7 Path of the Lilies

Battle Against Wei Cheng

Battle Against Wei Cheng


Wei Mi jumped back right at the right time to avoid the attack, yet it still managed to wound her stomach area. Her eyes widened as pain assaulted her. The wound was deep enough to bleed from the wounded area.     


Before she could ask anything else, a blade appeared before her. In that very moment, Wei Mi summoned her sword out and blocked the attack.     


The tip of the blade was only a few millimeters away from her eyes. Despite feeling fear, this was not the first time Wei Mi had to fight using real blades. Her father forced her and her brother to train a lot ever since they were young because they were seen as 'his successors'.     

As Wei Mi pushed the blade forward, she could finally gain a clear picture of the man who attacked her. Seeing the one in front of her was none other than her own trash brother, her blood boiled with rage. In the next second, she screamed the name of that assassin with hatred.     

"WEI LIAO!"     

Wei Liao twisted his sword and charged forward once more. He swung it as hard as possible while Wei Mi blocked it.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

Since the two of them had received military training, their skills were similar. With Wei Liao no longer feeling that he was someone underneath Wei Mi, he no longer held back in his attack and tried to wound the girl fatally. This caused them to be in a deadlock as their strength was similar.     

"Where are the guards?" Wei Mi yelled angrily.     

Wei Liao looked at the young girl with a solemn expression. "You're truly a pampered one, aren't you? Couldn't you tell that they all have died?"     

"IMPOSIBLE! You shouldn't have…"     


"I might not be able to do so," Wei Liao's tone was calm but his eyes were filled with hatred. "But do you really think that I'm the only one who has a grudge on you?"     

Wei Mi's eyes widened as she raised her sword to block the next attack. Seeing the young man before her filled with vigor once again, her heart was consumed with anger. She couldn't accept this. She hated him so much! How could he return to trample on her after all that?     

He was nothing but trash, so he should stay under her forever!     

He could never be compared with a genius like her!     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

As the battle continued, more guards came because of the commotion. The smell of blood turned thicker as they could smell it from afar. Many people didn't even dare to come because they were afraid of what they might see in this place. Even though they were paid for this, they knew for sure that they would only die if they headed there.     

Ye Jiao watched the guards come with a calm look on her face. She didn't have the strength to deal with all of them if they put on a fight, so she always dealt with them at the shortest time possible. By dealing the killing blow directly after they appeared, she saved a lot of time and energy.     


"Young Master!"     

The yell from the guards made Ye Jiao turn her head around. She could see Wei Cheng heading towards her direction with his sword ready. Twisting her body, she evaded his attack and swung her dagger to his back.     


Wei Cheng blocked it right in time with his sword. His eyes glinted with ruthlessness. He pushed Ye Jiao to the back and twisted his sword to make an arc. It directly targeted straight to the young girl.     


Jumping to the back, Ye Jiao evaded the attack. She sensed another back attack directed at her, so she switched her position and stabbed the person behind her with her dagger. The guard's eyes widened as he slowly fell to the ground.     


Wei Cheng seized this chance and charged towards Ye Jiao. Using her movements technique, Ye Jiao swiftly evaded the attack and went to the back of the young man. Her dagger made a curve movement as it headed straight to the man.     


'He's quick.'     

This would be the first time Ye Jiao clashed with Wei Cheng directly, but she realized that this young man was not bad at all. Since he managed to keep up with her, it would be the time for her to speed up her movements.     

Clang! Clang! Clang! Slash!     

In the barrage of attacks, the dagger managed to wound Wei Cheng's arm. The young man's expression was grim as he realized that he was unable to keep up with Ye Jiao. The consumption of his Eon Energy was also insane.     

He wouldn't be able to keep up without his Eon Energy.     

More guards appeared from behind. Ye Jiao frowned. She quickly switched her direction and attacked those guards. Most of them were still Eon Energy Master rank 2, so they were not her match.     

"Come over here, you damn assassin!"     


Ye Jiao stabbed the guard that headed her way with a cold glint in her eyes. She pulled her dagger back and pulled the man's arm to use his body as a shield against Wei Cheng.     


Wei Cheng's eyes widened. This was not the first time he fought in a group, but this would be the first time he felt this frustrated. The assassin in front of him could perfectly control the group and even though she had to fight against numerous people, her breathing didn't even change.     

How hateful.     

Ye Jiao ignored the angry Wei Cheng as she headed to the next guard. Her dagger made a perfect curve as it hit their vital points. Bodies fell to the ground just like leaves, no strength left as it let gravity do its work.     

"I'm your opponent!" Wei Cheng yelled.     


In the next moment, Ye Jiao switched to the young man. Her dagger moved swiftly and made a large arc on the man's waist. Just a bit more and it would be deep enough to hit his organs.     

Wei Cheng could feel the chill on his back as he swung his sword towards Ye Jiao. However, before it could make contact, he felt pain on his wrist and hurriedly pulled back.     

A red line had appeared on his wrist. It nearly cut to his bone as blood started to flow out.     

"You're not my match," Ye Jiao suddenly spoke out. Without the guards around, she would be able to focus her entire attention on this man. He was powerful because he was strictly trained, but she has much more experience and better control of her own Eon Energy.     

For a moment, Wei Cheng felt that the girl's voice was familiar, but this was not the right time for him to reminiscence. He brought his hand to his mouth and bit his forefinger until blood stained his lips.     


Waves of Eon Energy came from the young man and Ye Jiao put her arm in a blocking position. Her eyes were looking straight at the young man, who now has faint red lines of blood all around his face and hands. There might be on his body too, but she was unable to see it because of his clothes.     

Bloody red mark…     

This was the first time Ye Jiao saw it, but she had heard of it a few times in the past. It was the mark of the secret art of Barbarian Kingdom: Blood Berserk Enhancement!     

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