Help...My Wife is a Spy

Emotionless Beast

Emotionless Beast

With clear evidence, Herman, Eagle, Eagle's assistant, and Ewan were quickly arrested by the authorities and investigated.     

As Herman predicted, Ewan had indeed killed Mimi because he mistook her for his daughter. The truth was, he had sent a henchman to do the research, and even though the henchman discovered the existence of Avaleigh and discovered the cameras of the hotel were under maintenance for the day, the henchman accidentally gave him the wrong room number...     

Mimi was, unfortunately, staying next door to Avaleigh and this simple slip-up from the henchman cost her her life.     

That night, Ewan knocked on her door claiming to be doing some maintenance for the hotel and Mimi let him in without any suspicion. She even found him handsome when he removed his mask and tried to flirt with him a little.     

At first, Ewan decided to play with her a little and flirt back. He was like a cat that liked to play with its prey before killing it.     

But, when there was suddenly a knock on the door, he pounced on the woman and covered her mouth so she couldn't answer it; he couldn't let anyone know he was in the room.     

That knock was from the hotel staff that attempted to deliver dinner.     

After the staff gave up and left, Ewan held a knife to the woman's neck and told her not to call for help.     

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Are you a fan? I can do a dance for you if you let me go..." Mimi offered, trying whatever method she could to escape. To be honest, it wasn't the first time a crazy fan tried to get close to her. But, this was the first time she had a knife held to her neck.     

Ewan laughed and sat back as he watched the woman dance.      

Once upon a time, he would have refused something like this. He was a criminal but he still respected women. In fact, he wouldn't have even entered that room with the intention of ruthlessly killing her. After all, he wasn't born a killer. But, after the mother of his daughter ran away with another man and he hunted them down and killed them both, he turned into a heartless, emotionless beast.     

Originally, the pearl on his dragon tattoo was white like Herman's, but overnight, he changed it to black and offered to take whatever job came his way. Extortion? Sure! Kidnapping? Child's play! Rape? Bring it on! Murder? Hell yeah!     

He even took his daughter with him as bait on more than one occasion, especially when his target was a woman.     

Women were stupid. They immediately let their guard down at the sight of a child, so he used his daughter and he did not feel bad for it.     

As Mimi danced in front of him, he was suddenly reminded of his dead wife. If he looked at her carefully, this woman looked slightly like her and it made him hate her even more. Not only was she the daughter of his competitor, she even looked like the person he hated the most.     

Ewan sat inside the interrogation room and explained everything in detail like he was proud of what he had done. "Did you actually think that Herman did it? That guy's a wimp! He's never killed a person in his life! All he knows how to do is sneakily undercut people and hide." He couldn't believe that Herman almost took credit for his masterpiece. "I was in there for almost 3 hours; the little sl*t danced for me, she stripped naked for me, she even offered to sleep with me in exchange for her life. Meanwhile, no one suspected a thing."     

"But, there were no signs of sexual activity..."      

"That's because we didn't have sex. I either rape someone or I kill someone. I don't sleep with the person I'm about to kill. That's just sick..." he replied, sounding as though he had some moral integrity to him.     

"To be honest, I think she wanted me more than I wanted her. She even had a shower and cleaned herself for me. Life as an idol must have been lonely," he sighed egoistically.     

He thought about the young woman and the way she sauntered out of the bathroom that night, smelling fresh and seductive. She even told him she had condoms in the drawer. They were about the same age. If he wasn't there to kill her, she could have been his new wife.     

But, as she lay on the bed and beckoned him towards her, an image of his ex-wife suddenly appeared in his mind and it fired him up. The sl*t used to beckon him like that too and she must have beckoned the guy she cheated with in the same way? Did this woman also beckon other men in the same way? She seemed way too comfortable to be just an innocent, pure idol.     

Angered by the familiar scene, he gripped his knife in his gloved hands and looked at the woman with a murderous gaze. He had done enough playing - it was time to go in for the kill!     

As he rushed up to the woman, he didn't even give her a chance to react as he covered her mouth and thrust the knife into her chest. The woman didn't die instantly, so he slowly pulled the knife out and smirked, "That first stab is for your insolent father..."     

Mimi looked at him in horror as tears rolled out of her eyes.      

But, before she could respond, Ewan dug the knife back into her chest and sneered, "This second stab is for your promiscuous behavior..."     

This time, the woman's body weakened and Ewan removed his hand from her mouth as she coughed up some blood. It seemed, he had struck one of her lungs.     

With adrenalin coursing through his veins, he pulled out the knife one last time and aimed ruthlessly for her heart, "And this last stab is for that dead sl*t and the b*st*rd she cheated with. I am sending someone down to join the two of you in hell!"     

Ewan looked at the two shocked officers in front of him as he finished his recollection of the night.     

With a proud smile, he said, "That's how I killed Mimi Chen..."     

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