Something Beautiful and Wicked

Union (4)

Union (4)

Shi Ailin kissed Luo Wanting long and dragging until they were out of breath. When they parted, Luo Wanting looked at her, drinking in the sight of her dazed expression, astonished by her sudden audaciousness. He smiled, running his thumb of her cheek. "People are watching us, princess," he said fondly.     

Shi Ailin grinned at him. "That's okay," she told him. Shi Ailin was about to embrace Luo Wanting when she felt someone yank her by the shoulder. She turned around as Li Biyu moved her hand through the air. Shi Ailin instinctively raised her arm and blocked the impact of her slap, surprising herself.     

"What do you think you're doing, Ailin?" Li Biyu questioned. "Luo Wanting is mine."     

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Shi Ailin countered, lowering her arm. "Forcing someone to become yours? Doesn't that seem desperate?"     

"You don't know our business," Li Biyu said. "But, I'm not surprised that this is coming from you. You always take things that belong to others. You and your sister, and the rest of the Shi family. You are the definition of rotten scum."     

Shi Ailin knitted her brows. "I don't know what you have against me, but you took things too far when you involved others into your petty game."     

Li Biyu took a step forward. "I want what you can't have," she said sinisterly.     

Shi Ailin balled her hands into fists. "If you think I will let you take Luo Wanting from me, then you're delusional."     

Li Biyu took another step forward. "I can take him. Just as you took my friends, just as you took Luo Tian from me when we were children, just as how Shi Group robbed my mother's dream when they destroyed her business."     

Shi Ailin furrowed her brows. "None of that is my fault. Don't resent me for things that are out of my control. It doesn't suit you."     

Li Biyu snickered. "It doesn't matter," she said. "All my life it's been Shi Ailin this and Shi Ailin that. It's annoying. You aren't special. You are a mere shadow of your sister, and you depend on your name to get to where you are. Meanwhile, people like my family, and I had to work hard."     

Shi Ailin gritted her teeth. "If you seriously think that my family and I never worked hard to get where we are, then you're ignorant. My father established something great in this country. My sister survived on her own after facing a hard hit, and I run a successful business that I helped create. I'm proud to be Shi, and I don't care what you think."     

Li Biyu chuckled. "No matter," she said. "If Luo Wanting wants to be yours, then he can. But I'll give my father a word, and he'll tell all his friends about the scorpion prince."     

Shi Ailin glanced at Luo Wanting, whose expression hardened, but his lips curved into a wicked grin. Shi Ailin turned back to face Li Biyu with a smile. "In a situation like this, I appear to be helpless, but I have friends, and I think you have no one but your empty threats."     

Li Biyu crossed her arms. "I can ruin his family in an instant."     

"Then you're no better than my family," Shi Ailin countered.     

Shi Yen, Yuan Shun, and Fang Qi had come from behind Li Biyu. Fang Qi had gone to distract the guests as Yuan Shun took a step forward. "I think even you know that the Banks of this country are very powerful. If you don't destroy the evidence, then I will do everything I can to undo your father's influence," Yuan Shun said. Li Biyu shuddered slightly.      

Shi Yen stepped next to him. "And did you forget that we have policemen, firemen, military men that are from the Underworld? One word from us," she whispered and ran a thumb across her throat. "And your dear parents are gone."       

Li Biyu's eyes widened, clenching her jaw. "You wouldn't! You will all be ruined! I will make sure of it."     

Shi Yen's spider smile widened. "I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. His name is Long Jie," she gestured to him as he took a step forward. "He runs a conglomerate with ties to many people. He's particularly known for technology."     

Long Jie's face was cold and unforgiving as he faced Li Biyu. "Unfortunately, Miss Li, I've already tapped into your networks, and I asked a few of my men to plant some bugs into your technology. Sorry, we let ourselves into your home. Your supposed evidence is gone, except for what's saved on your phone."     

Li Biyu held onto her phone, suddenly being protective of it. "You won't win!"     

Shi Yen took another step forward, looking as if the devil unleashed herself. "I have a few friends that are with your father right now," she said. "They're playing poker in his home. It'd be a shame to give them my signal."     

"You're evil!" Li Biyu began to cry.     

Shi Yen chuckled. "I am," she admitted. "I'm sorry it has come to this. I am protecting a lot of my friends and their families. It's my only resort since you plan to hurt them."     

"What do you want?" she asked.     

"Leave Shi Ailin, Luo Wanting, and the rest of us alone. And give me your phone."     

Li Biyu shoved the phone onto Shi Yen, and she stormed out. Shi Yen watched her retreating figure before she turned to face the others, sighing. "Glad that's over."     

Shi Ailin smiled. She went up to hug Shi Yen. "Oh, thank you, Yenni. That was really cool. You even pretended to threaten her family so that she could leave us alone. I never expected it!"     

Shi Yen showed her a grim smile, ruffling her younger sister's hair. How innocent, Shi Yen thought. Sometimes older siblings had to take cruel measures just to protect those who are most precious to them, and she wasn't faking the threat.     

"Now go get your man," Shi Yen said. "You stood up for yourself and him. You're strong, Ai."     

Shi Ailin held back her tears. "Thank you," she said, turning and running into Luo Wanting's arms.     

Shi Yen turned around to face Long Jie and Yuan Shun, who knew what to do with one look from her eyes. Shi Ailin still didn't know, and she didn't want them to give anything away.     

"Thank you, Mr. Long, for your help," she told the head of the dragon organization.     

"Anytime. Miss—Mrs. Yuan."     

Shi Yen bowed her head in gratitude before she grasped Yuan Shun, the tension relieving from her shoulders. He massaged them as she glanced around, and luckily not many people paid attention to what was going on as Fang Qi distracted the audience.     

Someone then came to their side. "Uncle," Shi Yen greeted with a smile.     

Shi Ma approached them. "I'm sorry it seemed you were occupied with people that I didn't have the chance to congratulate you on your marriage with Mr. Yuan. It was certainly unexpected."     

Shi Yen recalled that her uncle disapproved of Yuan Shun. "I know it was sudden," she replied. "But it's best for the company."     

"I understand," Shi Ma said. "Congratulations to you both." He hugged Shi Yen before he shook hands with Yuan Shun firmly.     

After he left, Yuan Shun slipped his hand over Shi Yen's waist. "Well, wife. Care to have some fun?"     

Shi Yen grinned at him. "I'd love to," she replied.     


Luo Wanting took Shi Ailin to his car, hastily kissing her on the front seats. "You were brilliant," he said, pecking her mouth. "You were so lovely."     

Shi Ailin smiled against his mouth. "Wanting…" she said.     

"Yes?" he asked, looking into her walnut eyes.     

"I told Tian about how I feel about you," she flushed.     

Luo Wanting smiled. "And how do you feel about me?"     

Shi Ailin glanced away for a moment before turning back. "I want you," she said.     

Luo Wanting grinned sheepishly. He ran a thumb over her face. "I'll take very good care of you, princess," he said and kissed her before starting the car, driving on their way to the Shi Estate.     

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