Something Beautiful and Wicked

Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight

A few hours earlier:     

Shi Ailin finished her work in the late evening; the afternoon sky had sunk, replaced with lighting from the lampposts and stars. She had lost track of time, but Luo Wanting insisted that he'd pick her up, regardless of how late it was.     

He waited for her in the parking lot, and she noticed the streets beyond were deserted. She supposed that there would be no delay on the way home, which made staying back worth it. She had been so busy, and she refused to fall behind. She remembered that Shi Yen used to come home so late that she would have a few hours rest before she began the new day. It was admirable.     

Shi Ailin was determined to get better, to stand on her own without falling out.     

She went inside the car, greeting Luo Wanting as usual. He started the car, asking about her day. Shi Ailin obliged him, recapitulating her day with details from the start of the morning towards the end.     

On their way home, they entered a narrow road, surrounded by thick trees, plains, and farmer's markets. It was a shorter route they took every night and morning to avoid the on-going city traffic. The markets were closed. Not many people were seen, save for the few people that staggered outside from a drunk start of the night.     

Shi Ailin turned up the heat in the car as she felt the night chill. When her eyes glanced up, she had no time to warn Luo Wanting of the person that had run in front of their car.     

Luo Wanting swerved, drifting out the way, losing control. The sound of the tires trying to come to a halt made a loud screeching sound, but the car began to ride down a slope—a long and wide ditch—until they crashed right into an enormous old tree.     

Both of their bodies propelled forward, held back forcefully by their seatbelts. The airbags punctured through, hitting Shi Ailin right in the face. The car went still. Her head went dizzy—fear seized hold of her body. She groaned, trying to calm down the pounding that coursed through her body. She ached all over, but she was able to move.     

Shi Ailin glanced over at the driver's seat, her head splitting in pain. Her eyes widened at the sight of Luo Wanting's face planted on the inflated airbag. Shi Ailin squeezed her arm through, pushing his body back against the seat; blood trickled down his titled head. "Wanting…" her voice trembled.     

He didn't stir. He was wholly unconscious. The side of his car hit the tree harder than hers. He most likely kept serving the car until they hit a spot where she can face less of an impact than him. Tears stung her eyes.     

Help—she had to get help.      

"Where is it?" she said, looking for her phone, her frustration growing. "Where is it?"     

She found it crushed between the seats, the screen shattered and unresponsive.      

Her whole body trembled from shock. She tossed it and forced her hand to move towards the door handle. She fumbled with it until the door flew open. Instead of stepping out, she tumbled out of the car and fell on the grass.     

She retched at the side, puking out the dinner she had in the office, but she stood, wiping her mouth. She had to keep going—keep moving. Her hands and knees were stained with dirt and blood, but there was no way she was going to stay. Most likely, no one saw the crash, and if she lingered around, help wouldn't come—and what would happen to Luo Wanting? She didn't want to think about it.     

She trudged up the same slope the car slid down. Each step was heavy and painful, milking all the energy out of her body to move forward. She saw some light up ahead, making her way to get some help.     

She paused, remembering a lesson her father once gave to her: 'Don't immediately run towards the first person you see when searching for help.'      

'Why not?' she asked.     

'Because that person most likely is your enemy. Observe your surroundings, even in the state of shock.'     

Shi Ailin recalled his words. She saw someone in the distance, wearing dark clothing. He was watching her, but why wasn't he coming to her aid? It was almost as if he was waiting for her to go to him. He was standing behind a black van, and she knew immediately what it was.     

Her hands clenched. So this was a planned attack? But what did they want? Were they after Luo Wanting? What is going on? Regardless, she wouldn't let anything happen to him. She wanted that man to get as far away from Luo Wanting as much as possible. She began to walk a different direction, trying not to limp.     

She was going to pretend that she didn't see him. She would try to find more trees and hide beneath its shadows. She would not run; otherwise, it would give away what she knew. She would allow him to follow her—so long as it's away from Luo Wanting.     

She continued to take her path, her heart tightening in fear. She took deep breaths, trying to get farther away. The man who watched her hopped into his car and slammed the door. The van moved up the road, towards the direction she was walking. She briefly closed and opened her eyes, and the fear vanished.     

She hurried into the shadows, swallowed by darkness. Her eyes adjusted, trying to see through the thickets of branches and small ditches that would hinder her path. She noticed the man had come out of the car.     

He appeared to be panicked for losing her. Shi Ailin then realized that he was after her, and for what?     

She kept going, trying to get through with her other senses—smell, touch, and hearing. She managed to get far enough that he wasn't able to tail her. She then turned a corner, not noticing the thick, fallen tree that tripped her. She toppled over, the branches stabbing into her skin, but not protruding through it.     

She bit down a cry, standing up again, but she felt someone's form seize her. She froze, trembling against an unfamiliar touch. There were two more of them that had likely come from a different path—and they were most likely the companions of the driver.     

"You were a difficult chase," said one of them, "but you were never going to escape."     

The man then stifled a scream, wrapping a cloth around her mouth, placing a sack over her head. His friend seized her feet, and they both carried her and threw her into the back of the van. She crashed into the back, unable to see, bound by bonds.     

She heard all of their voices as the driver sped off.     

Though she was terrified, Shi Ailin felt some relief. Luo Wanting wasn't with them. They didn't want him. She succeeded in giving him a chance, and whatever was going to happen, she was going to fight and return to him.     

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