Something Beautiful and Wicked

Gathering Information (1)

Gathering Information (1)

Warning: Explicit sexual language      


Luo Wanting and Shi Ailin finished walking down the seemingly endless halls, stopping at a halt in front of a red steel door. She could hear and feel the low vibration of music coming from the other side.      

"What should I do?" she asked him.      

"Keep to my side. Act like you've been to places like this before, and pay attention," he instructed, low.      

Shi Ailin sucked in a sharp breath. She straightened, evening out her spine and shoulders as Luo Wanting knocked, and two large, well-dressed men answered the door. They swiped the bottle of alcohol from his hand and poured it in glasses, giving it to them. Both of them accepted the drinks while keeping their arms locked as the men allowed them through maroon-velvet curtains.      

Stepping inside the secret club, Shi Ailin wondered how they managed to build something so big underground. It was dark, save for the posted red lights on the ceilings, outlining the halls. There were was a dance floor, gambling tables, and many booths and rooms, others covered with the same maroon-velvet curtains.      

Shi Ailin tried not to stare; she tried to keep her expression neutral, concealing her awe and wonderment.      

She also pretended not to notice the incessant sighs and moans coming from every direction, and she avoided meeting anyone's gaze.      

"Is this safe to drink?" Shi Ailin asked.      

"It's safe," Luo Wanting replied, "but don't consume too much of it at once. It's not like we can't drink it; it would make us look suspicious."     

Shi Ailin swallowed hard. She then took a casual, elegant sip, as they kept walking down a hall.      

A man, who was at the end of it, sauntered towards them, pointing with at them while wearing a smirk. He shouted, "The Scorpion Prince!"      

Luo Wanting withdrew his arm from her but remained close.      

Shi Ailin glanced around, but no one was paying attention to them. He smiled and laughed heartedly as he approached him, giving Luo Wanting a full-embrace. The man then glanced at Shi Ailin with a low-lidded, sensual gaze. He pulled away from Luo Wanting and said, "Who's this?"     

"She's mine," Luo Wanting responded sharply.      

The man had dark hair as black as midnight, and he had shimmering jade-green eyes. He wore a dark and loose, half-unbuttoned and transparent shirt, revealing the hard lines of his midriff and pectorals. There was a silver-chain necklace hanging loose around his neck, and his fingers were adorned with rings and jewels.      

He took her hand and bowed to press a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "They call me the Prince of Pleasure," he said, introducing himself with a pleasant and charming smile. "Welcome to my domain, princess."      

Shi Ailin feigned a coquettish smile. "Hello," she greeted him coyly.      

His smile widened. "What's your name?"     

Something she knew well was not to trust people easily, even if they seemed slightly harmless.      

"Ai," she told him.      

"Love," he replied in English. "A beautiful and fitting name, love."      

"Thank you," she replied.      

The prince of pleasure then turned to face Luo Wanting. "It's been a long time, and you two must have come far away, come along now," he told them.      

Luo Wanting and Shi Ailin followed him back down the hall until the prince of pleasure swiped curtains aside from a large booth. There were two women inside, who looked delighted to see him again. He kissed them both, sliding in between them, and Shi Ailin and Luo Wanting scooted on the other side of the booth.      

The prince of pleasure began to flirt with his companions. He complimented each of them, kissing them more. Shi Ailin unconsciously rolled her eyes, and his intense gaze collided with hers.      

Crap, she thought. She smoothed out her expression, trying to compose herself again.      

He pulled away from the women slightly, but they kept their hands on him, sliding against his thighs, chest, his back, and neck.      

"Have you two tried out any of the rooms?" He asked them, refilling their glasses to the rim with the same brand of alcohol that Luo Wanting purchased earlier.      

Luo Wanting drank it and his expression was unreadable. "We've just arrived," he told him. "We didn't have time to check out your humble domain."      

The prince of pleasure smiled. He then leaned forward, staring at Shi Ailin. "Have you been to one of these secret clubs?" he questioned her.      

She shifted. "Nothing as eccentric as your fine establishment," she lied.      

The man lifted a brow. "Indeed," he said, "There isn't a finer establishment than my domain. Here, we dance until our feet grow bone-tired; here we drink, and we gamble until we're dead broke or rich as hell." His voice grew soft. "Here, we release all of our sexual pleasures and deepest desires with the best lovers and most willing partners."      

Shi Ailin's face inflamed. "Why does sex mean so much to you?" she couldn't help but ask.      

He flashed a silverware smile and huffed a laugh. He looked at her as if she was a little lamb who entered the Wolf's den. "Why must we limit our sexual desire to one person, to one gender?" He glanced at Luo Wanting, and then he looked back at her. "I firmly believe that we shouldn't restrain ourselves from finding the best finishes. After all, it gets rather boring being with one person. Don't you think?"      

Shi Ailin didn't believe that. Her lips curved upward. "You'd be surprised by how much pleasure one person can give you," she said.      

The prince grinned. He was so close that it felt like they were sharing breath, and she didn't find herself pulling away. Her body shivered and felt hot with need.      

Was this the effect of the drink?     

She quickly glanced at Luo Wanting, and he looked affected by it, too.      

The prince of pleasure grabbed her hand. "Why don't you try it with me?"     

Her breath caught. "I can't and won't ever cheat on my boyfriend," she said firmly, but her body burned and itched for contact.      

"Oh no, darling," he whispered. "I meant the three of us. Together."      

Shi Ailin shuddered so hard that she nearly sighed. A threesome with Luo Wanting and this gorgeous man? She thought momentarily. She then pinched her thigh abruptly. What was she thinking? She wanted to slap herself awake.      

"I'm sorry," she replied. "I don't like to share." She meant it.      

The prince pulled away. He laughed. "That's a shame. I would have loved to entangle with the two most beautiful people I've ever seen."      

"I bet you say that to all your guests," she replied.      

"Not at all," he replied, and she almost believed it.      

He then leaned back lazily, the women entwining their arms around him.      

"Why have you two come here, then?" he asked.      

Luo Wanting gazed at Shi Ailin hungrily, and she realized he wanted her to speak.      

"I need information," she said. "I know there's more to you than just sex."      

He laughed. "You're perceptive," he said. He then whispered to his ladies; they blushed and laughed, and then they left the three of them alone.      

His expression changed when they were gone. He looked serious, nothing like the flirtatious and charming man he was before.      

"What are you looking for?"     

"I want to know something in regards to two people, Shi Yan and his wife, Cai Chyou."      

"Ah, the Lord Emperor and Lady Empress of the Black society," he said. "Or should I say, former. I heard there's another. But, yes, I recall them."      

Her eyes widened. "Really?" she asked. "Have they come here? Do you know where they went?"     

He looked at her, his eyes narrowed. "Why are you asking?"      

Shi Ailin gulped. "I am a friend of theirs."      

He didn't believe her. "Last I remember, those who were looking for them wanted them dead."      

She shut her eyes and opened them. "I know," she said. "And I was wondering if you know anything about them, dead or alive."      

"Indeed," he said. "They did a favour for me. I did a favour for them. But I was told not to tell a soul about where they've gone."      

"Have people come to you before, asking you about them?"     

"Yes," he replied.      

"And what have you told them?"      

"Well, I lied and said I didn't have a clue."      

"Then, why aren't you lying to me?"     

He leaned forward. "Because I know who you are," he said.      

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