Something Beautiful and Wicked

Wu Genji Was His Future

Wu Genji Was His Future

The days felt long, and Wu Genji found herself bored. She had extra time on her hands now that she had been staying at the Shi-Yuan estate, and she was always left alone, save for the dog, Shizi, who would be quiet company. Canines didn't speak, but her presence had been comforting, and it eased her anxiety.      

Wu Genji had hoped Yuan Ning would invite her to his office, but he seemed always to be consumed with his responsibilities, and she'd only get in the way. She knew that.      

She was laid sprawled on the settee when her phone notified her with a message. It was from Yuan Ning: "I'm coming to pick you up. Be there soon."     

That implied he was going to take her somewhere, but where?     

She didn't hesitate as she quickly washed up and changed. Twenty minutes later and he was there.      

Wu Genji slid into the passenger seat of his car and fastened her seatbelt.      

"Where are you taking me?" she questioned.      

"You'll see," he said as they took off.      


They arrived at the Yuan residence, the old and large family estate, and wondered why they were there.      

She was going to meet his family? Or some of them? Tension strained her spine. She was not good with people from high society. They were all pompous and arrogant, and selfish and unkind. She knew it first hand. She came from one of them.      

She followed Yuan Ning close until they saw two women, one young and another older, waiting for them. They both had fiery red hair; their smiles held warmth that reached their eyes.      

The younger woman ran up to her, clasping her hands around her knuckles. Her smile was wide, as if she was excited. Excited?      

"Hello, my name is Yuan Xinyi. You must be Wu Genji? Big brother told me everything about you," Yuan Xinyi stepped closer and leaned into her ear to whisper, "and I mean everything."      

Wu Genji did not know what she implied but she glanced at Yuan Ning and he attempted to look collected but a slight flush crept on his cheek. Wu Genji looked back at his sister and smiled. "Well I hope they're all good things."     

"Of course," Yuan Xinyi winked. "He never spoke ill of you. I promise. Girl's honour."     

Wu Genji flushed brightly and she felt embarrassed.     

"Enough teasing the poor girl," the older woman said. "I am their mother. Pleasure to meet you."      

"Hello, Mrs. Yuan," Wu Genji replied, bowing her head slightly when she heard a small voice at her side suddenly say, "Wuji?"     

Wu Genji froze.      

"Bao. I had said to wait in the kitchen," Mrs. Yuan said to him softly.      

"I heard Wuji's voice," he little voice responded.      

Wu Genji couldn't believe it. It was almost like a dream. Was she dreaming?     

"Bao?" she turned and called out to him.      

Bao launched himself forward, running up into her arms. Wu Genji caught him, her nephew squeezing her tightly.      

"Aunty Wenji!" he said excitedly.      

"How?" she questioned the others while holding her nephew in her arms.      

"I'll explain it to you later," Yuan Ning caught her eye and said.      

Wu Genji then took her nephew by his little hand, and Mrs. Yuan led them to room for the two of them to have quality time while they idled by.      

Yuan Ning watched them as Wu Genji played games with him and asked him questions. They spent hours until Bao fell asleep on her lap. She was running her fingers through his hair when Yuan Ning sat next to her.      

"You did this for me?" Wu Genji asked him.     

Yuan Ning flushed. "I did."     

"Why?" she questioned softly.      

He took a deep breath. "I thought about how you saved me because you deemed your life unworthy but mines worth living. You said that I had family while you had no one left. But you kept fighting, so I know that wasn't entirely true. You wanted to live for him."      

Wu Genji fought back tears. "Yes. I can't bear to leave him behind. It would have been too cruel."     

"Which is why I spoke to the agency," he said. "My mother will foster him, and he will stay with her until you're able to have custody of him again. You're also allowed to visit him as many times as you want."     

Wu Genji wanted to hug him, but the weight of her sleeping nephew anchored her.      

"He'd be safer here in the hands of my family," Yuan Ning continued. "He can't stay with us. Once your father catches wind that he was taken to another family, he'll come looking for you. But you can play innocent since he wouldn't be with us. Will you be okay with that?"      

Wu Genji nodded. "So long as he's safe."     

"I'll make sure of it," Yuan Ning said.      

She smiled and looked at him so fondly. "I should take Bao to bed."      

"I can help you," he replied.      

He then lifted young Bao from her lap, carrying him up the stairs and into his room. Wu Genji watched as Yuan Ning tucked him in bed gently, propping his head on a pillow. Wu Genji stepped forward, planting a kiss on her nephew's cheek.      

"We can return tomorrow if you'd like," Yuan Ning said.      

"I would like that," she replied. Wu Genji then tiptoed and planted a kiss on Yuan Ning's cheek. "Thank you," she whispered to him, her voice filled with gratitude.      

Yuan Ning looked at her deeply, warmth swelling in his chest. He thought about the time he spoke with the agent when she said he had a few choices: foster him or adopt him.      

The agent told him Wu Genji had no chance of getting him back unless she was married. With the support of a partner, they would consider giving him back to her. Yuan Ning thought of himself immediately. His name, his record could make them a family again. Bao would become a Yuan, and his future would be set with love and education.     

But Yuan Ning wanted to give Wu Genji that choice, so he chose to foster until she was ready, until Wu Genji fell in love with him. And he'd make sure of it since he'd already fallen deep for her. Even though he was afraid to admit it. The idea of loving someone again terrified him but it also felt so natural with her. It made him feel awake—alive. Wu Genji was his future if she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Bao would be their future, too. So, he had to work hard to open her heart.      

Yuan Ning then caught up to Wu Genji as they made their way down, saying their goodnights to his mother and sister before returning to his brother's estate.      

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