Something Beautiful and Wicked

The Last Wish (2): 18+

The Last Wish (2): 18+



Luo Wanting held onto Shi Ailin as he mounted her gently.     

He kissed her, lowering his frame. Shi Ailin grabbed onto his shoulders, sliding her hands up the column of his neck as Luo Wanting's lips claimed her.     

He stopped to gaze down at her, taking a strand of her chestnut hair to toy with gently.     

His hands then trailed down to tweak the peak of her breasts. She moaned, stifling the sound with her hand.     

Luo Wanting then reached down to spread her legs, positioning himself.     

Instead of immediately entering her, he teased her by grinding his cock against her entrance. Shi Ailin instinctively dug her nails into his shoulders, quaking from his gentle torment and play.     

He huffed a laugh as he lifted her legs, sliding into her inch by inch, feeling her slickness take him in. Luo Wanting shuddered. For a time, he just stayed still, leaving one eye open to watch Shi Ailin. She gritted her teeth while she adjusted to his size, but her arms clung onto him.     

Luo Wanting smiled. He clenched his jaw as he moved out to pistol back in. He grabbed the sheets on each side of her, driving himself in and out of her slow. He looked down to see Shi Ailin lower her eyes, watching their intimate parts make love.     

Luo Wanting felt her squeeze and tighten around him.     

"Ai," he breathed.     

She looked at him with glossy eyes filled with love and trust.      

"Are you all right?" He questioned.     

"Yes," she answered. The pain had already begun to recede. "I'm fine," she kissed him. "You don't have to hold back." Shi Ailin could see how much he control he was exerting. He didn't want to hurt her, but he was also moving torturously slow.     

Shi Ailin bucked her hips, and Luo Wanting groaned.     

"Ai," he breathed again, rocking his hips against her, harder and faster. "Ai. Ai. Ai," he repeated. He moaned against her ear, and Shi Ailin had never felt, never known this type of pleasure before. It was different than when he ate her out. She was being filled, not knowing she was empty in the first place.      

Luo Wanting paused in between to cup her face and kiss her, moving slow and then fast again. He took his time, helping her adjust to him, and when she was ready, he moved quickly without stopping. He held her hips, thrusting and plunging inside her. Shi Ailin gasped, moaning aloud, clinging onto him hard. It felt so good.     

They were connected in every way, and Shi Ailin knew that Luo Wanting was hers, and she wanted no one else.     

Luo Wanting groaned as he climaxed. His sounds were deep and husk, primal. He breathed out heavy, and Shi Ailin echoed the sound. They gazed into each other's eyes, sweat gleaming down their brows.     

She hugged him, and Luo Wanting wondered why she was embracing him. But, instead of questioning it, he held onto her.     

After they finished, Luo Wanting pulled out, his cum spilling down Shi Ailin's thigh. He stood up to get some cloths, realizing that they were not using any contraceptives. And while they had been at it, he didn't have the time or the strength to withdraw.     

He returned, quickly cleaning them up. Luo Wanting then collapsed next to her, feeling down, despite his high spirits.     

"I'm sorry," he said.     

Shi Ailin flipped on her side, facing him. Her brow rose, "What are you sorry for?"     

"I came inside you and quickly too. I tried to take my time so that you can feel good."      

Shi Ailin smiled. She cupped his cheek with one of her hands, dragging it across his jaw, trailing up to his hair, taking a silver strand of his hair. "It felt good. I promise," she assured him, "besides. I think it's cute that you can't hold it in." She winked.     

Luo Wanting loved her. It was unbelievable that she was his. He was so sure that she would have hated who he was and what he was. He was everything she didn't want, and yet, she was right next to him, playing with his hair post-sex.     

Luo Wanting gathered Shi Ailin in his arms, and they kissed for a very long time. When he was ready, he said, "The second time won't hurt as much."     

Shi Ailin nodded. "I heard as much," she responded. "But this time, I want you to grant me my last wish."     

Luo Wanting arched a brow, wondering what she meant until he remembered. Smoke, drink, and fuck, she once said.     

There was a slight difference between love-making and fucking, but it was still sex, and sometimes they both intertwined. It could be gentle and slow, gradually becoming hot and fast. That's what they did earlier, and that's what they'd do again; only now, Luo Wanting would be slightly rougher this time than the last.     

He kissed her. "I'm honoured to take every item off," he said.     

Shi Ailin giggled. "Then we should make another list," she replied as he kissed down her neck.     

"What would you like to add?" he questioned, lifting her chin to face him.     

Shi Ailin smirked. "I want to think long about it," she replied. "But they won't be difficult to accomplish."     

Luo Wanting crashed his lips onto hers. "Good," he said. He then lifted her legs to accommodate his length. He drove himself inside her gently, burying deep inside her pussy. She moaned as he kept thrusting in and out. "Ai. I want you to buck your hips every time I thrust," he said to her.     

Shi Ailin listened. On every thrust, she bucked her hips and slapped against him. "Oh. OH," she said, feeling everything more intensely. She now understood why he instructed her to do this. While Luo Wanting fucked her, she was fucking him back—they were wrestling.      

Luo Wanting went faster, and Shi Ailin grabbed onto his arms, moving her hips, feeling every stroke. She titled her head back, gasping out harsh moans. She began to curse filthily, followed by chanting his name, "Wanting! Wanting! Wanting!"     

The sex was incredible. Earth-shattering.      

This round was painless and intoxicating.     

Shi Ailin felt him lift her over his lap, and she began to roll her hips. His arms wrapped around her tightly. She squeezed around him, fucking the shit out of each other.     

Shi Ailin felt that feeling again, the writhing, the climax convulsing out of her body. "Ahhhhh!" She cried out as she came. Luo Wanting responded but shutting his eyes, his peak following right after. She heard him bark a "fuck" during his release.     

Shi Ailin went limp in his arms, and he caught her. She then leaned over his shoulder, sweat-slick, breathing in his scent. She felt Luo Wanting brush her hair from her sweaty brows, and he kissed her tenderly on the forehead. She could have sworn she heard him whisper, "I love you," but she must have dreamt it as she fell asleep.     

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