Something Beautiful and Wicked

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After a few days of recovering, Shi Yen felt a hollow ache in her chest. She sent everyone home since the constant pampering and attention suffocated her. Yuan Shun had gone to get her some clothes and essentials before she got discharged.      

She decided to rise out of bed—fully capable of walking—to get some air. She told the nurses that she was going for a walk before she left. And then she wandered down the halls until she found a small, empty courtyard.      

She stepped outside, feeling the cool breeze caress her face and the locks of her long dark hair.      

She sucked in a sharp breath as she moved towards a bench to take a seat.      

She couldn't stop thinking about her parents, about the answers she still didn't have. She pondered over it. Shi Ma was dead, but she didn't feel any satisfaction from it.      

She dreamt of them before her friends hauled her to the hospital. She dreamt of them while the doctors corrected her shoulder as she was deep asleep. She couldn't stop wrapping her mind around it.      

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening and closing. Shi Yen didn't pay attention until someone sat down next to her.      

She turned to see Wu Genji, who pulled out a cigarette pack from her thin jacket pocket.      

"Want one?" she asked.      

"No, thank you," Shi Yen responded.      

Wu Genji then put the stick in her mouth, lighting it. She took a deep drag as if it somehow relieved her.      

"I thought you wouldn't be able to leave your bed," Shi Yen inquired.      

"I needed to get away," Wu Genji replied as she sat back lazily.      

With the natural outdoor lighting, Shi Yen was able to get a good look at the tiger queen. Wu Genji had long, dark-blue hair with black roots. She swept her hair across one side, which covered one of her amber eyes. She still wore her hospital gown, but she laced her feet with stylish knee-length boots. She had multiple piercings on her ears, and a black choker wrapped around her neck. She looked like she was between her and Yuan Shun's age.      

The woman was beautiful, but her expression held despair, and it reminded her of Yuan Ning—hopeless, somber, and cynical. But some parts of this woman reminded her of her past self.      

 "I heard Yuan Ning is your brother-in-law," she said.      

"Yes," Shi Yen answered.      

"Wow," Wu Genji replied with a gentle chuckle. "I had no idea."     

Shi Yen looked out into the distance. "That's because my husband and I had always been rivals before we got married. I don't think anyone would have predicted since our wedding was a secret."      

The woman looked at her, arching a brow. "How does it feel, marrying your rival?" she questioned.      

"We're not rivals anymore," Shi Yen replied, blushing. "But I can say that having a bit of competition is…great for tension."      

Wu Genji widened her eyes, intrigued. "That's good to know."      

Shi Yen huffed a laugh. She didn't understand why she felt like sharing this with Wu Genji. Perhaps because like her, Wu Genji was a queen, a chosen one, a person who had gone through a lot and survived it.      

Wu Genji glanced at her. "You know…I've been with Yuan Ning this past year while he was Emperor…" she began. "I worked with Shi Ma longer, but I didn't want to. He's a manipulative person, but I think you should know that things the 'Emperor' did weren't Ning. He held the title, but a lot of shit went down because of Shi Ma. He was the one who held the true power of the Underworld. He used Yuan Ning because he didn't want to be traced, followed. Yuan Ning sat in the throne, but often some kings and queens have regents, those who fill in their roles when a ruler is deemed unfit. Yuan Ning was fuelled by revenge, so he didn't have the energy to mould the Underworld like the way he wanted to."      

"You were truly there for him the past year?" Shi Yen asked.      

"I was his only safe contact since I was ordered to watch him. For some time, we lived together, and I witnessed how badly he was silently suffering. But when I woke up the other day, the first thing I saw was his face, and he looked happy. I think it was because of you," said Wu Genji. "You saved him."     

Shi Yen shook her head. "Do you know how worried he was about you?" She questioned. "I think in some ways, you saved him with your companionship."      

Wu Genji blushed, letting the cigarette burn in her hand. "Ouch," she said before she crushed it on the ground. She then pushed herself from the bench, holding onto her torso. "I have to go," she said.      

She was about to leave until Shi Yen said, "Wait!"      

Wu Genji paused, still holding onto her torso.      

"I understand that you hated my uncle…but you've worked with him. You've been by his side, and I was wondering…do you know what happened to my parents?"      

Wu Genji took a deep breath, looking up as a flock of birds flew by, the wind caressing her blue-black hair and the folds of her gown.      

"I'm not sure," she said. "Your parents had far more enemies than Shi Ma. Last I heard—without Shi Ma knowing—they jumped off the helicopter and landed in the middle of the sea. I've thought about it…but I'd hate to give you false hope." Wu Genji paused to look at her, realizing that Shi Yen wasn't a frail woman. She could take the information and think about it herself. "Your parents intended to flee, to lay low, knowing the danger and high stakes they faced. Shi Ma then arranged an aircraft for them. I think it was that moment your father found out his brother was a traitor; it confirmed his suspicions. I guess that your father fixed the issue of the aircraft without Shi Ma's knowledge, intending to fake his death. Your parents went on the helicopter, letting it crash but not with them inside it. I think they intended to return to you...but they didn't make it for reasons I do not know."     

Wu Genji paused again. "It's possible they died from some other reason than what everyone else believes. But, also, it's likely that they lived, saved by fishermen, and now they're moving on foot. Perhaps, they don't want to come yet, not when the danger can follow them here—or anywhere—because of who they are."      

Shi Yen widened her eyes, trying to piece what the tiger queen was telling her. Was it possible? Had they been chased, followed? Have they been on the run all these years, going from region to region?     

"Where in the sea do you think they parachuted?" Shi Yen inquired.      

"Near Guangxi province. They were headed for Thailand."     

"So, they're still within the country?"     

"I suppose," Wu Genji said. "If you want to find them, it'd be one hell of a journey, and almost impossible. Who knows where they are at the moment?"     

Shi Yen stood up abruptly. She sauntered towards Wu Genji, grasping her hands. "Thank you," she said.      

Wu Genji was momentarily stunned, watching as Shi Yen walked away quickly, heading back inside the hospital.      

When Shi Yen returned to her room, she found Yuan Shun waiting for her.      

"Where have you been?" He asked her.     

"I went out for a few moments," she responded, trying to push her belongings in an over-night bag. Pain shot through her shoulder, and she instinctively reached out to touch it.      

"Easy," Yuan Shun said. "What's going on?"      

"We need to go home. Call Ailin, Wanting, and the others."      

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