Something Beautiful and Wicked

Pure Ecstasy: 18+

Pure Ecstasy: 18+



Luo Wanting led Shi Ailin inside the house. Nianzu and her family had already gone to bed for an early night, leaving the two of them to head back to their room. Luo Wanting snuck kisses against the nape of her neck from behind as they headed up the stairs.     

She giggled.      

"Shhhh," he warned her, turning her chin, capturing her mouth, stifling her laugh.      

Shi Ailin moaned and broke the kiss. "Everyone else is downstairs," she reminded him. "Only guests stay in the upper level."      

Luo Wanting smiled. They dashed into the room, locking the door, dimming the lights.      

They had already washed up before dinner and were dressed in new clothes.     

Luo Wanting placed one hand to Shi Ailin's hip, the other cupping one side of her face, savouring and suckling on her kiss-swollen lips. He peered her mouth open, curling their tongues like a swaying dance.      

Shi Ailin gasped harshly and low against his mouth. He tilted her head, coaxing and teasing her tongue until she opened for him fully, allowing him to swoop in for a deeper, more head-dizzying kiss.      

He moved forward as Shi Ailin moved back, collapsing on the bed beneath him. Luo Wanting sank against her, kissing, touching.      

Shi Ailin placed a hand to his lower back, reaching underneath his shirt, running smooth circles. He shuddered, and she smiled.      

He stood to remove his shirt over his head. Shi Ailin appreciated the view from below. She then reached out to touch his powerful biceps, his sculpted torso, his broad chest. Her fingers explored and experimented, and wherever she touched, his eyes followed and darkened.      

Luo Wanting bent down to capture her mouth, kissing her hard. He reached for the hem of her housedress from the knees, pulling it gently over her head. He kissed her navel, suckling on her skin, making his way to her inner thighs. She arched her back against the bed, moaning. He pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, and he knelt in front of her.      

Shi Ailin gasped as she felt him slide her underwear from her legs, slightly intruding the folds of her flesh with his tongue right after. He grabbed her thighs, pushing him them far back until it was nearly hovering over on each side of her head. He was feasting on her—devouring.      

The sensations were too much. Shi Ailin squirmed, gasping for air. She clenched against his mouth, her thighs clamping.      

He then pulled away, his face the same colour as her flushed skin. Luo Wanting discarded what he wore below his waist, and Shi Ailin sat up on the edge of the bed. She took his bobbing length in her hand, wrapping it around delicately. She kissed the tip as if it was his lips and not his cock.      

She teased and played, and he roused in her mouth. She flushed, her expression embarrassed. Luo Wanting looked down at her, his mouth curving upward.      

She then stopped to lie against the bed again, spreading her legs open. Her flush deepened.      

Luo Wanting leaned over her, his shaft grinding against her entrance. He kissed her, his tongue dancing with hers again.      

He moved down to kiss her chin, the hollow point of her neck. "You're so radiant," he whispered.      

Shi Ailin responded by imprisoning him with her arms and legs wrapping around his body, locking him in place.     

"I love you," she whispered meaningfully. Luo Wanting's eyes widened, almost in shock even though she's told him before. It's almost as if he still couldn't believe it. He smiled. "You don't understand how much I adore you, princess, my love."     

Embarrassed and blushing, she said softly, "I want you to do me like that night we let loose and indulged ourselves. It made me feel like you were holding back the other times we were together."      

Luo Wanting's eyes darkened. The thing that nudged between her hips hardened. He kissed her. "I've never held back with you," he assured her. "But that doesn't mean there isn't more I would like to try. I've been waiting for you to take the initiative, Ai." Luo Wanting meant it when he took one her wrists, kissing over her pulse.      

Shi Ailin bit her lower lip, cupping one side of his face. She looked into his eyes. "I understand you want to be gentle, but it doesn't always have to be like that," she blushed. "You can be honest with me," she said, kissing the side of his mouth. "You can be rough," she kissed his cheek. "Just stay with me."      

"I can do that," Luo Wanting said, shuddering as he sank inside her suddenly. Her breath hitched.      

Shi Ailin arched as she felt the slow and shallow thrusts he made, dropping his hips against hers. Her wet and slick muscles clenched around him, and he groaned slowly making love to her.      

He paused to kiss the swell of her breast, lapping the tip gently with tongue and teeth.      

Luo Wanting then reached down to angle her hips, re-adjusting their position. He pulled her toward the edge of the bed, and he stood. He held onto her hips, withdrawing and entering, driving himself into her, into pure ecstasy.      

Shi Ailin squirmed as he went fast and deep, making sounds as their bodies slapped against each other.      

He angled her hips again, and she writhed in pleasure and delirium. She nearly screamed, grasping onto his hair, short and silver beneath her fingertips, and Luo Wanting thought he hurt her. "Like that," she told him, reading his expression. "Right there. Keep going," her voice was hoarse, hot, and desperate.      

He thrust again, and she released a cry of gratification. She urged him to keep hitting that spot with the glassy glint of her eyes. He did. Again, again, and again, Luo Wanting caressed and stroked her slippery muscles, and her flesh tightened and embraced him back, following the ever-so familiar rhythmic pattern of fucking.     

"I'm going to—" Shi Ailin said, and couldn't finish, but Luo Wanting felt the warm clasping of her orgasm around his cock.      

When her climax ended, a new one began when he flipped positions. Shi Ailin grabbed the headboard of the bed as Luo Wanting took her from behind. She had her entire backside arched and opened for him.      

She bit on her lower lip as she felt his pelvis slapping against her rear. He had a hand gripped hard on each of her love handles, stroking and coaxing her pussy with his cock, and Shi Ailin couldn't tell when one orgasm began and ended. He was passionate, incessant, rough yet harmless as he gave her an equal amount of control. When he thrust, she moved back—it was two-sided.      

They both tried out different positions on the bed, and when it got too loud, the carpeted floor didn't betray them the way the bedsprings did. Luo Wanting came hard, again, when he felt her shatter beneath him.      

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