed and said: “The two of you can report to hell now.”    

“No, I am the successor of West Spirit! You will face its wrath…”    

“My masters are King Chu Jiang and Eight-world Master, my father is…”    

They stated their mighty backers, hoping to deter Feiyun from killing them.    

Feiyun shook his head and raised his hand, creating a palm-shaped hole. The successor of West Spirit and its number one genius were gone from this world.    

There was only one person left from West Spirit – the crimson-haired girl.    

She wore a revealing red dress, showing off her fair skin. She wielded a sword several times her size. Her eyes were red and shiny, looking like a fire spirit.    

Feiyun glanced at her. She was a sixth-level genius from Five-sword Grotto, an ancient sect.    

Fang Tongdao offered her to the eighth prince and earned his trust, wanting to use him against Crimson Territory.    

“Those two you just killed have unimaginable backers, can you handle their wrath?” She uttered coldly with a melodious voice.    

“You’re the sword wielder of Five-sword Grotto? I heard your sect master is a capable cultivator, I think she’ll vomit blood to see you dressing like this and offering yourself to that infamous prince.” Feiyun smiled. Liu Suhong had told him about her before.    

“None of your business.” She raised her sword and slashed vertically.    

“Sigh, unfortunately, it is.” Feiyun sighed and gathered phoenix sinflame in his palm.    

He grabbed her sword and melted it.    

“Clank!” The hilt fell to the ground.    

He then grabbed her by the neck and raised her up in the air: “You probably don’t know this but I’m very similar to the eighth prince. We could have been friends if he didn’t provoke me.”    

“What, what are you saying?” She struggled to break free.    

“To put it simply, we’re fans of women. Since you’ve only got here recently, you must still be a virgin. There must be someone responsible for what happened today, your virginity is of use to me.” Feiyun smirked and carried her into one of the palaces.    

Unusual times required unusual solutions.    

Xuanyuan Yiyi still sat in her chair. She frowned, not liking his action.    

She used her sword heart to fight against more than ten paragons. None of them could get close.    

If it wasn’t for this, she would be stopping Feiyun’s heinous deed right now. She found that this half-demon was just as despicable as the eighth prince.    

An hour later, her sword energies sent them flying. She then crippled their cultivation and spared their lives.    

The ten paragons spat out blood continuously, thinking that this saintess was too strong.    

The palaces nearby have been destroyed. Spectators lay on the ground, not daring to move.    

“Whoosh!” Her sword returned to its scabbard.    

She opened her eyes and used two fingers to drink the cup poured by Feiyun earlier. “What did you do to her?”    

“Just that thing men and women do together.” Feiyun dragged out the girl.    

Her dress was torn, revealing her snow-white skin. Her face was covered with bruises.    

“You’ve crossed the line!” She angrily said and her sword vibrated continuously.    

“The sixth prince of West Spirit and the eighth prince of Azure are dead along with numerous geniuses and paragons. Someone has to be responsible for this. We can’t just say that you were teased and in your anger, you killed all of them. That would be detrimental to both yours and the sect’s reputation, no? Haha, so here’s the true story, the eighth prince of Azure raped a genius from West Spirit. The sixth prince and his allies were not afraid and came to seek justice. Unfortunately, the ashamed eighth prince killed all of them and coincidentally enough, you were just happen to be passing by and witnessing all of this. Thus, you killed this heinous villain for the sake of justice. This won’t harm you in any way, in fact, your reputation will soar as a result. Plus, Five-sword Grotto and those from West Spirit will cry out of appreciation.”    


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