Help...My Wife is a Spy

Laurie Wu

Laurie Wu

Knock knock!     

There was a knock on Avaleigh's hospital room door. When she heard the sound, her heart immediately began to race.      

Avaleigh turned around with anticipation and saw the face that she had been waiting for all morning. The previous night, when she woke up from her surgery, she was told that the visiting hours were over so no visitors were allowed. Thus, she had been waiting until the morning to see Emerson.     

"What took you so long?" she pouted cutely. Although she was a little pale and weak, she still looked beautiful. Emerson walked over with some bags and replied, "I went to get breakfast for you." He then pulled out an insulated bowl and placed it in front of her.     

Avaleigh lifted off the lid with curiosity and the flavors from a delicious steamy broth quickly filled the room and immersed her senses. She recognized the broth straight away. It was a serving of wonton noodles from her favorite wonton restaurant.      

A smile appeared on Avaleigh's face. She didn't have much of an appetite before, but now that she saw this, her mouth finally started watering. How did this man know that she would want to eat this? And wasn't this restaurant far from the hospital? Did he drive all the way there to get it? Moreover, wasn't the place usually packed in the morning? Was this why he arrived a bit later?     

Emerson sat down on the edge of Avaleigh's bed, grabbed a spoon, and scooped up one of the wontons inside the bowl. He then placed it gently up to Avaleigh's mouth. "You must be hungry," he said lovingly.     

The little morsel of goodness slid smoothly into Avaleigh's mouth and she ate it with satisfaction.     

As Emerson grabbed a pair of chopsticks to pick up some noodles for her, she looked at him and asked, "Did you bring my ring?"     

Because of her surgery, she had to remove all her jewelry beforehand. Knowing this, she had deliberately left her engagement ring at home and asked Emerson to bring it for her after. Ever since she agreed to his proposal, the ring had not left her finger, and it felt a bit empty now.      

With a smile, Emerson reached into his pocket and pulled out the little box that he had pulled out on the day that he proposed. He then grabbed the ring inside and gently placed it back on her finger where it belonged.     

The ring warmed Avaleigh's heart and she smiled. She really liked this ring; not because it was beautiful or because the diamond on it was more expensive than any piece of jewelry she had ever owned, but because it was a symbol of their love. It was proof of Emerson's devotion to her and his promise to never leave her side, no matter how tough things got. This ring helped her remain brave and positive, even though she was facing the toughest challenge of her life.     

After Avaleigh finished the wonton noodles, the doctor arrived to check on her.     

"How are you feeling?" the doctor asked with a gentle smile.     

Avaleigh smiled back and joked, "I've had better days."     

The doctor chuckled and pulled out a folder from the pile of documents in her hands.      

She then opened it up and said, "You still need to hang in there for a little longer, but I have good news. Your surgery was a success last night and there were no complications. We removed a very small growth from your body without having to do a hysterectomy or anything major. You may have more difficulty falling pregnant than the average person, but it is not impossible."     

Avaleigh looked at Emerson in relief. Pregnancy was one of the biggest things she was worried about. They had discussed this issue before the surgery and Emerson had reassured her that he was happy to adopt if pregnancy was not possible, but she still didn't want to deny him the experience of having his own biological child.     

"We also took some samples from your lymph nodes and ran a test on them. There is no sign that the cancer has spread to anywhere else in your body, but because you are still young, I suggest you undergo chemoradiation therapy just to be safe," the doctor explained. She then went over Avaleigh's schedule for her chemoradiation therapy and listed the possible side-effects. "Your immune system will be compromised and you will most likely lose your hair," the doctor said. "But everything will return to normal once you have finished the entire course of your treatment."     

Avaleigh nodded her head in understanding. She didn't want to lose her hair, but it was better than losing her life. There was still a lot that she wanted to do with Emerson; she couldn't leave this earth so quickly.     

After the doctor left, Emerson held onto her hands lovingly and said, "Are you sure you're OK with everything? If anything is making you uncomfortable or sad, make sure to tell me. I will be right here beside you."     

Avaleigh smiled, "I'm a bit sad that I have to lose my hair, but as long as my bald head doesn't scare you away, then I can endure it."     

Emerson wrapped his arms around his fiancee and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You can't get away from me that easily. In my eyes, you are already my wife and nothing will change that."     

He then smirked and ran out to grab a wheelchair, "By the way, there's someone I would like you to meet."     

Avaleigh looked at her fiancee curiously. Not many people knew she was sick. Who was he taking her to meet?      

Emerson helped her into the wheelchair and started pushing her down the corridors of the hospital. "Is this person in the hospital too?" she asked curiously as Emerson pushed her into the elevator.     

"You'll see very soon," Emerson replied.      

A moment later, the elevator arrived on the ground floor. Originally, Avaleigh thought he was pushing her out of the hospital to meet someone in the garden, but to her surprise, he turned the wheelchair and headed down another corridor.     

Before long, they arrived in front of a window and Emerson pointed to a little baby inside. That was when Avaleigh realized they were inside the maternity ward.     

"Say hello to your niece," Emerson said softly beside her ear as she looked at the baby that he was pointing to.     

Avaleigh turned her head and looked at him in surprise, "My niece?!"     

"Did Halia give birth?" she asked excitedly.     

Emerson chuckled and nodded his head.     

Avaleigh's eyes softened and she turned back to look at the little baby. On her bed, there was a label with her name. "Laurie Wu," Avaleigh read.     

Emerson smiled, "She's named after Jackson's mother, Laura..."     

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